2.4 Inflation Flashcards
What is the definition of inflation ?
inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the average price level of an economy over a given period of time
- inflation means that the purchasing power of money falls over time.
What is the definition of deflation ?
deflation is defined as a sustained decrease in the average price level of an economy over a given period of time
What is the inflation rate ?
inflation rate is the percentage change in the average price level over a given period of time
Inflation is indicated by +rate
Deflation is indicated by -rate
What is disinflation ?
disinflation means a fall in the rate of inflation, the price level is increasing but at a slower rate over time
What is hyper inflation ?
hyperinflation means a very high rate of inflation; prices are increasing so fast there is a severe loss of confidence in the value of money
Hyperinflation inflation: 50% a month, meaning 13,000% annually
How is inflation measured ?
- the CPIH is the consumer prices index including owner occupiers housing costs
- the CPIH and CPI are based on consumer prices and the price of a representative basket of goods/services for a typical UK households, these price indices are weighted to certain G/S
- prices of the goods and services are taken from the result of family expenditure survey
How to calculate the inflation rate ?
**inflation rate% = ((index value in a given year - index value in previous year)/ index value previous year) x 100 **
- usually calculated year on year
What are CPIH and OOH ?
- OOH costs are the costs of housing services associated with owning, maintaining and living in one’s home
- this is useful since these represent a large proportion of consumption expenditure
comparing measures of inflation
What are the problems in measuring inflation ?
- the basket may not be fully representative for any specific households, difficult to judge typical household
- changing technology can make it difficult to accurately calculate change in the price level
- time lags In inflation calculations
- difficult to account for increasing quality
- shrinkflation: changing the size of products rather than the price could cause issues.
- not comparable due to many different measures of inflation