23CCR Ch16 Art 2 Flashcards
What is the intent of the regulations of Chap 16, Title 23 CCR?
To protect the waters of the state from the release of hazardous substances from USTs.
What do the regulations of Chap. 16 23 CCR establish?
- New UST construction requirements.
- Separate monitoring requirements for new and existing USTs.
- Requirements for unauthorized release reporting and for repair, upgrade, and closure of USTs.
If the owner of the UST system is not the operator, what must be done?
The owner shall enter into a written contract with the operator requiring the operator to monitor the underground storage tank; maintain appropriate records; and implement reporting procedures as required by any applicable permit.
Who’s responsible for ensuring that the UST system is repaired, upgraded or closed according to the regs?
Both the owner and operator of the UST system are responsible for this.
Who is responsible for implementing these regulations?
The County in both incorporated and unincorporated areas.
Who else has the option of implementing these regulations besides the County?
A city may, by ordinance, assume the responsibility for implementing the provisions of this chapter within its boundaries in accordance with section 25283 of the Health and Safety Code.
Owners and operators of NEW USTs shall comply with what?
They must meet the construction & monitoring requirements of Article 3 (new USTs), or the monitoring requirements requirements of Article 4 (EXISTING USTs).
Do owners and operators of EXISTING USTs always have to follow the monitoring requirements of Article 4?
No. Owners and operators of EXISTING USTs that meet the construction and monitoring requirements of Article 3 may be issued operating permits pursuant to the requirements of Article 3 in lieu of the requirements of Article 4.
What requirements are found in Article 5?
Release reporting requirements
What requirements are found in Article 6?
Repair and upgrade
What requirements are found in Article 7?
Closure requirements.
What requirements are found in Article 10?
UST operating permit requirements.
What requirements are found in Article 11?
Corrective action requirements.
2621 (a)
First 3 exemptions to these regs?
(1) A farm tank.
(2) A heating oil tank.
(3) A hydraulic lift tank in accordance with section 25281(y) of the Health and Safety Code.
2621 (a)
Exemptions 4 through 6 (from these regs)?
(4) A liquefied petroleum gas tank.
(5) A liquid asphalt tank.
(6) A septic tank.
2621 (a)
Exemptions 7 through 9 (from these regs)?
(7) A sump, pit, pond, or lagoon.
(8) A wastewater treatment tank except a tank which is part of an underground storage tank system.
(9) A pipeline located in a refinery or in an oil field unless the pipeline is connected to a UST.
2621 (a)
Exemptions 10 through 12 (from these regs)?
(10) Storm water or wastewater collection systems.
(11) Tanks containing radioactive material such as spent fuel pools, radioactive waste storage tanks, and similar tanks under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC 2011) and following.
(12) An emergency containment tank kept empty to receive accidental spills and approved for such use by the appropriate local agency.
2621 (a)
Exemptions 13 & 14 (from these regs)?
(13) Drums located in basements and which contain 55 gallons or less of a hazardous substance.
(14) Underground storage tanks containing hazardous wastes as defined in Section 25316 of the Health and Safety Code if the person owning or operating the underground storage tank has been issued a hazardous waste facilities permit for the underground storage tank by the Department of Toxic Substances Control
pursuant to section 25200 of the Health and Safety Code or granted interim status under section 25200.5 of the Health and Safety Code.
Exemptions 15 & 16 (from these regs)?
(15) A tank and associated piping located in a vault or basement and which meets the requirements of
section 25283.5 of the Health and Safety Code.
(16) Any structure specifically exempted by section 25281(y) of the Health and Safety Code.
What do you consider sumps that are part of a UST monitoring system required under Article 3?
They are considered part of the secondary containment or leak detection system of the primary containment. They therefore must meet the appropriate construction requirements.
If the owner of a farm tank, heating oil tank, or any other tank that is exempt due to its current use want to make changes that will result in the UST being subject to regulation, what must the owner do?
The owner must obtain a valid operating permit for the UST prior to making any such changes.