2.3.2 Algorithms for the main data structures Flashcards
. LIFO Data structure
. Often implemented as an array
. Use a single pointer which keeps track of the top of the stack (called the top pointer)
. points to the element which is currently at the top of the stack
. is initialised at -1, as the first element in the stack is in poisiton
Stack algorithms
Algorithms for stacks include adding to stack, removing from the and checking if the stack is empty or full
FIFO data structure
. Just like stacks, queues are often represented in arrays
. Unlike stacks, queues make use of two pointers
. Front holds the position of the first element
. Back stores the next available space
. Operations which can be carried out on queues are similar to those of stacks
Linked lists
. Comprised of nodes, each of which has a pointer to the next item in the list
. If a node is referred to as N, the next node can be accessed using N.next
. The first item in a list is referred to the head and the last as a tail
. Searching a list is used using a linear search
. Carried out by sequential next operations until the desired element is found
. Formed from nodes and edges
. Cannot contain cycles
. Edges are not directed
. Useful as a data structure because trees can be traversed
. There are two types of traversal to cover, depth in (post order) and breadth first
. Both can be implemented recursively
Depth first traversal
Depth first traversal
. Goes as far into the tree before backtracking
. Uses a stack and goes to the left child node of the current node when it can
. If there is no left child then it goes to the right
. If there are no child nodes, the algorithm visits the current node, outputting the value of this node
. It then backtracks to the next node on the stack and moves right
Breadth first traversal
Starting from the left, breadth-first visits all of the children of the start node
. The algorithm then visits all nodes directly connected to each of those nodes in turn, continuing until every node has been visited
. Unlike depth first traversal (which uses a stack) breadth first uses a queue