2.31, Political Parties, 6 markers Flashcards
Explain what is meant by a political party
A political party is a group of like-minded individuals who seek to realise their shared goals by fielding candidates at elections and securing election to public office
They have 5 roles:
1. Representation
2. Political engagement + participation
3. Political recruitment
4. Policy formulation
5. Stable government
Different types of political parties:
1. Mainstream- Cons= emerged from Tory group, Labour= TU, Liberal Democrats= Liberals + Social Democratic Party merge
2. Nationalist parties- nurture the shared identity of those indigenous to a certain geographical location. E.g. SNP, The Party of Cornwall, Plaid Cymru, British National Party (all indigenous people)
3. Single issue party- Green Party, UKIP, ProLife Alliance on Abortion
Explain features of the Conservative Party
Emerged from Tory group in 1830s
Different forms of Conservatism:
ONE-NATION Conservatives
- Slow, gradual change- ‘evolution’ not ‘revolution’
- Keynesian economic approach
- Support for welfare state
- 1970s + 1980s- rise
Dubbed the ‘new right’
Thatcher and Regan key figures in this movement
- Privatisation
- Deregulation
- Limits on TU
- Limited welfare state
- Reducing government intervention (‘rolling back the frontiers of the state’)
Thatcher referred to those not willing to sign up to this as “Wets”, while those who did were “dry”, very loyal= “ultra dry”
Conservatives under Cameron
- Cameron called ‘heir to Blair’
- Wanted to fix ‘Broken Britain’
- Tried diverting party away from controversial issues like Brexit
Explain the main features of Labour
Formed out of success for TU + Independent Labour Party
- Focused on socialism
- ‘governing on behalf of the many rather than the few’
- Started with leaders like Neil Kinnock and John Smith
- Closely associated with Blair
- Many critics argued went against socialist principles it was based on
- Tried distancing themselves from New Labour after 2010 defeat= “New Labour is not the future”
- Milliband: “I am now interested in Next Labour”
- Corbyn winning leadership election a surprise- 59.5%
- Rebellious backbencher and socialist
- Focused on pre-New Labour policies:
— Security at work
— Secure NHS
— Cut income inequality
— Full employment
Explain the main features of the Liberal Democrats
Formed in 1988 with merger of Liberals and Social Democratic Party
- SDP formed by 4 previously Labour politicians: Roy Jenkins, David Owen, Bill Rodgers and Shirley Williams- ‘gang of four’
— 1983= 23% vote
Liberals emphasise importance of individual + society where individuals have equal worth
- More orthodox- constitutional reform + civil liberties
- Tax cuts- ‘Orange Book’ Liberals- why coalition with Cons more conceivable