Operations to be considered routinely within the capability of a single unit: Outside rubbish Fire. Brush Fires. Food on the stove. Minor emergencies such as: Incinerator (not compactors) Oil Burner Odor of Smoke Steam Discharge Sprinkler Discharge Water Leak Not gas leaks
Members of engine companies are fully capable of performing the various functions often
assigned to ladder companies. To implement this program, additional tools have been or will be supplied to all units. These tools will aid a unit in accomplishing required operations.
a. K-Tool Kit.
b. Bam-Bam Cylinder Lock Puller.
c. Halligan Tools
d. Additional Axes
e. Additional Hooks
When a Chief Officer responds to a box and arrives before the company officers have
clearly defined the situation, it shall be his decision to institute a single unit operation and
designate the unit to perform.
When a Chief Officer has not yet responded to a box (either delayed, not available, or not
assigned) it will be the decision of the Officer in Command, Captain or first to arrive
Lieutenant to implement a one unit operation.
When a single engine company responds and determines that the situation does not
require additional help (even if the operation involves what has been theoretically or
traditionally truck work) the engine company, now adequately equipped with the
necessary tools, will handle the job alone.
The officer in command of the unit operating at a single unit operation shall obtain all the
information required and is responsible for forwarding the required incident report.
Fires in dumpsters should be flooded and the dumpster not entered. They could contain infectious materials and possibly illegally dumped asbestos. The waste is usually packaged in different colored
Red Potentially infectious material, this waste must be incinerated and may contain
needles or other sharp objects.
White Potentially infectious material which has been auto cleaned (sterilized by
superheated steam under pressure).
Black All other waste.