2.3 Producing robust rogramd Flashcards
What happens if we fail to check if a program is robust
The program wont function correctly / will not do the job its supposed to do.
The program may be unsecure and data that it holds may become compromised.
What are ways to ensure our program is robust
Input Sanitisation
Anticipating Misuse and Input Validation
Maintainability of Code
What is input sanitation
This is where data entered is cleaned of any unwanted characters that the user may enter.
What is an SQL Injection
When you log in to an account, you will add your username and password into a couple of input boxes.
With SQL injections, you can ‘bolt on’ some SQL to the end of your password. This will then alter the SQL statement and allow you to access the accounts of other users.
What is Input Validation
Input validation is when a system will check that the input meets certain criteria, so to ensure that the data is in an acceptable form.
For example, if a user is to input their email address to enable them to sign up to a user account, input validation can check to see if the entered email address in the expected form (contains an @ symbol and ends with a domain type (.co.uk)).
What is a whitelist
A whitelist is a lists of data that the program being created, should accept. All other data should be rejected by the program.
What is a blacklist
A blacklist is a list of data that the program being created, should reject. All other data should be accepted by the program.
Whitelists vs blacklists
Whitelists are often more effective and secure. They are much more restrictive and often take a long time to produce but at least you know that the program cannot accept any data that you have not already planned for.
On the other hand, blacklists are often quite quick to produce and do not make the system as restrictive, but it is often impossible to think of every input that could cause threat to the system and are therefore not as secure.
Another defensive strategy is to ensure that systems have some form of authentication.
In other word, having passwords to only allow certain users…
…and potentially limiting the access of the various parts of the system (access rights).
Another defence strategy is to ensure that code is maintainable. This means that code is written in such a way that when other programmers are asked to develop the code, they can make full sense of it, therefore reducing the chance of introducing coding mistakes / bugs.
What are comments
Most languages will allow you to write text amongst your code which is ignored by the compiler. This facility is used as ‘comments’ which are important in making the code understandable for both the programmer or their colleagues.
What comments should be included in code
Program Header: program name, author, date or last edit, program description, bug fixes & remaining issues.
Subroutines :
Constant & Variable Declaration : These should have a short description of their purpose.
Throughout main code :There should be sufficient detail about what is happening throughout the algorithm
What differentiates good and bad commenting
Separated by a space between codes
Each time a new code structure is used, the code within the structure should be indented underneath. This should create a strip of whitespace down the page from the beginning to the end of the structure.
This makes it clear where each structure starts and finishes and which structures are nested within others.
As well as indentation, the code should be grouped together in logical blocks by splitting them up with blank lines. Think of this as splitting your code up like you would an essay with paragraphs.
The purpose of testing
testing is required to ensure that a developed program functions as it was designed and meets the needs of the end user.
What are the various reasons ad to why a program may not work
Errors in the syntax mean that the program will not run properly
Errors in the logic of the code mean that the program produces unexpected results
Errors in the overall design of the program mean that the program doesn’t do the job it was supposed to do
What is iterative testing
Testing should be ongoing throughout the development process.
You code an aspect of your program and test it before moving on.
What is final testing
At the end of the development, when the program is complete, the program should be tested again (as a whole) against the requirements of the customer to ensure their needs have been met.
What are the three types of errors that can occur in a program
Run-Time Errors
What is a syntax error
A syntax error is simply an error where the code written doesn’t meet the rules of the programming language.
What are logic errors
A logic error is one where the code is written in accordance with the programming rules and is therefore translated and runs, however, the program produces unexpected results.
A common logic error is an incorrect maths statement.
What are run time errors
When the code is free of syntax errors and logic errors, there is still one more error that can result.
A run-time error will occur to a normal working program if some extreme conditions occur.
One example maybe that the program has got into a situation where it is to perform arithmetic which has an impossible answer:
What are the testing strategies
Black box testing
White box testing
Black box testing
This only deals with the inputs and outputs of the program and not how the algorithms work.
White box testing
This only deals with the algorithms to make sure that they function correctly.
What are test plans used for
to ensure that a system is fully tested
to document the outcomes.
What are test plans made up of
The test data
The reason for the test
The expected outcome
The actual result (which is added later – after development)
What are dry runs
At times, when errors are not as obvious to spot, it can be helpful to go through the code manually. Executing the code (in your head) and recording the effects on the various variables. This is a ‘Dry Run’
A dry run is often done using a trace table.
Acceptance testing
Acceptance testing takes place to ensure that the final product (now free of errors), meets the needs of the user and client.
Acceptance testing strategies
Alpha and beta testing
Alpha testing
After the product has been ‘Black/White Box Tested’ it is tried by the programmers who pretend to be the end users (in-house) who check to see if the program has met it’s objectives and whether it does what it should do.
Beta testing
After a program has been Alpha tested it is beta tested.
This is the last test before it is widely distributed.
Often involves large numbers of ‘real’ users, using the software under realistic conditions – often heavy duty demanding users.