2.3 Changing priorities for industry and agriculture Flashcards
Explain Khrushchev’s investment in Agriculture
In 1955, to increase productivity, industrial collectives were given greater powers to make decisions at local level. The MTS were abolished. However, they were replaced with a system that expected each collective to buy its own machinery. Collectives were increased in size and there was a rapid increased in mechanisation, fertilisers and irrigation
When was the Virgin Land Scheme introduced?
What was the Virgin Land Scheme?
It encouraged the opening up of new areas to agricultural production. Six million acres of land were brought under cultivation (use for crops) with considerable investment
What was the first sign of the Virgin Land Scheme failing?
In 1959, the target for grain production in Kazakhstan failed to be met
What was the impact on agriculture under Khrushchev?
The income of farmers doubled between 1952 and 1958, but still remained far below those of industrial workers. Between 1953 and 1958, food production increased by 51%
What was agriculture like under Brezhnev?
There was a deliberate move away from Khrushchev’s approach of trying to find quick solutions. The Virgin Land Scheme was dropped. Heavy investment in agriculture remained and allowed peasant to have bigger private plots
What was the impact of agriculture under Brezhnev?
There was a steady rise in overall production accompanied by a steady decline in workers productivity. A brigade system was established which meant that peasants could decide how profit was used. However, it encouraged a return to family farming leading to it being abolished
When was the twelfth five year plan?
What did Khrushchev want to focus on more?
Light industry, consumer goods, chemicals
What did Khrushchev do to try to invigorate the soviet economy?
- Liberman plan
- regional economic councils
- managers given greater influence over production
What effects did khrushchev’s reforms have on industry?
Not totally effective, conservatives in the politburo often diminished reforms and ideas such as party sectors only confused officials
What did Khrushchev do to agriculture?
- Abolished the MTS scheme
- enlarged collectives into agrogorada
- allowed peasants to sell private produce
- virgin lands scheme
What was an agrogorada?
Large collective which linked food production and food processing
What agricultural results were there due to khrushchev’s reforms?
Output increased 51% and farmer’s wages doubled 1953 - 58, although productivity was still low and VLS experienced failure
What did Brezhnev do to industry and agriculture?
Reverse Khrushchev’s reforms that were seen as detrimental and displeased central planners
What were the Kosygin reforms?
Reforms put forward by Kosygin to try to improve innovation and initiative. Diminished to uselessness by Conservatives in the politburo
What were the reasons for Soviet economic decline?
- Stalinist legacy
- outdated technology
- command economy flaws
- military industrial complex dominance