23 Flashcards
Whenever a player fakes a foul, the following procedure shall apply:
- Without stopping the game, the referee signals the fake by showing twice the ‘raise-the- lower-arm’ signal.
- As soon as the game is stopped, a warning shall be communicated to the player and the head coach of this team. Both teams are each entitled to 1 warning.
- The next time any player of this team fakes a foul, a technical foul shall be called. This applies also if the game was not stopped to communicate the earlier warning to any player or head coach of that team.
- If an excessive fake without any contact occurs, a technical foul may be called immediately without a warning being given.
36-17 Example: B1 defends dribbler A1. A1 makes a sudden move with his head trying to give an impression he was fouled by B1. Later in the game, within the same game clock running period, A1 falls on the playing court trying to give an impression he was pushed by B1.
Interpretation: The referee gave a warning to A1 for his first fake with the head, showing him twice the ‘raise-the-lower-arm’ signal. A1 shall be charged with a technical foul for his second fake by falling on the playing court, even though the game was not stopped to communicate the warning for A1’s first fake to either A1 or to the team A head coach.
36-18 Example: B1 defends dribbler A1. A1 makes a sudden move with his head trying to give an impression he was fouled by B1. Later in the game, within the same game clock running period, B2 falls on the playing court trying to give an impression he was pushed by A2.
Interpretation: The referee gives the first warnings to both A1 and B2 for their fakes by showing them twice the ‘raise-the-lower-arm’ signal. The warnings shall be communicated to A1, B2 and both teams’ head coaches, when the game clock shall be stopped.
36-19 Example: A1 dribbles and contacts B1 on the torso in his legal guarding position. At the same time, B1 makes an exaggerated move trying to give an impression he was fouled by A1.
Interpretation: The referee shall give a warning, showing him twice the ‘raise-the-lower-arm’ signal, to B1 for faking the foul. When the game is next stopped and the ball is dead, the warning shall be also communicated to his head coach and it shall apply also to any member of his team.
Statement: Serious injury may occur by excessive swinging of elbows, especially in rebounding and closely guarded player situations
If such actions result in contact, then a personal, unsportsmanlike or even disqualifying foul may be called. If the actions do not result in contact, a technical foul may be called.
Example: A1 rebounds the ball and is immediately closely guarded by B1. Without contacting B1, A1 excessively swings his elbows to intimidate B1 or to clear enough space for him to pivot, pass or dribble.
Interpretation: A1’s action does not conform to the spirit and intent of the rules. A1 may be charged with a technical foul.
Example: In the first half, A1 is charged with his first technical foul for hanging on the ring. In the second half, A1 is charged with a second technical foul for his unsportsmanlike behaviour.
A1 shall be disqualified automatically. Only A1’s second technical foul is to be penalised and no additional penalty for his disqualification shall be administered. The scorer must notify a referee immediately when A1 is charged with 2 technical fouls and that he should be disqualified.
In the first quarter, B1 is charged with a technical foul. In the fourth quarter, B1 is charged with his fifth foul. This is the second team B foul in the quarter. While going to his team bench, B1 is assessed a technical foul.
With his fifth foul B1 became an excluded player. Any further technical fouls by B1 shall be charged on his head coach, entered as ‘B1’. B1 is not disqualified. Any team A player shall attempt 1 free throw with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the place nearest to where the ball was located when the technical foul occurred.
In the third quarter, B1 is charged with an unsportsmanlike foul. In the fourth quarter, B1 fouls dribbler A1. This is B1’s fifth foul and the third team B foul in the quarter. While going to his team bench, B1 is assessed a technical foul.
With his fifth foul B1 became an excluded player. Any further technical fouls by B1 shall be charged on his head coach, entered as ‘B1’. B1 is not disqualified. Any team A player shall attempt 1 free throw with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the place nearest to where the ball was located when B1’s foul occurred.
B1 fouls dribbler A1. This is B1’s fifth personal foul and the second team B foul in the quarter. While going to his team bench, B1 is assessed a disqualifying foul.
B1 is disqualified and shall go to his dressing room or, if he wishes, he shall leave the building. B1’s disqualifying foul shall be entered on the scoresheet on B1 as ‘D’ in the space after his fifth foul and on the team B head coach as ‘B2’. Any team A player shall attempt 2 free throws with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the throw-in line in its frontcourt. Team A shall have 14 seconds on the shot clock.
B1 fouls dribbler A1. This is B1’s fifth personal foul and the fifth team B foul in the quarter. While going to his team bench, B1 is assessed a disqualifying foul.
B1 is disqualified and shall go to his dressing room or, if he wishes, he shall leave the building. B1’s disqualifying foul shall be entered on the scoresheet on B1 as ‘D’ and on the team B head coach as ‘B2’. A1 shall attempt 2 free throws with no line-up. Any team A player then shall attempt 2 free throws with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the throw-in line in its frontcourt. Team A shall have 14 seconds on the shot clock.
: In the first half, A1 is charged with a technical foul for delaying the game. In the second half, A1 is charged with an unsportsmanlike foul for a hard contact on B1.
A1 shall be disqualified automatically. Only A1’s unsportsmanlike foul is to be penalised and no additional penalty for A1’s disqualification shall be administered. The scorer must notify a referee immediately when a player is charged with 1 technical foul and 1 unsportsmanlike foul and that he should be disqualified automatically. B1 shall attempt 2 free throws with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team B throw-in from the throw-in line in its frontcourt. Team B shall have 14 seconds on the shot clock.
In the first half, A1 is charged with an unsportsmanlike foul for an unnecessary contact in stopping the progress of the offensive team in transition. In the second half, A2 dribbles in his backcourt when A1 is charged with a technical foul for faking being fouled away from the ball.
A1 shall be disqualified automatically. Only A1’s technical foul is to be penalised and no additional penalty for A1’s disqualification shall be administered. The scorer must notify a referee immediately when a player is charged with 1 unsportsmanlike foul and 1 technical foul and that he should be disqualified automatically. Any team B player shall attempt 1 free throw with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the place nearest to where the ball was located when the technical foul was called. Team A shall have the time remaining on the shot clock.
A player head coach shall be disqualified if he was charged with the following fouls:
- 2 technical fouls as a player.
- 2 unsportsmanlike fouls as a player.
- 1 unsportsmanlike foul and 1 technical foul as a player.
- 1 technical foul as a head coach, entered as ‘C1’ and 1 unsportsmanlike or technical foul as a player.
- 1 technical foul as a head coach, entered as ‘B1’ or ‘B2’, 1 technical foul as a head coach, entered as ‘C1’ and 1 unsportsmanlike or technical foul as a player.
- 2 technical fouls as a head coach, entered as ‘B1’ or ‘B2’ and 1 unsportsmanlike or technical foul as a player.
- 2 technical fouls as a head coach, entered as ‘C1’.
- 1 technical foul as a head coach, entered as ‘C1’ and 2 technical fouls as a head coach, entered as ‘B1’ or ‘B2’.
- 3 technical fouls as a head coach, entered as ‘B1’ or ‘B2’.
In the first quarter, player head coach A1 is charged with a technical foul for faking a foul as a player. In the fourth quarter, A2 dribbles when player head coach A1 is charged with a technical foul for his personal unsportsmanlike behaviour as a head coach, entered as ‘C1’.
Player head coach A1 shall be disqualified automatically. Only his second technical foul is to be penalised and no additional penalty for his disqualification shall be administered. The scorer must notify a referee immediately when player head coach A1 is charged with 1 technical foul as a player and then 1 personal technical foul as a head coach and that he should be disqualified automatically. Any team B player shall attempt 1 free throw with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the place nearest to where the ball was located when A1’s technical foul occurred. Team A shall have the time remaining on the shot clock.
In the second quarter, player head coach A1 is charged with an unsportsmanlike foul on B1 as a player. In the third quarter, player head coach A1 is charged with a technical foul for an unsportsmanlike behaviour of his physiotherapist, entered as ‘B1’. In the fourth quarter, A2 dribbles when A6 is charged with a technical foul. A6’s technical foul shall be entered on player head coach A1 as ‘B1’.
Player head coach A1 shall be disqualified automatically. Only his second technical foul (for A6’s technical foul) is to be penalised and no additional penalty for his disqualification shall be administered. The scorer must notify a referee immediately when player head coach A1 is charged with 1 unsportsmanlike foul as a player and then charged with 2 technical fouls of his team bench personnel as a head coach and that he should be disqualified automatically. Any team B player shall attempt 1 free throw with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the place nearest to where the ball was located when A6’s technical foul occurred. Team A shall have the time remaining on the shot clock.
In the second quarter, player head coach A1 is charged with a technical foul for his personal unsportsmanlike behaviour as a head coach, entered as ‘C1’. In the fourth quarter, player head coach A1 is charged with an unsportsmanlike foul on B1 as a player.
Player head coach A1 shall be disqualified automatically. Only his unsports- manlike foul is to be penalised and no additional penalty for his disqualification shall be administered. The scorer must notify a referee immediately when player head coach A1 is charged with 1 personal technical foul as a head coach and then 1 unsportsmanlike foul as a player and that he should be disqualified automatically. B1 shall attempt 2 free throws with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team B throw-in from the throw-in line in its frontcourt. Team B shall have 14 seconds on the shot clock.
Player head coach A1 is a player when substitute A6 is charged with a technical foul.
The technical foul as a result of the unsportsmanlike behaviour of other persons permitted to sit on the team bench is charged to the player head coach, even if there is a first assistant coach entered on the scoresheet.
During an interval of play (a) substitute A6
(b) player head coach A1 (c) team A doctor
is charged with a technical foul.
The technical foul is charged to (a) A6,
(b) A1 as a player,
(c) A1 as a player head coach,
even if there is a first assistant coach entered on the scoresheet.