225-2 Flashcards
One day to one month (28 days)
PEDS Triangle
Appearance, work of breathing, circulation
What population age group is child abuse?
1-7 years old
Most abusers of children are who?
Family members/Parents
What to do as soon as the baby presents?
Suction; mouth and then nose
A baby is in cardiac arrest when the skin is:
A zygote is a:
fertilized egg
An 8 year old breathing 48 x minute is in:
respiratory failure
An 8 year old, with partial airway obstruction and breathing 48 x minute is in:
respiratory failure
A pulseless newborn receives what type of resuscitation:
120 x minute, 15:2
Child with difficult airway:
use cricoid
Impeding sign
Typically not a typical assessment finding in SIDS:
mottled skin
Most important tool in OB kit?
The bloody show is:
mucus plug expulsion, cervix dilation
Technique too help with children airway:
pad the shoulders
How much fluid to children:
Pt is intubated and HR drops:
DOPE (displacement)
Pt is intubated and HR drops:
tube is displaced – DOPE (displacement)
How to deal with a prolapsed cord:
insert hand and keep babies head off the cord
softening of the bone
Hypothermia in meds leads to what:
What is in the OB kit?
merconeum aspirator and BVM
PALS in respiratory failure =
inadequate ventilation and oxygenation
Children 1-8 years old with tachycardia rhythm =
Vagal down
blank baby =
signs of herniation
IO location
proximal tibia
Placenta delivers how long after birth?
15-20 minutes, don’t wait on scene for delivery
Child weighs 20kg; 1st defib, 2nd defib
40 joules; 80 joules
Unconscious Pt, check
brachial pulse
Cleft palate
a fissure in the hard palate of the roof of the mouth that runs along the midline
Number of veins and arteries in Umbilical
1 vein, 2 arteries
Leading cause of injuries in children
falls leading to poor perfusion
Subtle seizure is what type of seizure:
petite mal
Subtle seizures present with:
lip smacking, eye deviation and peddling of legs
Late sign of shock in children:
Increased cardiac output will do what to the heart:
speed up heart rate
terminal drop is:
decline in intelligence from impeding death
Systolic BP goes up as you
What medication might medical direction advise for preeclampsia and eclampsia
Mag Sulfate
Placenta previa
When to use humidified oxygen?
A normal reaction to a finger gently stroking the sole of a newborns foot is:
toes spread outward and upward
Children begin to develop a self concept and self-esteem during?
School age years
Person’s physical peak is achieved during?
Early adulthood
Terminal drop?
A declining intelligence is caused by The perception of impending death
A newly fertilized ovum?
Oxygenated blood is delivered to the fetus by?
One umbilical vein
The best position in which transport a pregnant patient with no traumatic injury is?
Left lateral recumbent
If you’re pregnant woman loses 30% of her blood volume you would expect?
Mother may be fine, baby may be fuck
Patient with preeclampsia in seizing… What is it?
During eclampsia what drug might you want to give?
Magnesium sulfate
Painless vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is most likely related to?
Placenta previa
So what can cause SIDS?
Momma be smoke
A Fissure in the roof of the mouth runs along the midline is?
Cleft palate
Hypothermia has the following effect on the newborn?
What drug is good for bradycardia in infants?
As you age your blood pressure does what?
Goes up
What is the tool to assess a newborn?
What is the initial step in neonatal resuscitation
Warm and tactile position
Six-year-old in SVT, what you did you first if he is alert
vagal down
Babysitter has a kid
She shook the shit out of him
Frail old people die by?
How do kids increase cardiac output
By increasing their heart rate
Baby is born on opiate what should you do?
Do not give narcan
This acrocyanosis normal after baby is delivered?
Have D50 and want to make D10, take 1ML of the D50 and add?
5ML of H2O
We you are getting ready to deliver a baby you don’t need
Lots of IO needle sizes
Working has a newborn to seizure?
Low O2
Preterm baby?
Keep warm
Pulseless newborn?
100 compressions per minute
Narrowest part of the Child airway
Cricoid cartilage
Most common causes respiratory distress in newborn?
Dealing with C-spine with kids?
Pad them
What body systems are achieved by age?
Cardio, respiratory, neuro, renal, muscle skeletal
Medicare is government insurance
Characteristics of respiratory failure
Inadequate oxygenation/Ventilation
Know how baby sweat?
Not on body but maybe on eyebrows
Measuring the ET size is not by
ET can be measured by
Patient pinky
MVA is most common cause of injury pregnancy
120 is inferior MI
What is the best way to the old people from falling
Handrails and bathrooms or hardwood flooring
Central cyanosis can lead to?
Cardiac arrest
Pic line is put where?
When people get old, the brain get smaller
When do you cut the cord after delivery?
After pulsating and after you clamped
Nerve pathways gets delayed in geriatrics, causing
Slower response
Kid is vomiting and pooping?
acute gastroenteritis
Know the difference between young and old getting a bedsore?
Old is worse Cause of mastication
Sign tube in the correct place?
Equal chest rise and fall
Sign of respiratory distress
Nasal flaring