(22) The Summits Between the USA and USSR Flashcards
What was Star Wars again?
Reagan increased US defence spending by $32.6 billion and planned to spend it on: The Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI), nicknamed ‘Star Wars’.
His plan was to create a system using satellites and lasers to shoot down any missiles that might be launched by the USSR against the USA.
This plan would have swung the nuclear balance strongly in the USA’s favour.
Why was it even more significant?
The SDI alarmed the USSR who thought it would destabilise the ‘balance of terror’.
The USSR’s economy was struggling and the cost of matching such a programme was out of their reach.
What was the START treaty and when did it occur?
In 1991, President Bush signed the START Treaty which limited numbers of most types of nuclear weapons by approximately a third.
Why was it necessary?
This was necessary following the SDI problems as the USSR was greatly alarmed at the deployment of US cruise missiles in Western Europe.
What happened in the Geneva Summit, and how had tensions eased/increased?
No plans had been ratified as of yet
- there had been plans for 50% reduction in nuclear weapons
- there had been plans to eliminate medium-range missiles.
However, it was seen as a success because the USSR and USA issued a joint statement saying that ‘a nuclear war must never be fought’.
What happened in the Reykjavik Summit, and how had tensions eased/increased?
At Reykjavik, discussions were made to limit continental weapons and reduce the range of nuclear weapons, with the view to eliminate them within 10 years.
Reagan suggested getting rid of all ballistic nuclear missiles but Gorbachev refused to do so if SDI was not dropped.
There were no concrete outcomes from this meeting, but rather misunderstandings
–> USSR thought that Reagan did not want to compromise
–> USA thought that Gorbachev only wanted to meet to discuss SDI.
What happened in the Washington Summit, and how had tensions eased/increased?
Agreements were ratified at this meeting.
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) was signed and it stated the elimination of all nuclear missiles with a range between 500-5500 km.
Stockpiles started to be reduced.
Gorbachev also decided to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.
Why was this significant?
—> The summit seemed a real success and a signal that the Cold War was ending.
—> first time compromise made to destroy an entire weapon class
—> Viewed as a success as removal of SDI not a condition.
What happened in the Moscow Summit, and how had tensions eased/increased?
Focus on cultural exchanges and human rights laws ratified (7 agreements signed such as fishing rights)