2.2 Los rasgos negativos Flashcards
la obsesion
to be obsessed with
obsesionarse por
la fobia
not be able to stand/put up with
no poder soportar
el defecto
to be in a constant state of
estar en un constante estado de
to have a tendency to
tener tendencia a
to hate
hate, hatred
el odio
to scorn, disdain
scorn, disdain
el desprecio
to get irritable
volverse irritable
to eel a bit insecure
sentirse algo inseguro/a
to take a dim view of
ver con malos ojos
not to see further than one’s nose
no ver mas alla de las narices
to be bad-tempered, of an evil disposition
tener mal genio
to be full of contradiction
estar lleno/a de contradicciones
to show off
to blow one’s own trumpet
hacer autobombo
to fancy oneself as intelligent/a sportsperson
darselas de inteligente/deportista
to be apathetic
ser apattico/a