2.2 Developing long run production theory - returns to scale Flashcards
What are returns to scale?
The rate by which output changes if the scale of all the factors of production is changed
What are diminishing marginal returns?
Occurs when one extra unit of factor of production is added and output begins to fall
What are increasing returns to scale?
When all of the factors of production employed increases, output increases at a faster rate
What are constant returns to scale?
When the scale of all the factors of production increases, output increases and the same rate
What are diminishing returns to scale?
When the scale of all factors increases, output rises at a slower rate
What are economies of scale?
Output rises, unit costs fall
What are diseconomies of scale?
Output rises, unit costs increase
What is minimum efficiency scale?
Internal economies of scale have been fully exploited -
Lowest level of output required to exploit full EoS
When does optimum firm size occur?
When economies of scale have been gained but before diseconomies of scale set in