22-23-Y9 RS & Life (Spring) Flashcards
1. omnibenevolent
The belief that God/Allah is all-loving and good.
- omnipotent
The belief that God/Allah is all-powerful.
- omniscient
The belief that God/Allah is all-knowing.
- transcendent
The belief that God/Allah exists outside of time and space, beyond the human realm.
- immanent
The belief that God/Allah is close to humanity and involved in the world.
- monotheism
Belief in one God
- free will
The ability to choose between right and wrong, some believe this ability is given by God/Allah.
- faith
Complete trust or belief in someone or something, especially God/Allah, even without proof.
- God’s will
God’s plan for humans.
- sanctity of life
All life is precious, holy and a gift from God/Allah.
- sin
The thoughts or actions that God/Allah dislikes.
- evil
The opposite of good; a cause of suffering and against the will of God.
- salvation
Saving the soul so it goes to heaven.
- Heaven
A state of eternal happiness in the presence of God/Allah.
- Hell
The place of eternal suffering or state of being without God/Allah.
- worship
A way of showing God/Allah your love through a verity of methods including praying, singing worship songs, other methods might include volunteering or giving money.
- prayer
Communicating with God/Allah through words of praise, thanksgiving, confession or requests for help and guidance; listening to and speaking to God.
- miracle
Something that breaks the laws of nature and is believed to be impossible. For example, Jesus coming back from the dead.
- pilgrimage
A religious journey to a holy site/sacred place, it is an act of worship and devotion.
- forgiveness
Letting go of blame against a person for wrongs they have done; moving on.
- Just
The belief that God/Allah is fair
- Sources of authority
Christian – Bible, Jesus, Pope. Islam – Qur’an, Muhammad, Hadith
1.1 monotheism
Belief in one God
1.2 Allah
The name Muslims use for God
1.3 tawhid
The oneness and unity of Allah
1.4 omnipotent
All powerful
1.5 submission
Accepting the will or authority of a higher power
1.6 authority
Having power and status
1.7 supreme
Highest in authority, the greatest
1.8 Shahadah
Muslim declaration of faith. One of the 5 Pillars
1.9 shirk
Worshipping anything other than God, the worst type of sin.
1.1 beneficence
Literally ‘doing good’. One of the 99 names of Allah and belief about his nature, the generosity that Allah shows to humans.
1.11 just
The belief that God is fair
1.12 Adalat
The belief that Allah is just/fair in Shi’a Islam. One of the 5 Roots of Usul ad-DIn