2.17 Beds and bedding planes Flashcards
What is a bed in a geological context?
a layer of sedimentary rock that has been laid down under a specific set of environmental conditions
What is a bed in a geological context?
a layer of sedimentary rock that has been laid down under a specific set of environmental conditions
What is the plural term for a group of several beds?
What is a bedding plane?
the surface that separates each bed and is parallel to the surface of deposition
What is meant by the term dip in a geological context?
beds are often tilted or folded by Earth movements so that they are no longer horizontal - the dip is the maximum inclination of a bed measured from the horizontal
What is meant by the term strike?
the horizontal line on a bedding plane, measured as a bearing from north using a compass, it is at right angles to the dip
What is meant by the term true dip?
the actual angle of dip measured at right angles to the strike
What is meant by the term apparent dip?
a dip that is measured to be less than the maximum inclination
What is meant by the term true thickness?
the thickness of the bed measured at right angles to the bedding plane
What is meant by the term apparent thickness?
the thickness of the bed measured as seen at the outcrop but not at right angles to the bedding plane