21.2 Flashcards
the pitubury hormone that gets released for reproduction and sex: OXYCTION
- one out of two hormones that are made from hypothumuls and released by pitbubury
- stimulates conctractions of uteurs and mammary glands
- secertion of nervous tissue
- from the posterior gland
the pitubury hormone that gets released for reproduction and sex: POR
- production of milk and secertion
- secereted by hypothalic ( hypothmuls hormone)
the pitubury hormone that gets released for reproduction and sex: GONDATRIPS
- FSH / focille stumilting hormone
- stimulates sperm and ovas
- secertion of hypothamus
- regulation of gondas ( test and ovas)
the pitubury hormone that gets released for reproduction and sex: LIMUTIZING HORMONE (LH)
- ovaires and test
- secertion of sex hormones
- seceretion of hypothamlic hormone ( hypothamuls)
what happens to the hormones in posterior pitbury?
- the secertion sythenethises ADH & OXY
- the homrones move downward inside axon of the secetory neurons then comes to the axon endings (poterior pitubury)
- the actin proteinels triggers the hormones so it goes to blood capitarllers
- hormones get released into blood cirulctory
what happens to hormones in anterior pitibury ?
- different neurons in hypothemlus create regulating hormones
- regulating hormones are in the base of hypothulus
- bloodstream delievers to bed cappilaries
- the molecules of regulating hormones diffuse out of the cappilaris bed so it can go to its specific endocrine cell to create more hormones
- released to small blood vessle to create more hormones
what happens with hormones in ardenal tubes
the ardenal tubes are adjacent to the kidneys
- ardenal cortex which is the outer part
- ardenal mudella which is the iner part
- the hormones are cortisol and cotrsteriod
- cortasteriod is sex hormones that can be converted into testogen or estrogen in the gonda