2.10 If You Can't Say Anyhthing Nice... Flashcards
Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape CALUMNY.
Slander, false accusation
CENSURE the Sudanese government over Darfur at the Security Council have been effectively wrecked by the Chinese.
Official condemnation, harsh criticism
(Censor Roman supervisor for morals)
I won’t bother repeating his words, suffice to say they are the usual offensive DIATRIBE.
Malicious criticism or abuse
(Dia- through + tribein to rub)
CAUSTIC for eyes and skin Avoid contact with strong acids.
Corrosive, sarcastic
Baptist ministers indignantly REPUDIATEd the idea that the Baptist churches are composed of the poor of the world.
To cast of publicly
(Repudium divorce)
The children were coached not to cry or ask questions, and above all to say nothing DEROGATORY about Saddam.
Disparaging, belittling
(De- down, away)
Mommy puts Sammy down while gently ADMONISHing her to be more careful.
To reprimand mildly
(Ad- to + monere to warn)
The reforms needed to be pushed through with real gusto, yet it was common for Gorbachev to DISPARAGE in his remarks about trade.
To belittle; to demean
(Dis- apart+ dictus declared)
So, even if Adams has effectively criticized a particular version of the indirect approach, he has not thereby IMPUGNed our approach.
To attack as untrue, to refute by argument
(In- against + pugn to fight)
I said: Because you have invoked curse and hurled MALEDICTION upon both of them.
A curse
(Mal- bad + dictus declared)
Note, I do not DENIGRATE the good intentions of those who gave birth to these abject social policy failures.
To attack the character of, to disparage
Under the scathing criticism of the opposition the pent-up fury of the original speaker vented itself into a fiery HARANGUE.
A long, critical, and pompous speech
The senator suggested that discussing the issue dispassionately would be more productive than slinging PEJORATIVE personal comments.
Tending to make worse
(Pejor worse)
The process of demonization includes generalization, hyperbole, lies and outright SLANDER at times.
False comments that injure another’s reputation
(Scandalum scandal)