2.1 Vertebral Column and Deep Back Flashcards
Identify each area of the vertebral column

green - cervical (7)
orange - thoracic (12)
pink - lumbar (5)
blue - sacral (5)
purple - coccyx (4)
- 33 vertebrae
- 22 true vertebrae

vertebral body

vertebral foramen (canal)

vertebral lamina

vertebral lamina 2

vertebral pedicle

vertebral pedicle 2

inferior articular process

superior articular process

spine (spinous process)

transverse process

transverse process 2

atlas (C1)
- atypical
- no vertebral body or spinous process
- upward and downward movement, for example when nodding yes

axis (c2)
- ‘dens’ projects superiorly
- no intevertebral disc between c1 and c2

dens (odontoid process)

posterior arch of atlas

anterior arch of atlas

intevertebral disc

anulus fibrosis

nucleus pulposus

intevertebral foramen

transverse foramen

vertebral arch
- formed by pedicles and laminae

sacral hiatus

ligamentum flavum

anterior longitudinal

posterior longitudinal

cervical enlargement

lumbosacral enlargement

conus medullaris

cauda equina

filum terminale (internus)

ventral root

dorsal root

arachnoid mater

dura mater

pia mater

denticulate ligament

denticulate ligament 2

denticulate ligament 3

ventral primary ramus

dorsal primary ramus

spinal nerve

dorsal root ganglion