21. Use of microarray for detection of idiopathic learning difficulties Flashcards
What types of referral are received for microarray?
- Postnatal blood for dev delay, congenital abnormalities
- Tissues from TOP or pregnancy loss (after QF-PCR pre-screen)
- Amnio/CVS due to abnormal USS (after QF-PCR pre-screen)
What are LCRs?
Low copy repeats aka segmental duplications
Highly homologous sequences of >95% homology, >1kb in size
Mediate NAHR if in close proximity leading to dels/dups
How does a SNP array work?
Solid surface containing 1000s of unique probe that hybridise adjacent to SNP
Fragmented DNA hybridises to probe - single base extension to determine genotype of SNP based on colour of fluorescence
What is the resolution of a SNP array?
Varies across genome
Illumina 850k array has 850k probes across the genome - enriched for >3000 dosage sensitive genes, with lower resolution backbone
Average spacing 1kb in targeted genes, 5kb in backbone
What are the two metrics used in SNP array analysis?
- Log ratio - total intensity of both fluorescent signals combined
- B allele frequency - colour of fluorescence emitted at each SNP
Why are there 2 measures of copy number in SNP array analysis?
Independent measures used to corroborate one another
What is a cluster file?
Reference file
Generated from cohort of normal patient samples, used to compare test sample against
Captures normal variation in population, operators, sample types
What formula is used to determine the BAF?
B / (A+ B)
What BAF pattern is seen for a normal copy number?
3 clusters at 1, 0.5 and 0
What BAF pattern is seen for a het deletion?
2 clusters at 1 and 0
No heterozygous SNPs so no cluster at 0.5
How does a hemi/hom deletion appear on SNP array?
Copy number 0 on log track
Random allocation of SNPs on BAF track
What BAF pattern is seen for a het duplication?
4 clusters at 0, 0.33, 0.66 and 1
How does mosaic CNV appear on SNP array?
Small loss/gain on log ratio
Duplication pattern on BAF track - het ratios differ from 0.5 depending on level of mosaicism
How does triploidy appear on SNP array?
Duplication pattern for all of every chromosome
Not visible on log ratio as normalised for entire chromsome
What indicates consanguinity?
Multiple regions of LOH affecting many chromosomes across the whole genome
Total autosomal LOH of >1.5% = consanguinity
How does UPD appear on SNP array?
LOH on a single chromosome (deletion pattern)
Log ratio normal
What techniques are used to follow up array and what are their advantages & disadvantages?
FISH to confirm - provides positional info but CNV may be below resolution
Targeted array if below resolution but no positional info
MLPA if kit available
Karyotyping if balanced rearrangement suspected
What are the advantages of SNP array?
High resolution than karyotyping - higher pick up rate
Amenable to automation and high throughput
BAF track can detect consanguinity therefore increased risk of AR conditions and UPD therefore additional diagnoses
What type of UPD can SNP array detect?
Isodisomy only
Heterodisomy if parents are also tested
What are the disadvantages of SNP array?
- Can’t detect balanced rearrangements
- Can’t give positional info
- Increased detection of VUSs –> parental anxiety, counselling
- Risk of incidental findings (BRAC2 deletion, DMD CNVs)
What is the purpose of testing for dev delay/LD?
Provides prognostic info, direct clinical care & educational needs
Allow for future prenatal diagnosis
What evidence is used to determine the pathogenicity of a CNV?
Number of genes involved
Known haploinsufficient or triplosensitive genes involved?
Previous de novo cases, taking into account phenotypic overlap
Case-control data