2.1 - There are Different Ways of Defining and Developingo Flashcards
Define development
A combination of social, political and economic factors that effect people’s quality of life.
Compare the three different aspects of the development
Economic factors will determine how wealthy a country is ,while social factors will improve people’s standard of living. Political factors will determine how stable the political system of a country is.
Write out 4 key words for each development indicator listed below:
GDP, GDP per capita, GNI, Doctors, GINI, Gender, HDI, Corruption
GDP: total value produced year GDP per capita: per person per year GNI: total value including overseas Doctors: number doctors per 1000 GINI: economic inequality 0-1 Gender: education, jobs, rights, health HDI: life expectancy, education, income Corruption: corruption believed to exist
Will a developed country have a high or low score for:
GDP, GDP per capita, GNI, Doctors, GINI, Gender, HDI, Corruption
GDP: high GDP per capita: high GNI: high Doctors: high GINI: high Gender: low HDI: high Corruption: high
Explain why HDI is considered a composite indicator of development
The number is calculated by looking at lots of different social and economic factors.
Explain why solely using GDP might give an inaccurate view of
Without looking at population it is hard to see how wealthy the country really is
Write out 4 key words for each demographic indicator listed below:
Birth rate, Death rate, Fertility, Infant mortality, Maternal mortality, Life
Will these increase or decrease with development?
Birth rate: live births per 1000 (per year). Decrease
Death rate: deaths per 1000 per year. Decrease
Fertility rate: average births per women. Decrease
Infant mortality: deaths before 1 per 1000 live births. Decrease
Maternal mortality: mothers per 100,000 die childbirth. Decrease
Life expectancy: average life expectancy. Increase
Compare how demographic data changes as a country develops
A developing country will have a very wide base as fertility and birth rates are higher. Death rate is high and life expectancy is low so there will be more young people than old people so it will be very steep. As a country develops the base will get narrower and the middle would widen out as there is less difference in young and old people
What does a population Pyramid Structure Graph show?
Shows percentage of different age groups as a result if different factors
Explain why fertility rate decreases as a country develops?
As a country develops, gender equality will increase and therefore more women will be in education and be able to get better jobs. Women may become more focused on a career than on having children.