2.1 The Entrepreneurial Personality Flashcards
How is a personality trait defined according to the trait approach?
individual differences
- consistent across various situations vs. stable over time
- quickly changing vs. slowly changing parts of personality
- specific traits (more powerful for bevavior) vs. broad traits (e.g. emotional stability)
- behaviour can also be against personality traits
What are the main broad traits that characterise an entrepreneur according to the BigFive personality taxonomy by costa & McCrae?
BigFive: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
1) Emotional stability (low neuroticism)
2) Openness to experience –> neg. related to start-up and survival
3) Conscientiousness –> pos.related to survival
What are the 8 secific personality traits of entrepreneurs?
1) need for achievement
2) risk-taking propensity
3) innovativeness
4) need for autonomy
5) locus of control
6) tolerance for ambiguity
7) creativity
8) self-efficacy
How is N-Ach defined and related to entrepreneurs?
- people with high n-ach want:
1) to solve a problem/define goals themselfs
2) know exactly how they performed - entrepreneurs have higher n-ach than average, they go for medium level difficulty, otherwise they might fail
- mixed results for entrepreneurs vs. managers
- pos. corelated with success
How is risk-taking propensity related to entrepreneurs?
H1) E. take more risks
H2) As E. have higher n-ach –> moderate risk-taking, otherwise they might fail and not “achieve”
- might not differ much to intrapreneurs, however E. go more for ambiguous risk
How is innovativenes defined and related to entrepreneurs?
- person´s willingness to look for novel ways of action
- similar to creativity, but not all creative ideas might be innovations
- pos corr. to E.,
- mediator between n-ach and success: E. with both traits are successful!
How is need-for autonomy defined and related to entrepreneurs?
- want to control environment, get out of restrictive working conditions
- pos. corr with E.
- no corr with small business owners: might have other reasons to found a business
How is locus of Control defined and related to entrepreneurs?
“internals”: think conseuences of actions are within their own control
“externals”: believe in fate or coincidences
- relationship similar as with n-ach (slightly weaker) , more internals become entrepreneurs
- unclear rel. with sucess
How is tolerance for ambiguity defined and related to entrepreneurs?
- people want to act also in unclear situation
- Knight: unc. is essential to the econ role of an E.
- mixed results and no results on sucess
How is self-efficacy defined and related to entrepreneurs?
- belief we have in our own ability, to complete challanges
- very high corr. tu success
- up to a certain level, overconfidence is good
- Adversity Quotient: dealing with bad developments, mistakes
- higher AQ–> better income situation, AQ as general sucess driver