2.1 Prospectus Required? Flashcards
What part of PR allows Reg Doc to be base prospectus for next 12 months
PR 5.1.4R
Where does the pro forma financial info go in prospectus
Into share reg doc
Two requirements for prospectus to passport to other MS
Approved by FCA + certificate obtained
Where is the reasonable belief defence to 21(1) FSMA
What market is not a Regulated Market
Two different formats for prospectus
Single or separate docs
What does Share Reg Doc contain
Primarily financial info
How many mandatory tables make up summary part of prospectus
Why should Ss not accept responsibility for part of prospectus
To have benefit of protection under 5.5.9R
Contravention of 21(1) FSMA is what kind of offence
What kind of communication is excluded from 85(1) FSMA
Communication in connection w/ trading on Regulated Market (102B(5))
What market is a Regulated Market
Where are the exempt offers from 85(1) set out?
Name the 4 exemptions to 21(1) FSMA under FPO
19, 49, 50 and 70(1)(c)
If prospectus is in separate docs, how is it split up
Summary, Reg Doc and Securities Note
Where is ‘offer to the public’ defined for 85(1)
If there is a misleading/inaccurate statement in marketing, under what provision might there be civil liability
Annex I of Prospectus Directive is for what
Share Reg doc
What is an ‘offer to the public’ defined as for 85(1)
Any communication to any person if sufficient info given
What securities are exempt from 85(1) in PR
Scrip dividends, offer to Ds/employees
PR 5.1.4R allows what
Reg Doc can be base prospectus for next 12 months
When do Part 1 and 2 Schedule 11A apply as exemptions - to which test under 85?
85(1) offer to the public
What parts of PR 3.3 apply to roadshows particularly
3.3.4R and 3.3.7R
What is the informed assessment test
All info necessary to make an informed decision
What part of PR imposes rules on access to websites as part of marketing
PR 3.2.6A
Where is realtime communication in FPO
Article 7
What is the second test for prospectus under 85
Admit to trading on RM
Two annexes applicable for content of Share Reg Doc
I and II
What part of what provision relates to advertising content
PR 3.3
Two due diligence issues for prospectus
Financial and legal
What exemption to 21(1) FSMA under FPO applies to prospectuses
Two possible categories of exemptions to 85(1)
Relating to exempt offers, and exempt securities
Annex II of Prospectus Directive is for what
Pro forma financial info
Where are the exempt securities in PR for 85(1) FSMA
PR 1.2.2R
Where is there a general prohibition against communicating inducement/invitation to engage in investment activity
21(1) FSMA
What part of FSMA requires supplementary prospectus if necessary
Where is solicited communication in FPO
Article 8
First test under 85(1)
Offer to the public
What three exemptions to 21(1) FSMA under FPO apply to institutional investor offers
19, 49 and 50
What must be included in the summary
Key info + warning under PR 2.1.7
Where are the exempt securities for 85(1)
Part 1/2 Schedule 11A, or PR 1.2.2R
Where are the specific disclosure Os - what part of what provision refers to Prospectus Directive, and to Annexes
PR 2.1.4 and 2.3.1
What is the financial due diligence issue for prospectus
Accountants have to draw up long-form and short-form financial report
When is verification of prospectus presented to BoD
As part of approving draft prospectus
Annex XXII of PD is for what
When is prospectus required
If 1/2 tests in s.85 FSMA complied with
Where is the general disclosure O
What is the exemption to 85(2) under PR 1.2.3R
Admit shares less than 20% of shares of same class already admitted
If the securities are exempt for 85(1) under Part 1/2 Schedule 11A, what will still be required
Listing particulars if MM
What three things are all considered to be marketing for 21(1) FSMA
Roadshows, pathfinder and websites
For what kind of issue is the offer exemption for 85(1) likely (qualified investors)
Where are the two security exemptions for 85(2)
Part 1 Schedule 11A and PR 1.2.3R
What marketing material does PR 3.3 not apply to
How many primary exemptions to 21(1) FSMA under FPO
What is the aim of verifying prospectus
Evidence to back up statements from independent sources to defend any claims made
FPO distinguishes between what kinds of communication
Realtime or non-real time, solicited and unsolicited
When does Part 1 only of Schedule 11A apply as exemptions - to which test under 85?
85(2) admit to trading on regulated market
When is there a defence to 21(1) FSMA
Reasonable belief communication prepared/approved by AP, or took all reasonable precautions to avoid committing the offence
Annex III of PD is for what
Share Securities note
What is realtime communication for FPO
Personal visits/calls
When does 21(1) FSMA not apply
Activity by authorised person, approved by AP, or FPO exemption applies
Where is the definition of ‘transferable securities’ for 85 FSMA
102A(3) FSMA
Max length of summary
7% or 15 pages (Whichever is longer)
Failure to make summary clear and easy to understand can lead to what
Civil liability under 90(12) FSMA
Which financial report is confidential
How long is prospectus valid for after approval
12 months
What is the offer exemption for 85(1)
Exempt if to qualified investors only or less than 150 persons per EEA
Where are the methods for publishing prospectus
Where are the securities exemptions applicable for 85(1) set out
What part of PR applies to summary (where for content?)
PR 2.1
Does 70(1)(c) FPO apply to pathfinders?
What is the legal due diligence for prospectus
Ensure complying w/ all relevant rules (LR, DTR, UKLA checklists)
What is the benefit of having separate docs for prospectus
Reg Doc can then be base prospectus for next 12 months
Two exemptions for 85(2) relate to what only
What is the test for general disclosure under 87A FSMA
Informed assessment test
What legislation allows a prospectus to passport to other MS
Prospectus Directive
Possible penalties for breaching 21(1) FSMA (3 categories, 5 provisions)
Criminal offence (25(1)), misleading/inaccurate statement (90, 90A FSMA, 89/90 FSA) + possible liability for Ds (400 FSMA).
Under what provision may Ds be liable as a result of breach of 21(1) FSMA
400 FSMA
What may happen to the agreement entered into as a result of unlawful financial promotion (against 21(1) FSMA)
Unwound unless court exercises discretion under 30(4)
What provision covers information to be included in summary, outside of PRs
87A - ‘key info’