21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Flashcards
Law 2 - The Law of Influence
Leadership is influence; nothing more nothing less.
Law 3 - The Law of Process
Leadership happens daily not in a day.
Think discipline.
Law 4 - The Law of Navigation
Anyone can steer the ship; not everyone can chart the course.
Sense the intangibles.
Law 5 - The Law of Addition
Leaders add value by intentionally serving.
Law 6 - The Law of Solid Ground
Trust is the foundation of leadership. Build it through character, connection, and competence.
Law 7 - The Law of Respect
People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.
How do you earn respect? Natural leadership ability, respect for others (all leadership is voluntary), courage, success (it’s hard to argue with a good track record), loyalty (look at for your people at your own expense).
Law 8 - The Law of Intuition
Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias.
Law 9 - The Law of Magnetism
I attract who I am.
Law 10 - The Law of Connection
I lead people by leading their heart.
Law 11 - The Law of the Inner Circle
My potential is determined by those closest to me.
Law 12 - The Law of Empowerment
Only secure leaders empower their subordinates: Believe in them.
Law 13 - The Law of the Picture
People do what you do.
Law 1 - The Law of the Lid
Leadership determines effectiveness.
Law 14 - The Law of Buy In
People buy into you before they buy into your vision.
Law 15 - The Law of Victory
Leaders find a way for the team to win.
Law 16 - The Law of the Big Mo
Momentum is a leader’s best friend. Many times it’s the only thing that makes the difference between victory and defeat.its easier to steer than start.
Law 17 - The Law of Priorities
Activity is not accomplishment. Apply the requirement, return, and reward assessment. What is required? (What can I alone do for my organization?) What gives the greatest return? (Who can do this 80% as well as I can? Delegate it.) What brings me the greatest reward?
Law 18 - The Law of Sacrifice
You have to give up to go up. You must continue to give up to stay up. Today’s success is the biggest threat to tomorrow’s success.