2.1 Identify and Classify Information and Assets Flashcards
Who is in the best position to know the true Value of an asset?
The asset/data owner.
What three organizational components should be put in place to address requirements to protect valuable assets?
Organizational Policies, Procedures, and Processes.
As an assets value increases, what else should increase?
Effort invested to protect the asset.
What does Asset Classification ensure?
That an asset receives appropriate levels of protection based on the assets value to the organization.
After all assets have been identified, what should happen?
The owner should be identified for each Asset.
Why must an asset owner be identified following asset identification?
Because Asset owners know the data best and can assign assets appropriate classification levels that determine how they will be protected.
What four benefits does the Information Classification Process provide?
2 Identifications, 2 Commitments
Identifies Critical Information that is critical for business success | Identifies assets that must only be modified in specifically authorized ways | Commits to protect valuable assets by creating awareness amoung users that the assets should be protected from unauthorized access | Helps ensure a commitment to confidentiality.
Why is “Data Classification” insufficient for an organization’s goals?
Data classficiation is narrow, rather “Asset classification” encompasses all valued assets belonging to an organization. Progressive organizations realize assets can be tangible or nontangible and require appropriate protections in each case.
What is an Asset?
Anything that represents value, either quantitative or qualitative, to an organization.
How is the CIA triad reprsented in Asset Classification?
In the Asset Classification, Confidentiality can be referred to as sensitivity, Integrity as accuracy and meaningfulness, and Availability as criticality.
How many Classifications should an Asset Undergo?
Three: Sensitivity, Accuracy, and Criticality (SAC).
For Asset Classification to be successful, who must drive classification?
Data Owners.
What common risk occurs during Asset Classfication? What inversely happens when calculating asset protection costs?
Data owners overprioritize their assets. Though when it comes to assigning protections to the high-importance assets, owners often under classify them.
How can the risk of overprioritizing and under-classification be resolved during the Asset Classfication Process?
Rather then assign data owners to classify assets, construct an asset classification committee or working group. This group should be compromised of qualified representitives from different areas of the organization. In turn, this makes the classification process more objective, rather then subjective.
What can an organization do to ensure Asset Classification becomes Subjective and inconsistent over time?
Ensure that there are consistent processes to classify assets. | Such as a scoring system used by owners to understand the real value the asset represents.