21 advanced phrases EWL Flashcards
at face value
accepting something as it appears to be, without questioning its true nature or authenticity
to have a crack at sth
to attempt or try something, often for the first time or with great enthusiasm
to burn the midnight oil
to work or study late into the night, often to complete a task or prepare for something
to strike a balance
to find a compromise or middle ground between two competing factors
to let off steam
to do or say something that helps you release some anger or frustration that you feel
to count one´s blessings
to make an effort to be grateful for the good things in your life
to bloom
to become healthy, happy and confident; to flourish
to stick one´s neck out
to take a risk or expose yourself to possible criticism or danger by doing or saying something
a knee-jerk reaction
an immediate, automatic response to a situation, often without careful consideration or thought
to split hairs
to argue or worry about very small details or differences that are unimportant
pecking order
a social hierarchy in which individuals in a group are all aware of how important everyone is
someone who is good at understanding and making judgements about situations and makes decisions that will give them an advantage (chytrý, mazaný, vychytralý)
refusing to change your opinion or actions desite people trying to make you do so (zatvrzelý, tvrdošíjný)
someone who is very calm and isn´t easily excited or annoyed (klidný, tichý, poklidný)
to pull some strings
to use one´s influence or connections, often secretly or unofficially, to achieve a desired outcome
to have a field day
to take advantage of situation, typically for personal benefit, often at the expense of others
to be privy to
to have access to or knowledge of secret or confidential information
on the back burner
refers to something that is low priority and is not being dealt with at the present moment
very easy, requiring little effort (pohodový, nenáročný)
to get one´s foot in the door
to enter a company or organisation at a low level with a chance of being promoted or being more successful in the future
to go belly up
often referring to business that fail completely and have to close
to take a risk or expose yourself to possible criticism or danger by doing or saying something
to stick one´s neck out
an immediate, automatic response to a situation, often without careful consideration or thought
a knee-jerk reaction
to argue or worry about very small details or differences that are unimportant
to split hairs
a social hierarchy in which individuals in a group are all aware of how important everyone is
pecking order
someone who is good at understanding and making judgements about situations and makes decisions that will give them an advantage (chytrý, mazaný, vychytralý)
refusing to change your opinion or actions desite people trying to make you do so (zatvrzelý, tvrdošíjný)
someone who is very calm and isn´t easily excited or annoyed (klidný, tichý, poklidný)
to use one´s influence or connections, often secretly or unofficially, to achieve a desired outcome
to pull some strings
to take advantage of situation, typically for personal benefit, often at the expense of others
to have a field day
to have access to or knowledge of secret or confidential information
to be privy to
refers to something that is low priority and is not being dealt with at the present moment
on the back burner
very easy, requiring little effort (pohodový, nenáročný)
to enter a company or organisation at a low level with a chance of being promoted or being more successful in the future
to get one´s foot in the door
often referring to business that fail completely and have to close
to go belly up
accepting something as it appears to be, without questioning its true nature or authenticity
at face value
to attempt or try something, often for the first time or with great enthusiasm
to have a crack at sth
to work or study late into the night, often to complete a task or prepare for something
to burn the midnight oil
to find a compromise or middle ground between two competing factors
to strike a balance
to do or say something that helps you release some anger or frustration that you feel
to let off steam
to make an effort to be grateful for the good things in your life
to count one´s blessings
to become healthy, happy and confident; to flourish
to bloom
The business went ____________ after just a year of trading.
belly up
Lena got _________________ as an intern, but she worked her way up to being more successful in the future.
her foot in the door
Ellen´s got a ________ job that pays well but allows her lots of free time.
By ________________, Tom was able to get his sister a prestigious position at a London-based accounting firm.
pulling some strings
When the news of the scandal broke, tabloid journalists had a _______________ writing sensational stories.
field day
The CEO´s assistant is _________ to all the important decisions in the company.
Let´s put this project on the _______________ and focus on more pressing matters.
back burner
Despite the hullabaloo around her, Ally remained _________ and continued with her work.
Henry was a very __________ teenager, and he consistently refused to admit he might be wrong about something.
Clare was a ________ businessperson, and she made several wise investment decisions when she was still young.
There´s a clear ______________ in the group of friends, with Sally being top of the pile.
pecking order
Sometimes, I feel like my husband _______________ over insignificant matters, and it leads to unnecessary arguments.
splits hairs
When we heard about the increase in crime rates, our _______________________ was to insist on more police patrols in the area.
knee-jerk reaction
Despite the controversy surrounding the issue, Jane decided to ____________________________ and support the new policy.
to stick her neck out
Karl ________ during his six-week holiday in the countryside thanks to the fresh air and healthy food.
Whem I´m feeling down, I try to remember to count _____________ and be grateful for what I have.
my blessings
I was so furious that I had to go for a walk around the block to _________________.
let off steam
It´s essential to _________________ between work and leisure for healthy lifestyle.
strike a balance
With exams approaching, Sarah found herself ______________________ to cover all the required material.
burning the midnight oil
Even though she had never tried rock climbing before, Tara decided to ____________________ at it during the team-building event.
have a crack
You shouldn´t take everything you read about nutrition at _____________; always verify the information is from reliable sources.
face value