21 (4) Flashcards
If we can determine the …….. of the star, the transit method tells us the ……… of the planet.
The amount of light the planet blocks, called the ………. ………
transit depth
transit depth is given by:
The area of a circle is πR2
R 2
The Doppler method allows us to estimate the …….. of a planet. If the same object can be studied by both the Doppler and transit techniques, we can measure both the ……… and the ……….. of the exoplanet.
mass / mass / size
knowing the mass and the size is a powerful combination that can be used to derive the average ……… (mass/volume) of the planet.
Transiting planets reveal such a wealth of information that the French Space Agency (CNES) and the European Space Agency (ESA) launched the …………. space telescope in 2007 to detect transiting exoplanets.
CoRoT discovered 32 transiting exoplanets, including the first transiting planet with a size and density similar to Earth. In 2012, the spacecraft suffered an onboard computer failure, ending the mission. Meanwhile, NASA built a much more powerful transit observatory called ………….
(after kepler failure in 2013) A new NASA mission called …………………… is now carrying out a transit survey of the nearer (and therefore brighter) stars all over the sky.
TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)
What do we mean, exactly, by “discovery” of transiting exoplanets? A single transit shows up as a very slight drop in the brightness of the star, lasting several hours. However, astronomers must be on guard against other factors that might produce a false transit, especially when working at the limit of precision of the telescope. We must wait for a second transit of similar depth. But when another transit is observed, we don’t initially know whether it might be due to another planet in a different orbit. The “discovery” occurs only when a ………… transit is found with similar depth and the same spacing in time as the first pair.
the Kepler mission also has a program in which non-astronomers—……….. ……….—can examine the data.
citizen scientists
One of the most convincing ways to verify that a dip in brightness is due to a planet is to find more planets orbiting the same star—a planetary system. Multi-planet systems also provide alternative ways to estimate the …………. of the planets,
………. …….. works best for young gas giant planets that emit infrared light and reside at large separations from their host stars.
Direct imaging
Since 2008 (first three found stars), a number of planets around other stars have been found using direct imaging.
However, one challenge is to tell whether the objects we are seeing are indeed planets or if they are ……….. ………… in orbit around a star.
brown dwarfs (failed stars)
Direct imaging is an important technique for characterizing an exoplanet.
- The brightness of the planet can be measured at different wavelengths. These observations provide an estimate for the …………. of the planet’s atmosphere;
- ……….. can also be obtained from the faint light to analyze the atmospheric constituents, such as hydrogen-rich atmosphere or with evidence of methane
- temperature
- Spectra