2.1 Flashcards
A lesson that can be derived from a story or experience
something that is usual, typical, or standard.
Expected behaviour from society
principles or standards of behaviour
What one judges as important
Moral Code
define what is regarded as good behaviour
The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society
the part of a person’s mind that acts as a self-critical conscience
taking social norms, roles, and values into one’s own mind.
Being taught norms and doing them off your own accord
Rational ideology
Rational choice theory
Says that all crime is deliberate and calculated.
The crime is a conscious decision
Whether the risk is worth going to jail
E.g. robbery
A force that causes actions out of fear or anxiety.
E.g. blackmail
Increasing the chances of being caught.
E.g. punishments for crime put people off doing them because they know what will happen if they get caught
Social control
The theory that people obey the rules of society because of socialisation.
Can be from school, work, and childhood. They feel their bonds from this determines their behaviour
E.g. bullying may lead someone to crime
Social control Agencies
Legally sanctioned bodies or organisations which set down the law and make sure it’s followed.
Control theory
Theory that an individuals self control is a key factor in criminal behaviour.
If people had no consequences everyone would do what they want, but they refrain from it as they know the punishment.
Theory that from a young age the people you are around such as teachers, parents and other people shape how you are in the future.
E.g. abused at home may lead to you doing similar when your a parent
Theory that when someone goes into crime there little gain by stopping.
They will benefit more from committing to crime than trying to stop.
Theory that getting people to do conventional things such as homework or hobbies or even talking to people keeps their mind from thinking deviant thoughts
Theory believes that beliefs bring understanding of attachment, commitment and involvement, preventing crime and criminal ideas
Theory that promotes masculine dominance and privileges men whilst subordinating other genders.
Can lead to sexism in the criminal justice system.
Men see themselves as higher than women