20th Century World Leaders Flashcards
Woodrow Wilson
28th President of the United States between 1913-1921 and during World War 1, who created the “Fourteen Points” for peace after the war.
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of the British Empire during most of World War Two, Churchill was the Prime Minister from 1940-1945 and again from 1951-1955
Harry S. Truman
33rd President of the United States from 1945-1953, who oversaw the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the end of World War Two
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
32nd President of the United States from 1933-1945, He was the president who served 4 terms and was president during the majority of the Second World War
Vladimir Lenin
Lenin was a Russian Revolutionary who founded the Leninist ideology and was the first leader of the Soviet Union until his death in 1924
Josef Stalin
Was the Leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1954, who is known for being the leader of the Soviet Union during World War 2
Jomo Kenyatta
Was the first leader of Kenya in the 1960s and 1970s and helped Kenya gain independence from the British
Kemal Ataturk
Was the leader of Turkey was the first President of Turkey in the 1920s and 1930s following the partition of the Ottoman Empire who was able to pass many successful reforms which made Turkey more industrialized, and made Turkey a secular nation
Menachem Begin
Prime Minister of Israel in the 1970s and 1980s, who is most known for signing a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979
Ayatollah Khomeini
Was the first supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the 1970s and 1980s, who was known for being an important leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran
Ho Chi Minh
Was a Communist leader, who led North Vietnam in most of the Vietnam War, Ho Chi Minh was the leader of Communist Vietnam between 1955 to his death in 1969
Ho Chi Minh
Was a Communist leader, who lead North Vietnam in most of the Vietnam War, between 1955 to his death in 1969
Benito Mussolini
One of the founders of Fascism, Benito Mussolini was most known for fighting alongside Adolf Hitler during the Second World War, Mussolini was Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943 until he was deposed, Mussolini would be executed in 1945 following the defeat of Italy in the Second World War
Nikita Khrushchev
Was the General Secretary Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, who allowed the Soviet Union to undergo a process known as “de-Stalinization”
Mikhail Gorbachev
Was the final leader of the Soviet Union who lead from 1985 until the Soviet Unions dissolution in 1991
Ronald Reagan
Was the 40th President of the United States, who served from 1981 to 1989. Reagan served at the end portion of the Cold War. The Reagan administration is most known for the economic policy, “Reaganomics” and also the Iran-Contra affair
Mohandas K. Gandhi
Also known as Mahatma Gandhi, he was a primary leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British colonization in India until it’s independence in 1947
Mao Zedong
Was the first Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party from 1943 to his death in 1976. Mao Zedong is known for his victory in the Chinese Communist Revolution in 1949
Deng Xiaoping
Was the leader of the CAC from 1982 to 1987, who is most known for being an important figure in Chinese economic growth in the late 20th century
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Was the 2nd President of Egypt from 1956 to 1970 who was most known for his important status in the Egyptian Revolution in 1952
Emiliano Zapata
Was a Mexican Revolutionary who was a main figure in the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920
Pancho Villa
Was a key figure in the Mexican Revolution, Villa is most known for helping bring Francisco Madero to power in 1911
Anwar Sadat
Was the Third President of Egypt who settled the Peace Treaty with Israel in 1979
Indira Gandhi
Was the first and only Female Prime Minister of India in the 1960s, 1970s and a portion of the 1980s until her assassination in 1984. Indira Gandhi is also known for her involvement in the Non-Aligned movement
Dalai Lama
Tenzin Gyatso, named by the Tibetan people as the Dalai Lama is the Spiritual leader of Tibet. The Dalai Lama is the head of Tibetan Buddhism. He has held this title since 1940 and is the 14th Dalai Lama
Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru was the main figure in the Indian Nationalist movement and served as First Prime Minister of India from 1950 to his death in 1964. As well as the Indian Nationalist movement, Nehru was a main figure in the non-aligned movement
Yasser Arafat
Was the First President of the State of Palestine from 1994 to 2004, he wanted to replace Israel with Palestine (Fun Fact: he won a Nobel Peace Prize for creating peace in the Middle East)
Adolf Hitler
Was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany, who lead from 1933 until his death in 1945. Hitler is known for being the Leader of Germany during World War II, and overseeing the Holocaust, which was the killing of over 6 million Jewish people, and millions of others
Juan Peron
Was an authoritarian leader of Argentina in the 1940s, 1950s and 1970s, Peron gained power following the Revolution of ‘43
Augusto Pinochet
Was a Chilean dictator who led a Military Dictatorship from 1973 to 1981. Pinochet opposed socialists and leftists, and executed them in high numbers
Fidel Castro
Led the Cuban Communist Party from 1965 to 2011, Fidel Castro led Cuba for the second half of the Cold War
Nelson Mandela
Was the 1st President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, he was important in the Non-Aligned movement. Mandela also focused on the dismantling of the apartheid in South Africa