208 Concept: Infection: PPE and Handwashing Flashcards
Define immunity.
A physiological process that provides an individual with protection or defense from disease. The normal physiological response to microorganisms and proteins, as well as conditions associated with an inadequate or excessive immune response.
What is the scope of immunity?
Optimal to abnormal response spectrum. On the left of the spectrum, suppressed immune response, in the middle optimal immune response and on the right exaggerated immune response.
What are risk factors of suppressed immune response?
- age (very young and very old)
- nonimmunized state
- environmental factors including poor nutrition, exposure to pollutants or heavy metals, other stressors, unsafe sanitary conditions, food and water contamination, and poor hand hygiene.
- chronic illnesses (HIV, diabetes mellitus, COPD)
- medical treatments
- genetics
- high-risk behaviours and substance abuse
- pregnancy
What are risk factors with exaggerated immune response?
- gender, race, and ethnicity (SLE more in women then men)
- Genetics
- Environmental or medication exposure
What is the proper order for PPE donning?
- Perform hand hygiene (alcohol-based sanitizer preferred, but if visibly soiled, use soap and water)
- Apply gown. Tie at neck and waist. Pull sleeves down to wrists.
- Apply mask: first ear loops, form metal strip, pull down chin.
- Apply eye protection: put on by touching outside arms.
- Apply gloves: change between patients and patient activities. ALWAYS clean hands after removing gloves.
What areas of the hand do you need to ensure are thoroughly lathered?
- palms
- areas between fingers
- back of hands
- fingers
- thumbs
- fingertips
How long do you wash your hands for?
15 - 30 seconds
What should you apply to maintain skin integrity?
hand lotion
True or false. You should wash your hands and then use hand sanitizer.
False. One or the other. Wash hands with soap and water when visibly soiled.
What is the proper doffing order?
- Glove removal: Careful not to touch outside of glove.
- Follow with hand hygiene.
- Gown: Neck string first, waist string last. Top to bottom.
- Follow with hand hygiene.
- Remove facial protection (mask and goggles) - remove using arms, loops, ties
- Follow with hand hygiene.
What are the 4 Moments for hand hygiene?
- Before contact with client or their environment.
- Before clean or aseptic procedure.
- After exposure to blood or bodily fluids.
- After contact with a client or client’s environment.
* remember, if you touch the curtain, use hand hygiene*
What are four common PPE mistakes?
- Forgetting to tie both ties on gown.
- Failure to take gloves off before removing other PPE.
- Make sure to discard masks after use.
- Dispose of PPE after use; don’t reuse.
What are common assessment techniques for infection?
- History (e.g. exposure to pathogen, travel, prior infections)
- Examination Findings (fever, swelling, shills, malaise, redness ro drainage around a wound, pain and respiratory congestion)
- Diagnostic Tests (CBC - complete blood count, C&S - culture and sensitivity)
The nurse is learning how to use protective equipment when caring for a client in isolation. The nurse is instructed in the correct sequence for putting on the protective equipment. Which of the following describes the correct sequence?
a. Wash her hands, apply the mask and eyewear, put on the gown, and then apply gloves.
b. Apply the mask and eyewear, put on the gown, wash her hands, and then apply gloves.
c. Hand hygiene, put on the gown, put on mask and eyewear, apply gloves.
d. Put on the gown, apply the mask and eyewear, wash her hands, and then apply gloves.
A nurse need to make a correction in the progress notes. A competent nurse knows to:
a) Use whiteout
b) Put a single line through the error
c) Scratch out the mistake with pencil
d) Re-write the error in red ink
What considerations are there with contact isolation precautions?
Used for infections, diseases, or germs that are spread by touching the patient or items in the room (examples: MRSA, VRE, diarrheal illnesses, open wounds, RSV).
What considerations are there with droplet isolation precautions?
Used for diseases or germs that are spread in tiny droplets caused by coughing and sneezing (examples: pneumonia, influenza, whooping cough, bacterial meningitis).
What considerations are there with droplet isolation precautions?
Used for diseases or very small germs that are spread through the air from one person to another (examples: Tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox).