2024 E2-E4 EPME Flashcards
Where should Coast Guard voluntary education services inquiries related to tuition assistance be sent to?
Registrar services provided by ETQC include which of the following?
Joint Service Transcript, Dantes examination reimbursement, degree reporting, solicitation for voluntary education program award
Which directive provides specific guidance on the Coast Guard voluntary credentialing program?
Coast Guard VCP Policy COMDTINST 1540.10
Where are tuition assistance waivers submitted for final review?
Where can a link to the ASVAB AFCT Waiver Request Guide be found?
Course Support and Testing on ETQC website
The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act is also known as the _____.
Forever GI Bill
Under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, a Veteran enrolled at more than one-half time can qualify for a monthly housing allowance based on DoD’s Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) rate for an _____ with dependents.
The Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty provides up to _____ months of education benefits.
36 Months
The GI Bill Comparison Tool offers information based on which of the following GI Bill benefits?
Post 9/11, Montgomery, Select Reserve, Veteran Readinessand Employment, Dependant Educational Assistance
Veterans in their second 6 months of OJT & Apprenticeship Training programs may use their GI Bill benefits to receive _____ of the applicable Monthly Housing Stipend.
In which of the following cases is Tuition Assistance authorized for?
Annual cap of $3750 per AD/Reserve member, not to exceed $250 per semester hour.
One purpose of the _____ program is to provide developmental incentives for personnel with high ability, dedication and the capacity for professional growth to remain in the Coast Guard.
Advanced Education
Which of the following is a responsibility for a student who has been accepted into the Advanced Education program?
B: Gain acceptance to the Educational institution and the specific degree program
C: Complete necessary pre-reqs
D: Act as a CG Liason
E: Liason with edecational institutions military advocate
F: Monitor and Comply with Fiscal Requirement
G: Carry a full credit hour load year round
H: Maintain academic proficiency
I: Complete program study requirements within time slots
J: Maintain Coast guard requirements and standards
Who acts as subject matter expert to assist Coast Guard members with voluntary education programs?
Which of the following is one of the four firearm safety rules?
1: Treat all firearms as if they are loaded
2: Always maintain proper muzzle control
3: Keep finger off the trigger until ready to shoot
4: Know your target is what is beyond it
Which of the following is a requirement to advance to E-3?
By the Commanding Officer
Which of the following is a requirement to advance to E-4?
A minimum of 6 months time in service
The _____ and ASVAB tests are different version of the same battery of tests.
AFCT or Armed Forces Classification Test
Class “A” Course graduates who had their advancement to E-4 withheld upon graduation due to receiving an “UNSAT” conduct while attending a Class “A” Course, are required to complete how many months of good conduct prior to being advanced?
6 Months
Which of the following ratings have no direct path of advancement from E-3 to E-4?
IV (Investigator) and DV (Diver)
Where are “A” school rating requirements listed?
ALCOAST message system by the Rating training Advisory Council
Which stress management term is defined as “bad” stress?
Negative Stress and associated with a loss of control
“Good” stress is related to which stress management term?
Positive stress and associated with a sense of control
Which term is defined as “the non-specific response of the body to any demands placed upon it or what you feel after you encounter a stressor”?
What are stressors?
Whatever causes Stress
What term is defined as a stress management tool used to measure a person’s personal stress load?
StressMap: A stress management tool used to measure a persons personal stress load
Stress is defined within the Coast Guard Stress Management Program as:
The non-specific response of the body to any demands placed upon it after you encounter a stressor
The services provided by the _____ are available for professional assistance with Stress Management.
Employee Assistance Program Coordinator (EAPC)
Which Stress Management awareness and skills training promotes an understanding of stress, awareness of support resources, and provides practical stress navigation tools to help build resilience of sailors, families, and commands?
Operational Stress Control
How can you contact the Employee Assistance Program?
1-855-CGSUPRT (247-8778) or www.CGSUPRT.com
Who is eligible for the Office of Work-Life Stress Management Program?
Active Duty, Reserve, Spouse and Civilian employees of the Coast Guard
Identify a signal of distress which is an expected stress reaction associated with critical incidents.
Emotional, Cognitive, Behavioral Physiological and Spiritiual Responses
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) offers which as an example of a way to manage stress?
Keep a Journal, Eat Healthy, Get Regular Sleep, Relaxation exercises, avoiding excess caffeine, indentifying and challenging negative thoughts, reaching out to friends and family.
Which of the following is an intention of the Substance Abuse Prevention Program?
to provide training, education, treatment and administrative processing resources in support of Coast Guard’s policy governing substance use, abuse and chemical dependency.
The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) low-risk guidelines suggest that “zero” drinks is the low risk option when _____.
when one is driving, using machinery, cleaning a weapon, pregnant, or on certain medications
Key behaviors for low-risk alcohol use include what model?
Zero, One, Two, Three model
Where can you find additional clarification on low-risk drinking guidelines?
CG-111 or rethinkingdrinking.gov
Which of the following is an intention of the Substance Abuse Prevention Program?
Prevention education. An evidence based alcohol program for members who show signs of misuse
What is one responsibility of a Command Drug and Alcohol Representative (CDAR)?
The CDAR will facilitate placing members into treatment and will ensure that all documentation required by the facility is complete.
What is Substance Abuse Prime for Life training used for?
Prevention education. An evidence based alcohol program for members who show signs of misuse
One intention of the Substance Abuse Prevention Program is to _____.
The CG SAP Program strategy is to reduce the negative consequences related to substance use.
What is the definition of substance abuse?
Abusing Substances such as drugs or alcohol.
What is considered substance abuse?
When you are taking drugs and alcohol in excess
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), as an individual’s BAC increases, the risk of _____ increases.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), drinking too much over time can raise your risk for _____, cancer, liver disease, and other illnesses
Alcohol associated
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), more than _____ people die from alcohol-related causes in the United States each year.
Being able to “hold your liquor” or having a high tolerance for alcohol is _____.
A concern
What is considered binge drinking for men?
5 or more drinks in two hours
What is considered binge drinking for women?
4 or more drinks in two hours
Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that brings BAC to what percent or higher?
What BAC would be associated with the stage of intoxication indicated by a person being slightly impaired?
What BAC would be associated with the stage of intoxication indicated by a person being “sloppy” drunk?
What BAC would be associated with the stage of intoxication indicated by stupor or blackout?
What BAC would be associated with the stage of intoxication indicated by coma and risk of death?
A sign of alcohol poisoning is _____.
Passes out and cannot be woken up, puking while asleep, has cold clammy or pale skin, breathing is slow and irregular
Youth who drink alcohol are more likely to experience _____.
Literally every bad option on the test
Which of the following is a reason women face higher risks of drinking alcohol?
Pound for pound women have less water in their bodies than men
What is a standard drink for 80 proof hard liquor?
1.5 oz
How many grams of pure alcohol is in a “standard” drink?
14 grams
How many fluid ounces of table wine are in a standard drink?
5 oz
How many fluid ounces of beer are in a standard drink?
12 oz
Using the BAC calculator, what would be the BAC percentage for a 150 pound male who consumed 3 oz. of 40% alcohol over one hour?
Across the United States, a recorded Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) test of _____ or higher alcohol is proof of DUI without any other evidence.
A medical professional must perform an analysis and diagnosis for potential _____ upon commission of an alcohol incident or referral.
AUD or Alcohol use Disorder
A member diagnosed within the first _____ days of CG service as drug/alcohol abusive or dependent is considered physically disqualified for enlistment.
Which of the following is required for self-referral for potential substance abuse?
Requesting through CDAR, Chaplain, Command, SAPS, or health care provider
Which statement reflects Coast Guard policy on tobacco use and abuse?
CG discourages all forms and use of tobacco to protect people and environment.
Which example would constitute unauthorized use of a prescription drug?
No current prescription within 6 months or verified medical use that would account for popping on the urinalysis
Which of the following is considered prohibited substance abuse?
Controlled or Synthetic substances
Which of the following constitutes a drug incident?
1: Intentional use of druugs for non-medical purposes
2: Wrongful possesion of drugs
3: Traffiking of drugs
4: Intentional use of inhalants
5: A civil or military conviction for wrongful use, possesion
Urinalysis is the procedure employed to obtain urine samples under controlled conditions, maintaining a chain of custody on each sample, and_____.
Scientifically analyzing the samples to detect the presence of drugs
Which of the following would be the consequence of a drug incident?
Which term is defined as self-inflicted death with evidence, either explicit or implicit, or intent to die?
What term is defined as a self-inflicted potentially injurious behavior for which there is evidence, either implicit or explicit, that the person did not intend to kill himself/herself?
Self Harm
What term is defined as any interpersonal action, verbal or nonverbal, without a direct self-injurious component, passive or active, for which there is evidence, either explicit or implicit, that the person is communicating that a suicide-related behavior might occur in the near future?
Suicide threat
What term is defined as a self-inflicted potentially injurious behavior with a non-fatal outcome for which there is evidence, either explicit or implicit, of intent to die?
Suicide Attempt
For reporting purposes within the Suicide Prevention Program, self-harm with no injury is reported as _____.
Self Harm level 1
For reporting purposes within the Suicide Prevention Program, self-harm with injury is reported as _____.
Self Harm level 2
For reporting purposes within the Suicide Prevention Program, self-harm resulting in death is reported as _____.
Self Harm level 3
For reporting purposes within the Suicide Prevention Program, suicide attempt resulting in injury is reported as _____.
Suicide attempt level 2
For reporting purposes within the Suicide Prevention Program, suicide attempt resulting in no injury is reported as _____.
Suicide attempt level 1
What term is defined as any self-reported thoughts of engaging in suicide-related behaviors?
Suicide related ideations.
What would be the cause to report a Self-Harm Level 3 in the Suicide Prevention Program?
What term is defined as a self-inflicted potentially injurious behavior where intent is unknown?
Undetermined Suicide Related Behavior
Dismissing _____ as “manipulation” is one of the surest ways to increase suicide risk.
Suicidal Ideations
In one survey, more than half of 26,000 students across 70 colleges and universities reported having at least one _____ at some point in their lives.
Episode of suicidal thinking
What are any interpersonal acts of imparting, conveying, or transmitting suicide-related thoughts, wishes, desires, or intent; not to be construed as the actual self-inflicted behavior or injury known as?
Suicide related communication
What type of suicide-related communication is a proposed method of carrying out a design that can potentially result in suicide-related behavior?
Suicide Plan
Which of the following is part of the mnemonic for recognizing warning signs and circumstances associated with suicidal behavior?
Ideation, substance abuse, purposelessness, anxiety, feeling trapped, hopelessness, withdrawal, anger, recklessness, mood changes
_____ is not an easy thing to do, but it is essential for suicide prevention.
What may be helpful to lead into the question “Are you thinking about killing yourself?”
To consider how the conversation will go in your mind and role play to consider all the possibilities, help ease you into the conversation
What mnemonic is used as an aid for what to do when you suspect someone is thinking of suicide?
A.C.E. Ask Care Escort
During which step of suicide prevention may the at-risk member attempt to make a joke or attempt to deflect the direct question?
During the _____ step of suicide prevention you should actively listen.
During which step of suicide prevention should you remove or take possession of any means that could be used for self-injury?
During which step of suicide prevention is it important to not promise confidentiality?
In which step of suicide prevention is active listening likely to produce relief?
During which step of suicide prevention should you encourage the person to seek help?
You may express optimism that the person will be helped and will feel better if it seems appropriate and genuine during which step of suicide prevention?
During which step in suicide prevention will you adopt an attitude that you are going to help the person, and that this will save his or her life?
During which step of suicide prevention should you escort the person to the nearest emergency room, HCP, or mental healthcare professional?
If you ask a person “Are you thinking about killing yourself?” and they make a joke of the question, what should you do?
Ask Again
If a person tacitly indicates he/she has had thoughts of suicide, what information should you get on how bad the situation is?
How? Situation? History?
Who can you contact to acquire contact information for specific sources of help for suicide prevention?
Regional Work Life Office
Which personnel are required to develop Personal Fitness Plans?
All AD and Select Reserve must submit a CG-6049
Who do your submit your completed Personal Fitness Plan to?
Supervisors in April and October
The most current Personal Fitness Plan must be kept on file or electronically saved by _____.
The member or supervisor
Physical fitness guidelines for general health as set forth by the CDC include what amount of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week?
Muscle strengthening activities on two or more days a week that work all major muscle groups
All active duty members must engage in fitness activity as outlined in their Personal Fitness Plan a minimum of _____ per week.
Engage in a fitness activity as outlined in their PFP, minimum 180 mins a week
It is strongly recommended that the Personal Fitness Plan include _____ minutes per week of cardiorespiratory activity.
150 mins/ week
It is strongly recommended that the Personal Fitness Plan include _____ minutes per week of strength training.
30 mins
Because the effects of physical activity are cumulative, exercise sessions may vary in length, with a minimum of _____ minutes, in order to be beneficial.
10 mins
In general, physical activity sessions should be spread out over at least how many days per week?
3 days/week
Physical activity should produce a training effect, as measured by a _____ level of intensity.
Medium to vigorous level
According to the CDC, adults should perform 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity at what level of intensity?
Medium intensity