2020 Scrum Guide Flashcards
Who orders the work for a complex problem into a Product Backlog?
Product Owner
Who turns a selection of the work into an increment of value during a Sprint?
Scrum Team
What do the Scrum Team and its stakeholders do during the sprint?
Inspect the results and adjust for the next sprint.
Scrum is founded on…
empiricism and lean thinking
What asserts that knowledge comes from
experience and making decisions based on what is observed?
What is the benefit of lean thinking?
It reduces waste and focuses on the essentials
Scrum approach is…
Iterative and incremental
What does scrum optimize and control?
Predictability and risk
Scrum pillars (3)
Purpose of transparency in scrum…
Process and work must be visible to scrum team and stakeholders
What is the consequence of artifacts with low transparency?
Lead to decisions that diminish value and increase risk.
Transparency enables…
Inspection without transparency is…
Misleading and wasteful
Scrums five events provide…
Inspection and Cadence
Why should inspections be frequent?
To detect potential problems.
Inspection without adaptation is…
What is designed to provoke change?
Scrum events
What should a scrum team do when it learns anything new through inspection?
Scrum values (5)
Commitment Focus Openness Respect Courage
What is the commitment of the scrum team?
Achieving its goals
Supporting each other
Who makes up a scrum team?
1 Scrum master
1 Product Owner
What is scrum team focused on?
The Product Goal
What does “cross-functional” mean in Scrum?
Team has all the skills necessary to create value in a sprint.
How are scrum teams managed?
They are self-managed.
How many people are in a scrum team?
10 or fewer
What is the benefit of smaller teams?
Communicate better and are more productive.
What do multiple Scrum Teams focused on the same product share? (3)
Product goal
Product backlog
Product owner
Who is responsible for all product related activities?
Scrum team
Who is responsible for creating a valuable, useful increment?
Scrum team
What are developers committed to?
Creating any aspect of a useable increment
Who creates the sprint backlog?
What does the Definition of Done do?
Instills quality
Who adapts the plan every day?
Who is responsible for holding developers accountable?
Who crafts the sprint goal?
Scrum team (not just developers)
Who is accountable for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the scrum team?
Product owner
Who is accountable for developing and communicating the product goal?
Product Owner
Who creates and communicates Product Backlog items?
Product owner
The _____ is accountable for ordering the product backlog items.
Product Owner
Who is accountable for ensuring that the product backlog is transparent, visible, and understood?
Product owner
Who is accountable when product backlog management is delegated?
The Product Owner
In what ways does the product owner provide visibility to their decisions?
Content and ordering of the Product Backlog
Inspecting the increment during sprint review
Who can authorize changes to the product backlog?
The Product Owner
How many product owners can a scrum team have?
One. (It’s not a committee)
What is the scrum master accountable for?
Establishing scrum as defined in the scrum guide.
Who is responsible for helping everyone understand scrum theory and practice?
Scrum master
Who is accountable for the teams effectiveness?
Scrum master
Who does the scrum master serve?
Scrum team and the organization
Who is responsible for coaching the team members in self-management?
Scrum master
Who helps the scrum team focus on creating high value increments that meet the Definition of Done?
Scrum master
Who removes impediments to the scrum teams progress?
Scrum master
Who ensures that all scrum events take place?
Scrum master
How does the scrum master serve the scrum team? (4)
Coaching the team
Helping the team focus on value and meeting the Definition of Done
Removing impediments
Ensuring events are positive, productive, and timeboxed
Who helps the Product owner with finding techniques for effective Product Goal definition?
Scrum master
Who helps find techniques for effective product backlog management and product goal definition?
Scrum Master
Who helps the Scrum Team understand the need for clear and concise product backlog items?
Scrum Master
Who helps establish empirical product planning?
Scrum Master
Who helps facilitate stakeholder collaboration as requested or needed?
Scrum master
Who leads, trains, coaches and helps prepare the organization for Scrum adoption?
Scrum master
Who helps employees and stakeholders understand and enact an empirical approach for complex work?
Scrum master
Who removes barriers between stakeholders and scrum teams?
Scrum master
The sprint is a container for what?
All other scrum events
What does each scrum event offer?
Opportunity to inspect and adapt
What is the disadvantage of not running scrum events as prescribed?
Lost opportunities to inspect and adapt.
What is a benefit of scrum events?
Less meetings not defined in scrum
When are scrum events held?
At the same time and place
Why are scrum events held at the same time and place?
To reduce complexity
How long are sprints?
One month or less
Why are sprints a fixed length?
To create consistency
When does a new sprint start?
At the conclusion of the previous sprint.
What work takes place outside of sprints?
None. All work necessary to achieve the product goal happen within sprints.
Which changes can endanger the sprint goal?
None. No changes are made that would endanger the sprint goal.
Can quality decrease during a sprint if necessary?
When is the product backlog refined?
During the sprint, as needed.
Who is scope negotiated with?
The product owner
When is scope renegotiated?
As needed
Why is scope clarified or renegotiated?
Something is learned
Sprints enable ______ by ensuring ________ and ______ of progress toward the product goal.
Predictability, inspection, adaptation
What is the risk of a sprint being too long?
Sprint goal may become invalid.
Complexity may rise
Risk may increase
What can a sprint be considered?
A short project
What is the benefit of shorter sprints?
More learning, limiting risk
What is used for forward looking decision making?
Empiricism. (What has already happened)
Burn down chart
Shows work remaining in the backlog
What is shown on horizontal and vertical axis of a burn down chart?
Horizontal: Work remaining
Vertical: Time
What values are used for amount of work in a burn down chart?
Story points
Task hours
Burn-up chart
Shows amount of completed work.
What is shown on horizontal and vertical axis on a Burn-up chart?
Horizontal: Time
Vertical: Work completed
What is more important than charts?
Who is the only person that has the authority to cancel a sprint?
Product Owner
For what reasons can a sprint be cancelled?
Sprint goal becomes obsolete.
What event initiates the sprint?
Sprint planning
The sprint plan is the work of…
The entire scrum team
Who is invited to the sprint planning ceremony?
Scrum team and others
What is discussed at the sprint planning event?
The most important product backlog items and how they map to the Product Goal.
What three questions does sprint planning address?
Why is the sprint valuable?
What can be done this sprint?
How will the chosen work get done?
In which event is this question asked?
Why is the sprint valuable?
Sprint planning
In which event is this question asked?
What can be done this sprint?
Sprint planning
In which event is this question asked?
How will the chosen work get done?
Sprint planning
Who defines the sprint goal in sprint planning?
Scrum team
What does the Product Owner propose during sprint planning?
How the product could increase its value during the sprint.
When must the sprint goal be finalized?
During sprint planning
Who selects items from the sprint backlog to include in the current sprint?
What do developers need to know to increase their confidence in their sprint forecasts? (3 items)
What they know about their past performance.
Their upcoming capacity
Their Definition of Done
What can be challenging for developers during sprint planning?
Knowing how much can be completed.
What do Developers do for each backlog item during sprint planning?
Plan the work necessary to create an increment that meets the Definition of Done
Decompose them
Who tells developers how to turn backlog items into increments of value?
No one
How much time do decomposed backlog items typically take to complete?
One day or less
What is contained in the sprint backlog?
Sprint goal
Selected Product backlog items
Plan for delivering them
What is the timebox for sprint planning?
Maximum of 8 hours for a one month sprint. Usually shorter for shorter sprints.
What is the purpose of the Daily Scrum?
Inspect progress toward the sprint goal and adapt the Sprint Backlog as necessary
Daily scrum timebox
15 minutes
Who participates in the daily scrum?
if the product owner or scrum master are actively working on Product Backlog items, they participate as Developers
Why is the daily scrum held at the same time and place every working day?
To reduce complexity
What is the focus of the daily scrum?
Progress toward the sprint goal and an actionable plan for the next day of work
What does the Daily Scrum do for the team?
Creates focus and improves self-management
What are the benefits of Daily Scrums? (4)
Improve communication
Identify impediments
Promote quick decision-making
Eliminate the need for other meetings
Is the Daily Scrum the only time Developers are allowed to adjust their plan?
When do developers have detailed discussions about adapting or replanning the rest of the sprints work?
At meetings throughout the day.
What is the purpose of the sprint review?
Inspect the outcome of the sprint and determine future adaptations
Who participates in the sprint review?
Scrum team
Key stakeholders
What is presented at the sprint review?
Results of the scrum teams work
Progress toward the Product Goal
Who presents at the sprint review?
Scrum team
What is reviewed at the sprint review?
Accomplishments in the sprint
What changed in the environment
What do sprint review attendees collaborate on?
What to do next
How long is the sprint review?
Maximum 4 hours for a one month sprint. Usually shorter for shorter sprints.
What can be adjusted during a sprint review?
The product backlog
What is a stakeholder?
Person external to the scrum team with a specific interest in and knowledge of a product.
When is a stakeholder actively engaged?
During sprint review
Purpose of sprint retrospective
To plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness
Who participates in the sprint retrospective?
Scrum team
What does the scrum team inspect during the sprint retrospective?
How the last sprint went.
What elements does the sprint retrospective inspect?
Individuals Interactions Processes Tools Definition of Done
How are assumptions handled in the Sprint Retrospective?
They are identified and explored.
Which sprint event covers what went well, what problems were encountered, and how those problems were /weren’t solved?
Sprint retrospective
Which event concludes the sprint?
Sprint retrospective
When are improvements to the scrum team addressed?
ASAP for the most impactful improvements
Is it required that an improvement identified in the Sprint retrospective is included in the next sprint backlog?
Optional, as of the 2020 Scrum Guide.
Timebox for sprint retrospective.
3 hours for a one month sprint. Usually shorter for shorter sprints.
What is the purpose of scrum artifacts?
Maximize transparency
What do scrum artifacts represent?
Work or value
What contains a commitment that ensures it provides information that enhances transparency an focus against which progress can be measured?
Scrum artifacts
What is the commitment of the Product Backlog?
Product Goal
What is the commitment of the Sprint Backlog?
Sprint Goal
What is the commitment of the increment?
Definition of Done
What are the three Scrum Commitments?
Product Goal
Sprint Goal
Definition of Done
Why do scrum commitments exist?
To reinforce empiricism and the scrum values?
Who are the scrum commitments for?
Scrum team
What is the Product Backlog?
An ordered list
What are the product backlogs items?
List of what is needed to improve the product?
What is the single source of work undertaken by the scrum team?
Product Backlog
What is ready for selection in a Spring Planning event?
Product Backlog items that can be done within one sprint
How do product backlog items acquire the degree of transparency required to be selected in Sprint Planning?
Refining activities
What is Product Backlog refinement?
Breaking down and further defining Product Backlog items into smaller, more precise items.
What is an ongoing activity to add details?
Product Backlog Refinement
What kind of details are added during Product Backlog Refinement?
(But may vary with the domain of work)
Who is responsible for product backlog item sizing?
Who helps with understanding and selecting trade-offs in product backlog sizing?
Product Owner
What does the product goal describe?
Future state of the product which serves as a target for the Scrum Team.
Where does the Product goal reside?
In the Product Backlog
What is a product?
A vehicle to deliver value?
What does a product have?
A clear boundary
Known stakeholders
Well-defined users or customers
The Product Goal is _______ for the Scrum Team.
the long-term objective
How many product goals can a team focus on?
One at a time
What does the Sprint backlog contain? (3)
Sprint goal
Selected Product backlog items
Actionable plan
Who creates the sprint backlog?
What is the sprint backlog?
Picture of work that developers plan to accomplish during the sprint
When is the sprint backlog updated?
Throughout the sprint as things are learned.
What is the level of detail for the sprint backlog?
Enough that developers can inspect their progress during the Daily Scrum
When do developers inspect their progress against the Sprint Backlog?
During the Daily Scrum
What is the Sprint Goal?
The single objective for the sprint.
What does the sprint goal create?
Coherence and focus
When is the Sprint Goal created?
Sprint Planning
Who do developers negotiate with if work during the sprint is different than expected?
Product Owner
What shouldn’t change if work during the sprint is different than expected?
Sprint Goal
What can change during a sprint if work is different than expected?
Sprint Backlog scope
What is concrete stepping stone toward the Product Goal?
An Increment
What should happen to each increment?
It should be thoroughly verified, ensuring all increments work together.
What must an increment be?
How many increments may be created during the sprint?
What does the presentation of the increments at Sprint Review support?
When may an increment be delivered?
At any time during the sprint
What is required for an increment to be released?
It must meet the Definition of Done
What is it called when an increment meets the quality measures required for a product?
Meeting the Definition of Done
When is an Increment born?
The moment a Product Backlog item meets the Definition of Done.
What does the Definition of Done create?
Can a product backlog item that doesn’t meet the Definition of Done be presented at Sprint review?
What happens to a Product Backlog item that doesn’t meet the Definition of Done?
It returns to the Product Backlog
Who creates the Definition of Done?
The Organization. If not the Organization, the Scrum Team per product.
Can multiple scrum teams working on the same product have multiple Definitions of Done?
No. They must mutually define and comply with a single Definition of Done
Developers are required to conform to….
The Definition of Done