2020 Refresh phrases Flashcards
the plank of wood is used as a bridge to cross the gap
ai-cabella nu’udar ponte atu hakat kuak
Our efforts/attempts to assist the community will benefit if we can use some volunteers who speak English
Ami esforsu ba ajuda komunidade sei iha benefísiu se ami bele uza voluntáriu sira balun ne’ebé iha abilidade iha lian English
In the rainy season many things will appear like the current floods that we encountered, also sometimes strong winds will appear, sometimes the sea will rise, therefore, here the military is always ready to respond when our state requests.
Iha tempu udan buat barak mak sei mosu hanesan daudaun inundasaun ne’ebé ita atravesa mós dalaruma anin boot sei mosu, tasi dalaruma sei sa’e, portanto iha ne’e militár sempre pronto atu bele fó nia resposta bainhira ita-nia estadu husu
Apart from our involvement with the allied forces in East Timor, we are also involved with maritime rescues.
La sura ami-nia envolvimento ho Forças aliado iha Timor-Leste, ami mós envolve ho Salvos maritime.
They are in the process of improving the skills of our Navy.
Sira hala’o dada’uk prosesu ida atu aumenta habilidade Força Naval.
I’m not yet used to the Dili weather
ha’u seidauk toman tempu Dili nian
The storm destroyed most of our crops this year.
Tinan ne’e, estrondu sobu ami- nia to’os-fuan barak liu
We are here to strengthen the relationship with Timor Leste.
Ami iha ne’e atu hametin relasaun di’ak ho Timor Leste.
We are here to assist with peace in the area.
Ami iha ne’e atu asiste Ita-boot sira hametin pás iha área ne’e.
We are here to provide assistance with security.
Ami iha ne’e atu fó-asisténsia ba Ita-boot sira mantén seguransa.
We don’t really know when (how long)
Ami ladún hatene to’o bainhira
Construction will only take 3 days
Konstrusaun ne’e sei lori loron tolu de’it
We are here for two weeks
Ami iha ne’e to’o semana rua
They will be here for two more days
Sira sei iha ne’e loron rua tan
Another 31 military personnel
Ema militar nain 31 seluk