2020 paper Flashcards
We think are answers??
Keen runner who has irregular periods, where is the pathology?
Hypothalamic -> Think this is hypothalamic hypogonadism seen in anorexics/
Which factor signifies greatest risk of progression in RA?
Joint involvement >8
Anti CCP
We arent 100% sure but the following are poor prognostic features:
- rheumatoid factor positive
- anti-CCP antibodies
- poor functional status at presentation
- X-ray: early erosions (e.g. after < 2 years)
- extra articular features e.g. nodules
- insidious onset
Pt with bradycardia and bilateral crackles, was on O2. Next step of mx?
IV furosemide
IV furosemide
Abx for infective exacerbation of COPD
BNF states that it is either amoxicillin, tetracycline or clarithromycin
Woman 55yo? with pain in groin, mets in femur, where was primary lesion located?
Renal cancer is normally loin pain, mass and haemtauria… this could be the loin pain COMMONLY mets to bone, like lung.
Cervical or lung as lung more commonly metastasised to long bones
We think that this is cervical as it is more common and it would explain the mets and groin pain??? Not sure
Q described the findings from a CXR which showed bilateral multiple air filled sacs 10-20mm
Lung cancer
Septic emboli
Septic emboli
We just searched up a bunch of pictures and picked the one which looked like it had air filled sacs… That being said the other ones we think present with caseating or non caseating granulomas or hard masses neither of which are air filled.
Analgesia for osteoarthritis.
Topical Diclofenac -> This was the option in this exam qs -> There was only one answer…
Paracetamol or Topical NSAIDS
Milky fluid drained from chest after surgery
Chylothorax -> this is a collection of fluid where the source is the lymphatics,
Women with headaches, pushing on the frontal lobe. Which brain tumour?
Meningioma -> The most common in adults is Meningioma
-> Listened to the guy with a neuro BSc no other fact checking…
Jiwonn seo fact checked Imperial Neuro BSc is not worth it-> he gonna be a radioologist
NVM turns out jess cant read below is a pie chart that shows a neuro bsc in imperial is worth it. (Glioblastoma is the most common malignant tumour meningiaoma is the most common in tumour)
Screenshot from Giulia
45 year old man with BP 190/90, tx?
So in the past paper it said Perindopril
Could be Oral labetolol
IV labetolol
The following was an explanation in MaM mock answers to the question in the picture
This patient has presented with heart failure secondary to severe hypertension. In this circumstance, IV nitrates (e.g. sodium nitroprusside) are the first-line option to reduce blood pressure. GTN is an alternative agent that may be used in the same circumstance. Beta-blockers should be avoided as it can further compromise a heart that is already failing. Methyldopa is an old drug that may be used in the treatment of hypertension in pregnancy. Phentolamine is an alpha-blocker that may be used in the management of blood pressure in patients with phaeochromocytoma.
What cell is primarily affected in MS?
Schwann cells
Oligodendrocytes ->These are what creates the myelin in the central nervouse systemn
Schwann cells are the ones that create Myelin on the peripheral nervous system
MS attacks the central nervous system
What additional vaccine is given to COPD patients?
The other possible answer ios Influenzaaaa
CXR was normal. Upper lobe diversion, what test to do?
CTPA -> CXR is apparently not good at telling upper lobe diversion so you need to do CTPA to confirm,
Cholesterol >9.0, triglycerides normal, HDL normal. Dx?
Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia -> Isolated increase in LDL with all other levels are normal is suggestive of this condition.
Polymyositis description, what blood test would help diagnosis? (Anti-Jo was not an option)
CK -> Is what the majority think it is
Antijo-1 would be more correct apparently for screening ANA is used.
COPD wasn’t eating much. Which tool would be most useful?
Mini nutritional assessment
Honestly not sure what the answer is… Seems pretty low yield..
Malnutrition universal screening tool
Mini nutritional assessment
Malnutrition universal screening tool
Tx for spinal cord compression caused by mets.
Surgical decompression
surgical decompression
Surgical decompression is not done for metatstatic disease. If there is multiple mets or they are unstable.
Guy who kept falling asleep in the daytime.
Guy who had an incident where he nearly fell asleep while driving a lorry. What is the most important thing to do?
Tell him to inform the DVLA
Tell him to inform the DVLA
Blood supply to 2nd part of duodenum.
**Gastroduodenal artery
Essentially everything upto the 2nd part of the duodenum is supplied by the gastroduodenal artery.
After this the next component the midgut is supplied by the SMA and the final component is the IMA.
Abdominal osesophagus to the major duodenal papilla; oancreas; liver; gall bladder; spleen are all part of the coeliac trunk and its branches
SMA -> latter 2 parts of the duodenum the jejunum ileum caecum ascending colon and 2/3rds of the transverse colon
IMA -> distal 1/3rd of the transverse colon, descending, sigmoid,rectum and canal colon.
Lymphadenopathy, fever, bilateral conjunctival swelling.
This was the option that was on the paper. This is often seens with rat places.
What pneumoia causes cavitations on CXR? these are Gram +ve Cocci
Staphylococcus aureus -> This is also associated wtih recent viral infection.
Lacunar infarct, what drug to give in addition to aspirin?
Beta blocker
This is the secondary prevention for strokes.
ACEi is provided if the causes if a haemorhragic hypertensive stroke.
Loud 2nd HS, pansystolic murmur. Right bundle branch block. - queried
Pulmonary HTN
Mixed aortic disease
Pulmonary HTN -> Giulia’s dad said its this… He a surgeon so we shall believe him…Mitral Regurgitation, causing Pul HTN I think that leads to a snapping close of the pulmonary valve. The Mitral regurg probably also causes the PSM.
Mixed aortic disease would explain the PSM -> MR -> also leads to Pulmonary HTN + Aortic Stenosis (Loud S2) -> the RBBB -> Is a sign of Pulmonary HTN …… Leaning towards mixed diasease
Woman gave birth 4 months ago. High TSH, low T3/4.
Primary hypothyroidism
Viral thyroiditis
Postpartum thyroiditis
Post-partum thyroiditis -> this is a common post pregnancy and often presents a couple of months after pregnancy. Initially it presents like thyrotoxicosis.
this is often self limiting
I believe the history of the recent pregnancy makes Postpartum more likely. Primary hypothyroidism however is still another cause of low thyroxine and HIGH TSH.
Prevention of steroid-induced osteoporosis.
Post hysterectomy and ovaries removal what is the prophylactic treatment of osteoperosis?
While looking this up online, we found that for risk reducing surgery with bilateral oopherectomy, HRT is given as prophylactic treat.
I thought oestrogen but i think bisphosphonates were reccomended whereas oestrodial was like suggested as a possible option.
Tx of neuropathic heel ulcer which had black crust.
Low contact cast
Sharp debridement
Larval therapy
Low contact cast -> i believe this is done to relieve the pressure that is causing the ulcer in the first place
Sharp debridement – used in the presence of infection This is only treated if there is a wet gangrene.
Type of aphasia in women who can talk fluently but doesnt follow instructions
Colon biopsy showed caseous necrosis and Langerhan histiocytes. Feverish and GI sx.
Tuberculosis -> This is a cause of Caseating granulomas
They also have langerhan histocytes…
CXR shows widened mediastinum with different BP in arms. What investigation to do next?
CT angiography
CT angiography
Stable and AD -> CT angio
IF unstable and AD -> TTE
The widened mediastinum is more suggestive of Aortic dissection. If there was
43 year old with pain in bilateral knees, wrists.
RA -> too young for osteoarthritis and RA is often bilateral and affects the small joints with later progression to the knee.
Pt with COPD on 28% mask, but O2 sats are 85% after 30mins. What should you do?
Increase to 35%
100% O2
Stay on 28%
Reduce to 24%
Increase to 35%
If NIV or BiPAP is an option it is that. I dont think that you go down on Oxygen if they are desaturating.
Intrinsic muscle wasting of hands, biceps reflex reduced.
C5 nerve damage
Axillary nerve damage
Posterior brachial plexus damage
Posterior brachial plexus damage
Basically the C5-6 nerve is what controls the reflexes and we think thats the reason that is not functional. However, the intrinsic muscles are innervated with the ulnar nerve which is innervated by the nerve roots C8 - T.
The nerves where the above 2 interact are in the posterior cord as that cord recieves input from all of C5 all the way to T1. Therefore we thought that The posterior brachial plexus made the most sense.
28yo with some episodes of semi-loose stools. He is healthy between episodes. Tx for IBS diet??
FODMAP -> This is the treatment for IBS. this is the reccomended diet. you can also do symptomatic management.
Options were:
Lactulose diet
CXR showed multiple lung mets in a guy with an undescended testicle. Which tumour marker?
It could also be AFP, both are related with testicular cancer