2020-01-01 Flashcards
balance (of an account), settlement, payment (n)
el saldo [de cuenta] = balance of an account, el saldo
shopping mall (n)
el centro comerial
doll (n)
la muñeca
ecuatoriano (n)
unique (adj)
wealth (n)
la riqueza
“stand in line” (f)
pararse a sus filas
“model to follow” (f)
modelo a seguir
curfew (f)
el toque de queda
[they are] marginalized (adj)
out of date, old fashioned, antiquated (adj)
“to hit the mark/target” (f)
acaba de dar en el blanco
a political “speaking point” or catch phrase (n)
el gancho
to cajole (v) / to cajole into something
engatusar / engatusar a algn
medical insurance (n)
seguros médicos
unhealthy (adj) / unsanitary (conditions)
insalubre (=insano) / insalubrious [+ condiciones]
to rant and rave (about something)
“a connection with my background (origin)”
una conexión con me origen
prejudiced (adj)
torch (flaming) (n) / to torch (a building or vehicle) (f, v)
la antorcha / prender fuego a, incendiar
multi-racial relations (f)
relaciones multiraciales
“the guitar is in tune / out of tune” (f)
la guitarra está afinada / desafinada
a person that thinks that they are superior / stuck up (adj)