202 Series Flashcards
The Anti Crime supervisor will examine Complaint Reports and online booking system arrest worksheets to establish times and locations of violent street crimes and what other crime?
The Desk Officer will certify entries in Telephone Dispatch Log by signing the log at end of tour and after what hour?
The Training Sergeant is responsible to maintain the commands what?
The RMP Operator is required to notify whom of any deficiencies in the RMP that are found.
How often will the Training Sergeant maintain and sign the Training Attendance Log?
The Patrol Wagon Operator is required to notify Borough Court Section concerned if prisoners are not ready to be transported within how many minutes after arrival at location where prisoners are to be picked up.
Anti-crime Police Officers will conduct short-term investigations, not to exceed how many hours, within command boundaries, directly related to street/subway crimes or burglaries except when commanding officer/executive officer extends such time.
The Telephone Switchboard Operator will maintain this record and make the related notifications.
Highway Conditions
A Police Officer swill submit a completed Police Officers Monthly Conditions Impact measurement Report to designated Sergeant by what day of the month for the previous month.
What officer administers the Vin etching, CAT, HEAT, and BAT.
Crime Prevention
A Police Officer is not required to signal when assigned to this type of post.
The Desk Officer will check command email frequently throughout tour. Checks are required during the fourth hour of tour and what other part of the tour. Record checks in the command log.
The Desk Officer is required to supervise arrest processing and how often will he be required to inspect the arrest processing area and ascertain number of prisoners on hand and length of time in command.
The Domestic Violence Prevention Officer will Prior to conducting a family/home visit, notify communications by utilizing what radio code.
Who is responsible for delivering Department mail.
Command Clerk
After roll call, the Desk Officer is required to log into the Domain Awareness System ( DAS) and correlate vehicle information to daily sector assignments. If a device is not functioning, contact the information technology bureau ( ITB) Help Desk for further instructions and make and entry in what record regarding this notifications.
An RMP operator will respond to messages of serious police emergency within how many blocks of location even if messages are directed to another car, regardless of sector, precinct and borough boundaries.
Five Blocks
The Command Auxiliary Police Coordinator will inspect all portable radios and the reserve supply of bullet resistant vests assigned to command for auxiliary police use, when performing duty. The inspection and documentation of portable radios and the reserve supply of command for auxiliary police use, when performing duty. The inspection and documentation of portable radios and the reserve supply of bullet resistant vests assigned to a command for auxiliary police use, will be completed how often?
The RMP Recorder will inform the RMP Operator when he finds that an RMP has what?
What Officer will administer the Safe Return Program.
Community Affairs
The actor that will act as an assistant to the Operations Coordinator.
The anticrime supervisor will ensure anti-crime personnel do not conduct decoy operations without the prior approval of whom?
Bureau Chief
Three-wheel scooters may be operated on all tours at speeds not exceeding how many MPH
Twenty miles per hour
How often does the Anti-crime Supervisor inspect Department autos for necessary equipment and inspect Anti crime members for proper equipment.
The Desk Officer will be responsible to notify the Operations Coordinator of the number of Property clerks invoices that has been stored with in the command in excess of how many days.
Thirty Days
All Police Officers will report conditions not requiring immediate attention to what person.
Command Clerk
The Patrol Supervisor will report derelictions of duty to whom?
Commanding Officer
A MOS will not perform scooter duty when the temperature falls below how many degrees Celsius ( except three-wheel scooter).
The Evidence Property Control Specialist is required to notify the Desk Officer of the number of Property clerks Invoices stored within the command in excess of how many days.
Thirty Days
How often will the Police Attendant enter results of inspection of prisoners on the prisoner roster… every how many minutes
Thirty minutes
The Patrol Supervisor will review and sign Police Officers Monthly Conditions impact measurement reports of police officers/detectives specialists, monthly . The patrol Supervisor will make required entries and deliver completed Reports to platoon commander for review by what day for the previous month.
Fifth Day
How often will the Traffic Safety Officer provide to the Desk Officer Recapitulation of all collision numbers generated for a given command.
The Sergeant that is responsible to evaluate and coordinate the “safe Passage” and the “ Safe Corridor” programs.
School Safety Officer
The Desk Officers is required to prepare Daily vehicle assignment sheet on each tour, maintain sheets for the current month on a clip board behind the desk. On what platoon will the Desk Officer verify the daily Vehicle assignment sheet.
Anti-Crime Police Officers will patrol within the confines of command giving special attention to locations prone to violent street/subway crimes and what crime.
How often will the training Sergeant contact the Facilities Management Divisions Recycling/Sustainability Coordinator to report actions that were taken to implement the waste prevention, reuse, and recycling plan.
The position of Field Intelligence Officer (FIO) may be assigned to a uniformed Member of the service in the rank of Sergeant, detective, or police officer. The FIO is required to prepare Intelligence bureau Activity Report and submit it to commanding officer, Criminal Intelligence Section how often?
The Patrol Supervisor will report all vandalism of RMP seat belts To whom?
The Patrol Supervisor will be required to use the automatic vehicle location (AVL) feature in the Domain Awareness System(DAS) to monitor the location of RMP Units during the tour to enhance the safety of members of the service and to ensure the proper delivery of police services. The Patrol Supervisor will contact what Help desk for further instructions if the AVL is not working properly.
ITB Information Technology Bureau
How often is the Department Vehicle assignment Sheets and Precinct Consolidated Tour Report Prepared by the Desk Officer.