202 Duties and Responsibilities Flashcards
What equipment is required to be carried by the Duty Captain?
Radio, Cell Phone, and if available, Transit Radio
What log do you sign when visiting Precincts, PSA’s, Transit District’s or Boro Courts?
Interrupted Patrol Log
When visiting command detention cells, holding cells, Detective holding cells, Emergency Rooms and Hospitalized Prisoner Rooms, where do you document?
Command Logs
When would a Duty Captain personally prepare report on prisoner escape?
ONLY in the ABSENCE of the Precinct/PSA/TD/B.C.S. CO/XO
When does the Duty Captain have to visit VIPER in a PSA and how many times?
At least 1 time per tour. NO specific time or log mentioned.
When do you as the Duty Captain confer with the Traffic Management Center SUPERVISOR and DIRECT him/her to record conditions on “Daily Significant Incident Report” and in THEIR Command Log?
After being notified by Operations Unit of a traffic congestion problem or condition. You also must evaluate the situation and assign patrol borough/other resources as necessary.
Gun Removals NOTE
Initially call IAB, if NECESSARY! It is not necessary to call IAB before suspending/modifying or in non-discipline gun removal gun removal. YOU always make the decision, the call to IAB is for background only!
Duty Captain EOT Reports include?
**Observations, Disciplinary action, Visits, Unusuals
**Radio backlogs and action taken
**Radio runs to which you responded
**Recommendations to improve police service
**Upon completion of an investigation for which a IAB
log# has been generated, do a detailed 49 to IAB
Command Center including disposition of allegations
and findings, and a determination as to the necessity
for further investigation. Recommend closing if an
investigation is deemed complete.
Supervisor of Patrol NOTE
Conducts tour in unmarked Department vehicle and in either business attire or uniform. Visits PCT/PSA/VIPER/TD/BCS in borough of assignment at Irregular intervals!!
Who reviews site security with the desk officer?
Supervisor of Patrol (Captain)
Who does he/she confer with and what about?
Confers with ICO about HAZARDS/Conditions
Commanding Officers about UMOS Performance
Commanding Officer of Boro Investigations Unit about
matters of importance
As a Commanding officer of a PCT/PSA/TD, who do you call when there is less than 2 supervisors on any tour?
You call the Borough or if in Transit, you call the Transit Bureau Wheel!
Commanding Officers make command log entries when?
1) When you report Present for Duty and when you go EOT. 2) When leaving for patrol, emergencies, etc. and in this circumstance, you will indicate the manner of patrol, Department auto #, if applicable, and whether in uniform or civilian clothing.
What level of Performance monitoring do Commanding Officers personally review?
Commanding Officers PERSONALLY review and sign Monitoring Profile of Level 2 and Level 3 MOS. The original copy ONLY of performance profiles are due by the 5th of each month (Quarterly for Level 2, Monthly for Level 3
Level 1 Performance Monitoring must last a minimum of how many months?
12 months, but they will be evaluated during their 10th month! BUT NO REPORT. Strictly between the MOS and CO (Performance Analysis Section assists)
Regarding Performance Monitoring, What level does not allow for a start later than 18oo hrs?
Level 2 and 3 do not allow officers to start their tours later than 1800 hrs. Level 2 and 3 do not allow Paid detail as well.
What is the minimum amount of months that an officer must be monitored on Level 2 Performance Monitoring?
Level 2 = Minimum of 18 months
Level 3 Performance Monitoring *Note
NO Anti-Crime, CARB BEFORE PROMOTION, If officers go sick, Absence Control will be requested and they are subject to Integrity Tests
Reasons for Inclusion in Level 1 Monitoring are?
**Interviewed by who?
CCRB's 3+ in 1 Year 6+ in 5 Years FORCE 4 in 2 Years 5 in 4 Years Negative Performance/behavior Negative Evaluation Referral by competent authority Suspended/Modified, Admin Transferred
**Interviewed by their CO and/or a supervisor from Performance Analysis Section
How do you get on Level 3 Monitoring?
By getting Consistently Negative evaluations!!
How does an officer get of Level 3 Monitoring?
ONLY the Special Monitoring Committee can remove an officer from Level 3 Performance Monitoring, It consists of the following 4 people:
1st Dep,
Chief Of Personnel
Chief of IAB,
DC Dept Advocate
Level 2 Performance Monitoring requires the CO prepare Quarterly Performance Profiles by what date?
CO prepares quarterly Performance Profiles by the 5th of the month AND he/she lists both NEGATIVE and POSITIVE behavior
What are the reasons an officer would be included in Level 2 Monitoring?
- GUILTY of Charges for FORCE in last 5 years
- 2 or more Substantiated FADO in 4 Years
- 3 or more Lawsuits for POLICE ACTION in the last 12 months
- 6 or more lawsuits for anything in last 5 years
- 1 or more lawsuit for anything that was DISPOSED of for 100,000 or more in the last 12 months
- Serious Misconduct resulting in discipline of 20 days or more within 5 years of the incident
- 2 below standards evaluations in 3 years or performance remains substandard after Level 1
- *2 BAD Evals, the officer must attend 2 Day Performance enhancement training course
- CO or PMU deems Level 1 won’t work for him/her or at the direction of the 1st Dep or DC Personnel, UPON Recommendation by BORO CO or DC Personnel
With regard to Performance Monitoring? the CIVIL LAWSUIT REVIEW COMMITTEE reviews members meeting certain criteria. What is the criteria?
- 3 or more Lawsuits for police action in the last 12 months
- 6 or more Lawsuits for anything in the last 5 years
- 1 or more Lawsuit for anything was disposed of for $100,000 or more in the last 12 months
Officers on Level 3 Performance Monitoring requires that the Commanding Officer prepare MONTHLY Performance Profiles (DUE the 5th of each month). They are subject to review by?
These reports are subject to review by the Career Advancement Review Board (CARB) prior to promotion
Whenever officers on Level 3 Performance Monitoring go sick, they will be visited by_____________ and also be subjected to __________________.
Visited by Absence Control and subjected to Integrity Tests.
Consistent negative Evaluations and failing to respond to positive reinforcement or discipline are two reasons one may be added to _________________
Level 3 Performance Monitoring. An officer can also be added by the direction of the Special Monitoring Committee, 1 year in Level 2 without improvement or the CO or Boro CO recommend and APPROVAL by SMC. Dismissal probation
Level 1 (Entry Level Probation) The Probation Monitoring Unit interviews and sends monitoring packages to who?
The CO sends package to the Commanding Officer. He/She then must submit Evaluation and a memo documenting progress. Probationary Monitoring Unit falls under the Human Capital Division, formally EMD
How does one get included in the Probation monitoring?
When Overall Evaluation falls below standards, competent but low in any dimension or CO requests
Level 2 Extended Probation (includes Promotion Probation) To be included, you need 2 below standards evaluations or Below standards on 22month Evaluation.
6 Month Extended Probation
Officer must attend 2 day retraining course at the Police Academy. Trained on (Law of arrest, Arrest process, Summons, Computers, etc.) Note: RE: 2 day course, the CO MAY send Officer to this course w/o putting them in monitoring.
1 month PRIOR to the end of probation, CO must submit interim Evaluation & memo explaining in detail the performance. **NOTE Performance Analysis Section will decide if termination process begins.
Level 2 Extended Probation (includes Promotion Probation) To be included, you need?
2 below standards evaluations or Below standards on 22month Evaluation. The CO sends a written request to the DC Personnel
Level 3 Termination/Demotion Monitoring
Performance Analysis Section committee reviews and recommends action to DC Personnel.
- Promotion Probationer is not making transition to supervisor and likely to be demoted
- PPO has been suspended or Modified
- *PPO will receive charges. Human Capital Division confers with CO to form plan.
Uniform Probation Level 1 *PMU interviews *PMU sends packages to CO *CO does the evaluation and memo Reasons for inclusion?
Below standards Evaluation
Competent Overall Evaluation, but low in any area
CO requests
Uniform Probation of both PPO’s and Promotees
*need 2 day retraining
*6 month extension of probation
*CO does the eval and memo 1 month prior to end
Reasons for inclusion?
Below standards Evaluations
Below standards Evaluations and 2 while on Promotion probation
CO requests in writing
MOS who have had to discharge their firearm 3 or more times have their careers reviewed by?
The Firearm Discharge Review Task Force
Ops Coordinator reviews 61’s and consults with____________and ________________and determines priority crime locations
Planning Officer and OMAP’s Operation Research Section prsonnel
The Operations Coordinator notifies the _______________ or _________________ regarding safety hazards that command personnel can’t fix.
Borough or Bureau Safety Coordinator
Who coordinates all overtime programs within the command?
Operations Coordinator
Who coordinates all commands safety programs?
Operations Coordinator
Who coordinates the Human Relations Program in the commands?
The Operations Coordinator. They do it by maintaining close liaison with the Boro Community Affairs Coordinator and the Chief of Community Affairs
The Ops Coordinator supervises command custodial personnel and coordinates with the facility Maintenance Section to ensure the following:
- Appropriate custodial staffing levels are maintained at the command AND
- Deficiencies in command cleanliness are identified for correction AND
- FMS is apprised of matters of importance regarding command cleanliness, so that issues can be expeditiously mitigated.
Who has the responsibility of supervising the Election Duty?
Operations Coordinator
Who is responsible for conducting a survey of the command’s snow removal equipment and when does it have to be completed by?
The Operations Coordinator is responsible for conducting a survey of the command’s snow removal equipment by September 15th to ensure its availability.
The Operations Coordinator is responsible for 3 signs. What are they, and where do they go?
Free Interpretation Service Available Sign Is visibly displayed in the command reception Area. ensure dual handset telephonic interpretation service equipped telephone is present and functional. They ensure 2 department signs, “Reporting Corruption and Misconduct” and “Corruption Tears us Apart” are conspicuously posted in non-public area of the command.
When is the inspection of the command fire extinguishers conducted?
During January and July. The inspection is Supervised by the Ops Coordinator. Inspecting member will date and initial the tag attached. Ops Coordinator will make a command log entry indicating that inspection was performed.
The Operations Coordinator supervises the following
Crime Analysis, Traffic Safety, Training Sergeants.) Evidence Property Control Specialist or designate a supervisor to) Command Custodial Personnel. The Principal Administrative Associate
Who coordinates the Crime Prevention Program of command?
Special Operations Lieutenant
What personnel are supervised by the SOL?
Hint= 8
School Safety Sergeant, Anti-Crime Supervisor, SNEU Supervisor, Crime Prevention Officer, Youth Officer, Auxiliary Police Coordinator, Peddler Enforcement and Domestic Violence Sergeant
Who is the Problem Solving Coordinator in the command?
SOL, in conjunction with, and by the direction of the Commanding Officer
You as the commanding officer have the SOL to assist you in 5 areas. What are they?
1) Identify major crime and quality of life problems affecting the command
2) Perform an analysis of the identified crime and quality of life problems in order to separate them into their essential components
3) Design a response utilizing command, Department and Community resources, and where possible the resources of other agencies.
4) Implement the designed response
5) Evaluate the effectiveness of the response and modify it, if necessary.
Who is the precinct’s liaison officer to the New York State Office of Victim Services (OVS) and external State and City agencies
As a Precinct Platoon Commander, you re required to participate as a member of the precinct’s management team. You advise and confer with who within the command?
you advise and confer with commanding/executive officers, operations coordinator, special ops Lt, integrity control officer, squad commander and BRAM commanders, if appropriate, on matters of importance, unusual arrests or occurrences, personal and integrity concerns and other conditions requiring their attention.
At the start of your tour, one of your duties “DAILY” as the Platoon Commander is to access the department’s intranet webpage? What are you trying to ascertain by doing so?
You are ascertaining active PAID DETAIL locations and times of assignments within the precinct. You as the platoon commander are then required:
1) to make a command log entry indicating results of inquiry, including times of assignments.
2) Print reference copy of PAID DETAIL assignments scheduled during tour and attach to roll call.
NOTE Remember that the ICO is required to access the Dept. Intranet to ascertain paid detail activities of individual members “assigned to command” MONTHLY
There are two situations when a Platoon Commander will interview someone on the platoon. They are?
1) They conduct all return from sick interviews AND
2) interview members of the platoon when they are performing in an unsatisfactory manner.
Who is responsible for the Early Intervention Monitoring for members of the platoon?
Platoon Commander
How often are Platoon Commanders required to inspect and sign ACTIVITY LOGS of Patrol Supervisors?
DAILY. Remember that you will document times,names and locations of assignments of members visited!
NOTE: Patrol Supervisors are not required to list locations of members visited.
When you as a Platoon Commander confer with the Integrity Control Officer, you confer about? Remember the acronym, “I COPS”
Integrity issues CCRBS O/T Concerns Personnel Sick Records
As the Desk officer, you are responsible for all POLICE Operations within the command. With regard to emails, what are your responsibilities?
Check them frequently. They are required immediately after the start of tour and again during the 4th hour
As the Desk Officer, with regard to the Domain Awareness system, if a device is not functioning, who do you contact?
in this situation, you would contact the “ITB” Information Technology Bureau Help Desk for further instructions.
1) Make an entry in the telephone Record regarding notification AND
2) INFORM the Patrol Supervisor of that notification
Desk Officers supervise the performance of who?
Remember the acronym “CAT P”
Command Clerk
Attendant ( Police Attendant)
T/S Operator
Patrol wagon Operator
Desk officers must certify TELEPHONE DISPATCH LOG entries. How do they do this?
They certify by signing the LOG after the 4th hour and at the end of tour.
NOTE don’t get confused with emails, they are required to be checked immediately after the start of tour and again during the 4th hour
You as the desk officer are required to record “RINGS” during the first platoon. During what hours will these rings be recorded?
Between the hours of 0200 and 0700hrs
The Desk officer must confer with 3 people regarding trends observed or other matters of importance? Who are they?
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Operations Coordinator
Nobody is authorized to go behind the desk EXCEPT?
MOS Judicial Officers Medical Examiners or their assistants Corporation Counsel or their assistants Comptroller or assistant District attorneys or assistants
The Integrity Control Officer must Develop and Maintain 2 things?
Integrity Control Plan AN Overtime Control Plan (includes audit and review process)
Who does the ICO notify concerning self-initiated cases?
Patrol BORO Investigations Unit
The ICO utilizes the AAMZ/AQIA screens to regularly scan Police Accident Reports for 4 corruption indicators?
1) inordinate amount of Police Accident Reports submitted by the same UMOS
2) Discrepancy between the dates and times of submitted PAR’s an those of the MOS tours
3) Any PAR submitted by a command clerk
4) Any PAR submitted by a UMOS assigned to an outside command, for example SRG or border precincts
If you as the ICO believe you have found possible fraudulent accident reports, who do you contact for assistance if necessary?
Fraudulent Collision Investigation Squad
During the month of NOVEMBER, the Integrity Control Officer has to inspect both the male and female locker rooms for proper display of 2 stickers. What are they?
1) POLICE DON’T MOVE–Must have members Rank,
Name, Shield and Squad #
How often does the ICO have to audit the Domain Awareness System? What what are you ensuring by doing so?
You must conduct a monthly audit of DAS to ensure Desk Officers are updating the AVL system each tour.
Who is responsible for all Police Field Operations within command during their tour of duty?
Patrol Supervisor **NOTE** Platoon Commander --All Command Operations Desk Officer-All Police Operations Patrol Supervisor-- All Field Operations
Who conducts roll call?
The Desk officer conducts Roll Call!
The Patrol Supervisor will conduct ONLY if directed by Platoon Commander or Desk Officer
The Patrol Supervisor confers with who concerning trends observed or other matters of importance?
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Operations Coordinator just like the DESK officer
PLUS the Platoon Commander and the Desk Officer
Patrol Supervisor reports “serious” seat belt deficiencies?
the Platoon Commander, or in his/her absence, DIRECT to Commanding Officer
Patrol Supervisor reports “vandalism” of seat belts to?
Internal Affairs Bureau
The Patrol Supervisor must report dereliction by MOS to who?
Commanding Officer
The Patrol Supervisor must keep 2 people notified regarding matters of importance. Who?
Platoon Commander and Desk Officer
Patrol Supervisor must utilize the AVL to monitor the location of RMP units during the tour to enhance the safety of members of the service and to ensure the proper delivery of police services. If AVL not working properly, you have to do?
in this situation, you would contact the “ITB” Information Technology Bureau Help Desk for further instructions.
1) Make an entry in the telephone Record regarding notification AND
2) INFORM the Desk Officer of that notification
ONLY 2 units can tell you to take a inoperable AVL equipped vehicle out of service, they are?
Internal Affairs Bureau OR the Information Technology Bureau Help Desk
Anti-Crime Supervisor has to notify 2 Lieutenants of matters of importance that occur during the tour. Who are they
SOL and Platoon Commander
Training sessions conducted by Training Sergeants will be conducted for certain times for certain tours. What are they?
1st/2nd Platoons will be conducted at 0720 to 0745 hrs
3rd Platoon 1515 to 1535
Twice weekly for 45 to 60 minutes duration
Who prepares and maintain bulletin board training within the command?
Training Sergeant. He/She also supervises the maintenance of other command bulletin board/pin maps. They also MAINTAIN the Command Library.
With regard to the implementation of an effective recycling program within the command, who is charged with the responsibility and who do they confer with?
The Training Sergeant is responsible for the recycling program and confers with the departments Facilities Management Division. The sergeant posts information on how to recycle, ensure members receive the information. **Sergeant must contact, QUARTERLY the Facilities Management Division’s Recycling/Sustainability Coordinator to report actions taken to implement the, Waste Prevention, Reuse, and Recycling Plan.
The Precinct Domestic Violence Sergeant is the PRIMARY Domestic Violence Prevention Officer in the command. He is required to confer with who, regarding WANTED Domestic Violence Offenders within the command?
The SOL, FIO and Anti-Crime Sergeant
AND with regard to Precinct Domestic training needs, you CONFER with the precinct training Sergeant
What are the 2 programs that the School Safety Sergeant evaluates and coordinates?
Safe Passage and Safe Corridor
Who maintains the command library?
Training Sergeant
Who is charged with Coordinating Zero Tolerance and Larceny reduction programs with retail establishments regarding shoplifting arrests?
Crime Prevention Officer. They must keep the Commanding Officer apprised of private sector initiatives, and progress of the ongoing Area Police Security Liaison program
Crime Prevention Officers must inspect all Complaint Reports to identify crime victims UNDER 60 years of age, who have been the subject of?
Homicide Assault Robbery Physically Injured Sex Crime
Courtesies with regard to salutes?
Police Com/Deputy Com in civilian clothing
Supervisory officer in uniform
United States Flag as it rises
Desk when entering command
Salute Flag while National Anthem being played
Commanding Officers will ensure that in addition to a visual inspection of uniformed members drivers licenses, at each semi-annual uniform inspection (AG 305-06) that 2 other inquires are done. They are?
- DMV inquiry is made utilizing finest for each UMOS of the service AND
- A warrant check using WINQ/WNAM is done for all UMOS. The same is done for civilians January and July of each year
2 Stickers Affixed to front of locker?
2) POLICE DON’T MOVE (rank, name, shield, squad#1)
Sticker affixed to inside portion of locker door?