2019 EP Final Exam Flashcards
What are the 3 requirements for a good CR record? (3 marks)
- Make sure mandible is in most retruded position
- keep record in an indistorted state until the mounting is complete
- apply equal vertical pressure to the tissues when making the record
What are the tissues that make up the residual ridge? (3 marks)
- Mucosa: epithelium and connective tissue
- submucosa and periosteum
- residual alveolar bone
What are the 3 types of articulators? (3 marks)
What are the advantages of monoplane occlusion? (5 marks)
- reduces horizontal forces
- CR can be developed as an area rather than a point
- freedom of movement (lack of interdigitation)
- can develop good occlusion despite an arch alignment discrepancy
- easily adapt to situations prone to denture base shifting
- easy to set and adjust teeth
What delineates the posterior border of the mandibular denture? (1 mark)
retromolar pad
What delineates the posterior border of the maxillary denture? (2 marks)
Hamular Notch
Vibrating Line
What is the name of our articulator? (1 mark)
What is the significance of the incisive papilla? (3 marks)
helps orient where the place the anterior teeth because the incisive papilla does not move even after all teeth are lost
Your patient has a lingual Tori. What do you do when planning a denture for this patient? (2 marks)
Shorter lingual flanges
Monoplane teeth should be used to provide balanced occlusion and to distribute forces over a larger area.
Your patient has severe maxillary and mandibular ridge resorption. What problems might you have planning a complete denture? (5 marks)
Reduced retention, support, and stability
Resorption on the mandible can result in trauma on tissue over mylohyoid bone due to poor keratinization of mucosa
Resorption of the alveolus will cause poor peripheral seal of the denture because of little resistance to lateral displacement of denture during function
Denture placement could impinge on the inferior alveolar nerve on the mandible which can cause pain
What is the name for the polymer used for denture base?
TruTriad VLC
What is Christensens phenomenon?
When the mandible is protruded there is a naturally occurring gap in the posterior teeth. In dentures, this may cause reduced stability of the dentures, therefore compensating curves must be introduced in the dentures to counteract this.
What is the purpose of making a diagnostic impression? (2 marks)
To make the final impression tray and to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning
methods and anatomical methods of orienting the occlusal plane? (6 points)
- parallel to the interpupillary line
- parallel to the ala-tragus line (campers line)
- max anterior teeth should be seen 1-2mm below the upper lip line and the posterior teeth should be at the level of stensens duct
- mand anteriors should be at the height of the lower lip and mand posteriors should be level with the top 1/2 of the retromolar pad
- Orient labio-lingually over the lower residual ridge
- inclination should be at the height of the residual ridge
pre-extraction records
comparison to existing denture
Why is it important to know the dental history for an edentulous patient when treatment options are severely limited?
Skeletal class of the jaw will determine what type of occlusal pattern will be chosen
Bruxism and grinders will determine the type of occlusion pattern that is most suitable (monoplane)
Poor neuromuscular control will affects patients control of the denture and occlusion
A previous denture can help with the occlusion choice
if patient has resorbed ridges, this will affect stability and retention
5 key factors of the selective pressure technique?
- Custom tray. Must be perfect size
- Borders of tray are reduced to allow space for border molding but still support impression material
- Space must be provided using wax spacer and/or relief holes to allow material to escape.
- Proper placement and alignment of tray over arch
- Minimal operator pressure while holding tray during impression.
8 steps in fabricating a complete denture
- patient history and examination
- diagnosis, treatment plan, prognosis
- edentulous impressions, diagnostic and final impression
- maxillomandibular relationship records (VDO, facebow, CR)
- selection and arrangement of artificial teeth
- waxing and processing of trial dentures
- denture insertion procedures
- patient education and maintenance procedures
What significant factors are affected by gingival contours? (5 points)
- Improved esthetics for patients with a high smile line
- Provides appropriate support and contour of lip and cheek.
- Improved tolerance and comfort
- Facilitates stability and control
- Prevents chronic biting of the lip and cheek.
What is the purpose of a remount jig?
Purpose is to reposition the teeth of an upper denture into their original position and to preserve the facebow record.
Purpose and steps for a patient remount?
Purpose of the patient remount is to adjust denture bases to seat more accurately than record bases by correcting errors made during the making of CR records.
The steps are:
A new centric relation record is made and verified
Mandibular cast is remounted and verified.
Cautious adjustments are made until the occlusion on the articulator is the same as in the patient
Why do we take a protrusive record?
to adjust the condylar elements and inclination of the incisal guidance on the articulator
What is the purpose of the facebow? (3 points)
Allows for some alteration in the VDO once the dentures are mounted without causing errors in the occlusion
Maintains the maxillary cast in the correct relationship to the upper member of the articulator during mounting of the cast
Permits the semi-adjustable articulator to be used to the full extent of its capabilities
What is the effect of incisal guidance on occlusal scheme? (1 point)
Incisal guidance discludes posterior teeth. The more incisal guidance is increased, the more the posteriors disclude.
What are the 3 types of articulators used?
- non-adjustable
- semi-adjustable
- fully-adjustable
List the key benefits of lingualized occlusion (6 points)?
- good esthetics
- freedom of non-anatomic teeth
- potential for bilateral balance
- centralizes vertical forces
- minimizes tipping forces
- facilitates bolus penetration.
Patient complains about lower denture lifting off from mandibular ridge, what are the possible problems? (3 points)
- poor neuromuscular control
- anterior contacts in centric
- poor balanced occlusion in excursion and protrusion.
What are the advantages to bilateral balanced occlusion?
Increased retention and stability Better chewing ability Reduced resorption Centralizes forces Balanced forces