2016 ICT Flashcards
Who wrote the collection The Troll Garden?
Willa Cather
Who wrote the poem Gerontion?
T.S. Eliot
What model consists of a lattice of points with values of one or negative one and represent ferromagnetism?
Ising model
Who collaborated on Apollo with George Balanchine?
Igor Stravinsky
At what battle did the losing commander kill the winning commander’s standard bearer, Sir William Brandon?
Battle of Bosworth Field
At what battle did the Stanley brothers switch to the winning side?
Battle of Bosworth Field
What is a rock intrusion that is perpendicular to existing rock layers?
What is a rock intrusion that is parallel to existing rock layers?
Who wrote The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana?
Umberto Eco
What inversion applies to Sn2 reactions and switches a molecule from one enantiomer to another?
Walden inversion
Who was George McClellan’s vice presidential candidate?
George Pendleton
What is the name for a memory disturbance, defined as the production of fabricated, distorted or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive?
What set-shifting card test is used to test frontal lobe function?
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
What party was founded by Barnburners and Liberty Party members in Buffalo?
Free Soil Party
Who depicted the Small Cowper Madonna?
Who painted La Disputa?
What Platonic Dialogue concerns a man who meets Socrates in the Agora while going to sue his father for the crime of leaving a slave in a ditch to starve to death?
Who composed the Quartet for the End of Time?
Olivier Messiaen
Who engaged in the Leipzig Debate with Johann Eck?
Martin Luther
Who wrote the novel The Bostonians?
Henry James
At what battle did Dmitri of Moscow defeat the Golden Horde under Mamai?
Battle of Kulikovo
Who wrote the novel Dean’s December, in which Albert Corde travels with his wife to visit her dying mother in Bucharest?
Saul Bellow
Who wrote Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses?
Mark Twain
What site has the Temple of the Three Windows?
Macchu Picchu
What site contains the Temple of the Condor?
Macchu Picchu
Who wrote Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso for his friend Pablo de Sarasate?
Camille Saint-Saens
Who wrote Comus?
John Milton
What company recieved rebate via the South Improvement Company scheme?
Standard Oil
What can be identified using the ABCDE mnemonic for moles?
What is the type of melanin found in red hair?
Who designed La Pedrera?
Antoni Gaudi
Who won the Battle of Sedgemoor against Duke of Monmouth?
John Churchill
What war included the Battle of Blenheim?
War of Spanish Succession
What war included the Battle of Ramillies?
War of Spanish Succession
What war included the Battle of Oudenarde?
War of Spanish Succession
What group is formed when ethylene loses a hydrogen?
What event was protested by Walter Forward, who resigned from his post as Secretary of the Treasury?
Annexation of Texas
What country was bombed in Operation Barrel Roll?
What king drank bull’s blood to suicide after being defeated by the Cimmerians?
King Midas
The speaker of what body sits on a red cushion called the Woolsack?
House of Lords
During what country’s civil war, also known as the Secret War, did the CIA recruit Hmong mercenaries to fight Communist insurgents?
Who wrote the rags-to-riches novel Tattered Tom?
Horatio Alger
What are the majority carriers in p-type semiconductors?
Electron holes
What curve gives you the long term relation between unemployment and inflation
What pope wrote Pastoral Care about the responsibilities of the clergy?
Gregory 1
Which pope resigned to end the Western Schism?
Gregory XII
What phenomenon is characterized by a thawing model which describes it using an equation of state parameter w that increases from -1?
Dark energy
What phenomenon is characterized by a freezing model which describes it using an equation of state parameter w that decreases to -1?
Dark Energy
What tsar was killed by a bomb grown by Ignacy Hryniewiecki, a member of the People’s Will?
Alexander II
Stephan Khalturin tried to assassinate what tsar by placing a mine below his dining table?
Alexander II
Who wrote The Order of Things?
Michel Foucalt
Who accused Pat Brown of being soft on crime for delaying Caryl Chessman’s execution
Richard Nixon
What is the name for a layer of metamorphosized rock surrounding an igneous intrusion?
Who composed the comic opera Albert Herring?
Benjamin Britten
Who composed Peter Grimes?
Benjamin Britten
The Carrera brothers fought for the independence of what country?
What war resulted in Chile annexing the Antofagasta region?
War of the Pacific
What plant’s stamens store elastic energy and eject pollen at half the speed of sound?
Mulberry tree
Who wrote The History of Sir Charles Grandison?
Samuel Richardson
What conflict included outright fighting at Olompali?
Bear Flag Revolt
What equation describes the equilibrium between ionization and recombination?
Saha equilibrium
What relations connect ionization and recombination?
Milne Relations
Who lived at 2 Place Lamartine
Vincent Van Gogh
Who painted Bedroom in Arles?
Vincent Van Gogh
What novel contains a short dictionary of misunderstood words?
Unbearable Lightness of Being
Plutarch said that the Spartans replied with the word If after what ruler gave them an ultimatum?
Phillip II of Macedonia
What country contains the Tower of Hercules
What part of the humerus contains the funny bone?
Medial epicondyle
What is the name of the teres minor
Rotator Cuff
What government restricted working hours under the Matignon Agreements?
French Third Republic
What leader of the French Third Republic roasted Phillipe Petain and Vichy France?
Leon Blum
What organelle contains amino acid oxidase?
What organelle is the site of the formation of myelin precursors?
What organelle is the site of the conversion of ethanol into acetaldehyde?
Who defeated a giant by using a cake laced with iron?
Finn MacCool
Whose two dogs, Bran and Sceolan, rescued his wife Sadhbh, who Fear Doirich had turned into a deaf?
Finn MacCool
Who satirized Hitler as a Chicago gangster who corners the cauliflower market in the play The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui?
Bertolt Brecht
Who proposed that actors should be difficult to relate to in his “alienation effect”?
Bertolt Brecht
Who granted the White Sheep Turks some land to oppose the power of the Black Sheep Turks?
The type 2 of what disease can cause mosaic gentian warts?
Some clinical trials suggest local injection of Candida antigens is effective in treating what condition?
The borders of what country are fortified by the Morice Line?
Who made the wood piece The Prodigal Son?
Constantin Brancusi
Whose birth was preceded by his mother dreaming about giving birth to a lion?
Who was taught by the musician Damon?
Who wrote North Labrador?
Hart Crane
Who wrote the poem For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen?
Hart Crane
Who wrote the treatise Opus Majus at the request of Pope Clement IV?
Roger Bacon
Who wrote a work in which a German prisoner is blown up when a British soldier puts a grenade under his pillow, One Man’s Initiation?
John Dos Passos
Who wrote Three Soldiers?
John Dos Passos
Who was excommunicated for murdering his rival, John Comyn?
Robert the Bruce
Who convinced Bishop William Lamberton to support the overthrow of King John Balliol?
Robert the Bruce
Who painted Cerberus?
Salvador Dali
Who painted The Face of War?
Salvador Dali
Who painted The Metamorphosis of Narcissus?
Salvador Dali
Who accused the US of complicity in the explosion of the French vessel La Coubre?
Fidel Castro
Who was interviewed by Herbert Matthews when he was a guerilla in the Sierra Maestra mountains?
Fidel Castro
Success I’ve occurrences of what event causes namesake boulder tongues?
What is the top of an avalanche?
What is the bottom of an avalanche?
Crown Fracture
Who is the “gadfly form the north” who will defeat the “handsome heifer”, Egypt?
Nebuchadnezzar II
What group was led by Colonel Apis
Who composed the opera Stubborn Lovers?
Antonin Dvorak
The pattern of attachment to what structures is called phyllotaxy?
Who painted the Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand, which depicts the crucifixion of Christian Roman soldiers by Shapur I?
Albrect Durer
Who painted A Man with a Quilted Sleeve
Who had the nickname “The Sun among the Stars”?
Who tasked the Curetes with making noise to drown out the baby Zeus?
Who wrote The Decay of the Angel?
Yukio Mishima
Who wrote The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea?
Yukio Mishima
Who wrote Rocket Man, a story where a wife and son become nocturnal after a man crashes into the sun?
Ray Bradbury
Who fictionalized his early life in Waukegan, Illinois in Dandelion Wine?
Ray Bradbury
Wha theorem says that a system with a time-independent Lagrangian will exhibit conservation of energy
Noether’s Theorem
Who wrote The Well of Saints?
John Synge
Who wrote A Bell for Adano?
John Hersey
Who allied with Sigobert the Lame to dominate the Alemanni at the Battle of Tolbiac?
Who conquered the rump state of former Roman commander Syagrius at the battle of Soissons?
What element combines with samarium to form a rare-earth magnet?
What disease can be prevented using the vaccine Zostavax?
Chickenpox Virus
Who wrote the rondeau “We Wear the Mask”?
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Who wrote The Sport of the Gods?
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Who was buried under the name Wolfgang Gerhard?
Josef Mengele
In what massacre did Mormons dress up as Paiute Indians and attack the Baker-Fancher wagon train?
Mountain Meadows Massacre
What king executed William Douglas at the Black Dinner?
James II
What king died battling Thomas Howard in an attempt to honor the Auld Alliance at the Battle of Flodden?
James IV
Who wrote the opera The Spanish Hour?
Maurice Ravel
Who wrote the opera The Child and the Enchantments?
Maurice Ravel
What Rutulian King is killed by Aeneas when he is seen wearing the belt of Pallas?
What political party’s namesake Review was edited by Henry Dana Ward?
Anti-Masonic Party
What party held the first nominating convention in US history?
Anti-Masonic Party
Who cofounder the City Lights bookstore with Peter Martin?
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Who wrote Reveries of a Solitary Walker?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Who fled the battlefield after losing to Erispoe at the three-day-long Battle of Jengland?
Charles the Bald
During what war did the Czechoslovakian Legion seize most of the Trans-Siberian railway?
Russia Civil War
In what novel does Lily Bart kill herself hours before Lawrence Selden arrived to propose marriage?
The House of Mirth
What pseudo vector equals the curl of the velocity field?
Who illustrated The Marriage of Heaven and Hell?
William Blake
What protein-sequencing method uses phenyl isothiocyanate to remove the N-terminal amino acid with each cycle?
Edman degradation
Who translated History of the Peloponnesian War?
Thomas Hobbes
Who wrote De Cive?
Thomas Hobbes
Who dedicated his first violin concerto to the virtuoso David Oistrakh?
Dmitri Shostakovich
Who wrote the book The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table?
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Who wrote a poem in which an old man is compared to the title part of a plant, The Last Leaf?
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
What is the monomer of natural rubber?
Who invented a pie chart called the coxcomb?
Florence Nightingale
In what war did the Battle of Piqua take place ?
Revolutionary War
In what war did the Battle of Lindley’s Fort take place?
Revolutionary War
Who wrote but did not publish the autobiographical novel Maurice, which touches on homosexuality?
E.M. Forster
Who described a trip to the Holy Land aboard the steamship Quaker City, The Innocents Abroad?
Mark Twain
What disease agent can be treated using didanosine?
Who wrote Magnalia Christi Americana?
Cotton Matther
What novel has enigmatic strings of 100 or 101 words called thunder words?
Finnegans Wake
Who wrote the work The English Mail-Coach?
Thomas De Quincey
Who was the Lion of Idaho?
William Borah
Who wrote The Prisoner of the Caucasus about a Russian captive’s romance with a Circassian girl while he himself was living in exile in the region?
Alexander Pushkin
Who wrote Sevastopol Sketches?
Leo Tolstoy
Who wrote the play Prometheus Bound?
Who wrote A Curtain of Green?
Eudora Welty
Who wrote The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World?
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Who wrote A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings?
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
What battle secured Greek Independence?
Battle of Navarino
Who painted Greece Expiring on the Ruins of Missolonghi?
Eugene Delacroix
In what tale does a dishonest miller get cuckolded and beaten?
Reeve’s Tale
Who wrote the tone poem Francesca da Rimini?
Pyotr Tchaikovsky