2015 Deck Flashcards
What is likely to happen if a bit is fitted too low in a horses mouth?
Can hit the horses teeth, get tongue over the bit, discomfort for the horse
In a double bridle, when the reins are not uniform in width, which rein is the widest?
Snaffle rein
What is the best feeding management for horses in meal size and frequency?
Many small frequent meals through out the day
When a horse travels with all four feet treading a very narrow line, this is called?
Rope walking
What is meant by “one horse length” and how is this concept utilized?
The distance between two horses traveling the same direction, allows second rider to see front horses legs
The waxy substance that forms a protective coating on the surface of the hoof and is responsible for the control of evaporation and moisture content within the hoof
The process in which food is broken down into simple units which can be absorbed into the bloodstream to be used for energy, growth,
maintenance, tissue repair, or stored for future use:
Name six symptoms of colic
Rolling, standing and the lying down repeatedly
Biting or kicking at stomach
Lack of appetite
Increased respiration, heart rate, and temp
What is the difference between lateral aids and diagonal aids. Explain these for a canter depart.
Lateral aids are all done on the same side of the horse, diagonal aids with the hand and leg that are on opposite sides of each other
Lateral left lead canter depart:’left leg at girth holding, right leg behind girth active, left direct rein holding, right direct rein active
Diagonal left lead canter depart: right leg active behind girth, left leg at girth holding, left direct rein active, right direct rein holding
A horse that stands pigeon toed (or toes in) tends to travel:
Paddling outward
True or false: Very straight upward pasterns may predispose a horse to navicular.
What are the purpose of side reins? What seats utilize them and how are the utilized?
Hep develop a proper headset while lunging
Used by hunter/jumper, and sometimes dressage
Composed of leather and elastic, run from bit to both sides of the horse
When using a bit that has two reins and you want to run one of the reins through the rings of the martingale, which reins would be used for this? What English bridle should never utilize a running martingale with it?
The snaffle rein through the rings
Never use double or full bridle on a running martingale
What are drop nosebands? How are they utilized and by what seats primarily?
Dressage, but not in style - keeps mouth closed and bit in place
The semi horny projection which protrudes from the rear base of the fetlock joint is called:
The lateral and medial metacarpals are commonly called:
Splint bones
What problems will the rider have if the saddle position is too far back from its ideal position on the horse’s back? (Explain 2)
Rider will be left behind the motion - will not be over the horses center of gravity
Can cause back pain in the horse -puts pressure on the horses kidneys
What is the common term for fluid retention in the lower legs of some horses whose activities have been greatly restricted?
Stocking - up
What part of the foot aids in absorbing concussion, circulation, and regulating moisture?
What problems will the ride have if the saddle is placed too far forward from its ideal position on the horse’s back?
- rider will be ahead of the horses motion
- presses down on horses withers limiting shoulder motion
True or false: a mule foot is one which is narrow at the heels with straight upright hoof walls
True or false: if a horse is lame in his right hind front foot, he will most likely be lamer when lunge clockwise
True or false: bone composition reaches maturity as the horse reaches its fifth or sixth birthday and stays at the approximate density and strength from that point on.
True or false: a blemish will result in an unsound horse
True or false: Oats are lower in protein than corn
What is the weakest region of the horse’s back?
Lumbar region / loins
What is the name of a swelling on the back surface of the rear cannon about four inches below the point of the hock?
Who is the Italian Calvary officer who revolutionized riding in his time and what seat did he invent or develop?
Federico Caprilli who revolutionized the forward seat which is still used today - hunter/jumper
The tendon most often involved in a bow is the
Superficial digital flexor tendon
Describe the proper adjustment of a running martingale and standing martingale. Which is more severe?
What type of metal is sometimes found on the mouthpieces of bits and is intended to make a horse salivate or have a moister mouth?
What is the term for a horse eating his own manure and why might a horse do this?
Coprophagy helps fiber digestion - establishes bacterial population in gut
-horse may be bored or lacking fiber in diet
A pastern that slopes too much
A)decreases concussion of the bones in the horses lower leg
B) results in a horse with an increased susceptibility to tendon injuries in the lower leg
C) increases strain on the suspensory ligaments and proximal sesamoid bones
D) all of the above
D) all of the above
Explain two points of the horses digestive system that make it practically impossible for it to vomit
Peristalsis - waves of muscular contraction in which the muscles only move one way, making it impossible for the food to go anywhere but down the esophagus
Cardiac sphincter muscle - closes connection between stomach and esophagus
Joint capsule distinsions, without lameness, in the area of the fetlock are called:
wind puffs
Why are splints more common in horses under the age of six?
Bones have not matured, growth plates are not yet fully developed
A horses inability to vomit leads to what end result?
What are draw reins used for?
Used while riding, set a horse’s head and encourages flexion of the poll
This condition is the result of lack of frog pressure. The foot will become narrow at the heels and the frog will become shrunken and recessed.
Contracted heels
Explain the use of voice aids when working with or riding a horse?
Used to quiet, soothe, warn, encourage
Urge forward, or to slow down
What is the purpose of longlining or ground driving, and what seats utilize this?
All seats utilize this - develops steering
-can excercise the horse safely on the ground without being on their back
How is moldy tack stripped and tack put back into good working order?
Amonia, Clorox, or rubbing alcohol, then condition and oil
Store in a clean dry place - will need weekly care
What can be used to extend the length of an English girth
Girth extended
What is the purpose/use of excercise or quarter rugs?
Help keep the muscle mass of the horses hindquarters warm on cold days
Cooler used while riding to prevent muscle cramping
What is the name of the vital signs test where you are pressing your finger on the gums of your horse long enough to create a white spot on the pink surface and then release it? Explain what you are testing for, what will happen; and the results you want.
Capillary refill time
- should refill and return to normal pink color within 1-2 seconds
- area will appear white or pale then refill with color
- time takes to refill is indicative of whether or not there is a problem
- if slow, horse is dehydrated, possibly shocks
There are two places on the horse to utilize the skin pinch test to check for dehydration. Where are these two spots and what should you expect to see? What would mean normal and what abnormal?
On the neck or eyelid
- pinch the skin into a tent and release, should take 1-2 seconds to return to normal (flat skin)
- if it takes longer, sign of dehydration
- can take longer than normal if it is an older horse
When a horse has a displaced patella, he is said to be or have
Which of the following bones is involved in cases of laminitis?
Which of the following internal parasites most severely debilitated the mature horse?
Large strongyles (bloodworms)
A horse is measure from:
The ground to his withers
A female horse 3 years old or younger is called a what?
When a horse rests one front foot about 10-12 inches ahead of the other in an effort to reduce weight on the affect side, this action is called what and may indicate what problems?
Pointing, navicular
When the lateral cartilages of the coffin bone calcify, the horse is said to have what unsoundness?
What is the jockey club?
Thoroughbred Racehorse Registry
What was the first book written on horsemanship, who wrote it, and when was it written?
The Art of Horsemanship
360 BC
Name three reasons a horse can develop a sore back?
Poor saddle fit
Poor top line
Off balanced rider
Explain the multiple uses of the terms “inside” and “outside” when riding a horse that relate to where you are riding and your horse
Can refer to position on the rail or the direction in which the horse is bending
Outside is toward the rail, inside is toward the middle of the arena or the circle
Why are teeth floated and how often should it be done?
Help maintain even wear on the horse’s teeth and control sharp edges
Should be done once a year after horse reaches 18 months
Corn is high in energy and low in what compared to other grains fed to horses?
What does a balanced ration refer to?
The amount of mixture of feeds that provides the horse with its nutrient requirements for a 24 hour period