2014 NCAA Case Book Flashcards
A.R. 1. Visiting Team B’s captain notices that Team B’s pregame warm-up balls are of a different type than the official game ball. Team B’s coach requests that Team B be allowed to warm-up using the type of ball to beused in the game.
RULING: The official shall inform Team A’s game management that Team B shall be allowed to warm-up with the same type of ball(s) that will be used during the game.(Rule 1-16.10 Note)
A.R. 2. A game is being played in an arena with a game clock being displayed on the shot clock located above the basket as well as in another location in the arena. Which clock is the official game clock?
RULING: The game clock shall be the official, visible time piece on which the time remaining in a period shall be displayed and shall showa 10th-of-a-second display when less than 59.9 seconds remains in aperiod. The referee, per Rule 2-5.2, shall designate the official game clock. However, when there is a game clock display located on the shotclock, it shall be the official game clock.(Rule 1-18.2 and 2-5.2)
A.R. 3. The visiting team is advised that its team bench is located:1. Farther from the division line than the home team’s; or2. On the opposite end line from the home team’s bench.
RULING: The game shall be played with benches as located by home team management. The referee has no authority to move either bench unless for player safety; however, mutual consent should have been obtained before the game.(Rule 1-21.2)
A.R. 4. Team A is wearing a patch that is not an American flag, an institutionor conference official logo/mascot or a commemorative/memorial patch. The patch is located in the area between the base of the front neckline and the shoulder seam of the jersey. Is this legal?
RULING: No. An American flag, an institution or conference official logo/mascot and/or a commemorative/memorial patch meeting all other rule requirements shall be located in this area. When the American flag is used, it can only be located in this area on the left sideof the game jersey.(Rule 1-22.7.c and .d)
A.R. 5. Contesting teams have uniforms of the same color.
RULING: When possible, each team should have two sets of uniforms,one of light color and the other of dark color. The light color shall be for home games; however, this rule may be altered by mutualconsent of competing institutions. The team that violates this rule shall change. When there is doubt, the officials shall require the home team to change.(Rule 1-22.4)
A.R. 6. May a player remain in the game when he is wearing an illegalundershirt or undergarment?
RULING: No. Similar to the rule regarding jewelry, illegal undershirtsor undergarments shall not be worn. The player shall leave the game andremove the illegal apparel; however, no technical foul shall be assessed.(Rule 1-23.1 and .2)
A.R. 7. Substitute A6 attempts to enter the playing court with a headbandor wristband that is not a single, dominant color of the game jersey, black,white or beige.
RULING: Substitute A6 shall not be permitted to enter the gamebefore either wearing the appropriate headband or wristband orremoving the illegal ones.(Rule 1-24)
A.R. 8. An official tells A1 to tuck in his game jersey and then issues awarning to the coach of Team A. Later in the game, A2 is fouled. Beforegiving A2 disposal of the ball for the free throw, the official notices that A2’sgame jersey is untucked.
RULING: A2 shall be permitted to attempt the free throw(s). Whenthe free throw(s) are successful, he shall be instructed to leave the game.When the free throw(s) are not successful and he does not rectify thegame-jersey violation before the next dead ball, A2 shall be instructedto leave the game.(Rule 1-22.10 Note)
A.R. 9. Substitute A6 attempts to enter the playing court wearing jewelry, anillegal headpiece or hat.
RULING: Substitute A6 shall not be permitted to enter beforeremoving the jewelry, illegal headpiece or hat. A6 cannot “buy” his wayinto the game and the right to wear the illegal jewelry, illegal headpieceor hat by being charged with a technical foul.(Rule 1-26.7)
A.R. 10. Player A5 is found to be wearing jewelry.
RULING: At the first dead ball, A5 shall be required to remove thejewelry immediately or be required to leave the game and not returnuntil after removing the jewelry. A5 cannot “buy” the right to wear thejewelry by being charged with a technical foul.(Rule 1-26.7)
A.R. 11. Team A is ahead by one point. The game-ending horn sounds withthe ball loose at the division line. Clearly after playing time has expired, A1retrieves the ball and dunks into A1’s basket. The referee, before checking/approving the final score, sees this action by A1 and assesses a CLASS Btechnical foul. Team A’s coach pushes the referee after the technical foul iscalled. The referee assesses a flagrant 2 technical to Team A’s coach, ejects thecoach and awards Team B four free throws.
RULING: The referee is correct. The officials’ jurisdiction does notend until the approval of the final score. Until the officials’ jurisdictionends, an official may call a technical foul, correct a correctable error(Rule 2-12), or correct a bookkeeping mistake by the official scorer.(Rule 2-4.3)
A.R. 12. The officials leave the playing area at the end of the game, and whilethey are in the locker room, it is discovered that there is a mistake in the scoreor that there was a request for a correctable error (Rule 2-12).
RULING: When the officials leave the visual confines of the playingcourt when the last period is over, the score has been approved and thegame is over.(Rule 2-4.3)
A.R. 13. When an official is required to hand/bounce the ball to thethrower-in, is it the duty of the official to wait until both teams are readybefore doing so?
RULING: No. The resumption-of-play procedure is in effect forthe entire game, except to start the second half or any extra period.After the official has given the direction signal and other necessaryinformation, teams are expected to be ready for all normal playsituations. When the official inadvertently indicates the wrong teamfor a throw-in and discovers the error before the throw-in ends, theofficial should withhold the ball from play to permit the players tore-deploy themselves. The officials should not permit unusual delaysduring a throw-in.(Rule 2-7.13 and 4-31)
A.R. 14. B1 commits a fifth foul [any combination of personal and CLASSA technical fouls], which results in two free throws for A1. The official scorerand official timer fail to notify any of the game officials that a fifth foulhas been committed. When the scorers realize the mistake, they inform theofficial timer to sound the game-clock horn. The official timer sounds thedevice as the first of two free throws is made or missed. The referee asks thescorers’ table personnel to explain the problem. The referee is advised that B1has committed five fouls, after which the referee advises the coach and playerof Team B that B1 has five fouls. The coach replaces B1.
RULING: Play shall be resumed with the second free throw by A1.There is no additional penalty assessed for the official scorer’s andtimer’s mistake in failing to notify the officials of B1’s fifth foul.(Rule 2-9.4 and 3-6.2.b)
A.R. 15. A player who has committed a fifth foul [any combination ofpersonal fouls and CLASS A technical fouls] continues to play because thescorers have failed to notify the officials.
RULING: As soon as the scorers discover the irregularity, they shouldsound the game-clock horn as soon as the ball is in control of theoffending team or is dead. The disqualified player shall be removedimmediately. Any points that may have been scored while such a playerwas illegally in the game shall count.(Rule 2-9.4)
A.R. 16. At halftime, the official scorer, who is a member of the home-teamfaculty, removes the scorebook from the scorers’ table:1. Of his or her own volition; or2. At the request of the home-team coach.
RULING 1: When the scorebook is not taken to the home team’slocker room, there should be no penalty. When there is evidence thatthe official scorer removed the scorebook to take it to the home-teamlocker room, an administrative technical foul shall be assessed. Thisadministrative technical foul does not count toward the team foulcount.2: When the home-team coach instructs the official scorer to removethe scorebook, the head coach shall be assessed a CLASS Btechnical foul.(Rule 2-9.11, 10-2.4 and 10-4.2.e)
A.R. 17. When may a scorer signal?
RULING: When the scorer desires to call attention to a player who isillegally in the game, the scorer may signal the official when the ball isin control of that player’s team or when the ball becomes dead. Whenit is for a substitution, the scorer may signal when the next dead balloccurs or when the offending team has team control. When it is forconferring with an official, the scorer may signal when the ball is dead. When the scorer signals while the ball is live, the official shall ignorethe signal when a scoring play is in progress. Otherwise, the officialmay signal for the game clock to be stopped to determine the reasonfor the signal.(Rule 2-9.14)
A.R. 18. The game-clock horn sounds while the ball is live.
RULING: Players should ignore the game-clock horn since it doesnot cause a dead ball. The officials shall use their judgment inblowing the ball dead to consult with the scorers and timers. Whenthe players on both teams do not ignore the game-clock horn andstop playing, the officials shall stop play and award the ball to theteam in control at a designated spot nearest to where the ball waswhen the stoppage occurred.(Rule 2-9.14)
A.R. 19. The official scorer fails to record two points awarded to Team A byan official during the first half as a result of basket interference by B2.
RULING: The scorer’s mistake shall be rectified at any time until thereferee approves the final score.(Rule 2-9.16)
A.R. 20. After two minutes of the first extra period, it is discovered thatduring the second half of regulation play, the official scorer failed to recordone point as a result of a made free throw by Team A.
RULING: The score shall be recorded and play shall be continued at adesignated spot from the point of interruption.(Rule 2-9.16)
A.R. 21. In a game with no official courtside monitor, the red light or LEDlights that signal the end of the last period cannot be seen nor can the gameclockhorn be heard. The officials disagree whether the ball was in flightduring a try for field goal or whether a foul occurred before time expired.
RULING: The final decision shall be made by the referee. The officialtimer shall indicate if the ball was in flight before the red light or LEDlights signal was activated or before the game-clock horn sounded onlywhen requested to do so by the referee. The referee shall use his bestjudgment; but when the evidence for counting or not counting thegoal or foul is equal, the referee shall rule that the goal counts and thatthe foul shall be charged. In a game with an official courtside monitorand a game clock with a 10th-of-a second display, the status of the tryfor goal and the committed foul shall be ascertained with the use ofthe courtside monitor using first, zeros on the game clock then the redor LED lights when the game clock is not visible and the horn whenneither is available.(Rule 2-10.15.c, 11-1.2, 11-3, and 5-7.2)
A.R. 22. A1 touches the ball that was thrown in by A2. The ball strikes theplaying court and bounces until A3 gains control by dribbling. The shotclockoperator started the shot clock when A1 touched the ball.
RULING: The operator was correct. When play is resumed by a throwin,the game clock and shot clock shall be started when the ball is legallytouched by or touches a player on the playing court.(Rule 2-11.5)
A.R. 23. Player B1 deflects A1’s pass toward the sideline. Player B2 chasesthe ball and while airborne and before landing out of bounds, throws the ballbackward onto the playing court where it is recovered by Team A. The shotclock operator resets the shot clock. Is the shot clock operator correct?
RULING: Yes. The act of throwing the ball backwards and onto thecourt demonstrates team control by Team B; therefore, the shot clockis reset.(Rule 4-9.1 and 2-11.6.a)
A.R. 24. With the alternating-possession arrow favoring Team A and 20seconds remaining on the shot clock, A1’s try for goal lodges between thebackboard and the ring/flange.
RULING: Team A shall be awarded possession for a throw-in and theshot clock shall be reset.(Rule 2-11.6.d)
A.R. 25. A1 releases the ball on a try for goal, B1 partially blocks the shotand the ball:1. Hits the ring or flange; or2. Goes through the basket; or3. Goes out of bounds.
RULING 1 and 2: The play is legal and the action shall continue.3: The official shall blow the whistle to stop play and the shot-clockoperator shall stop but not reset the shot clock. On the ensuingthrow-in by Team A, the game clock and shot clock shall start whenthe throw-in touches any player on the playing court.(Rule 2-11.7.a)
A.R. 26. Team A is in control of the ball when A1 and B1 commit a doublepersonal foul, neither of which are flagrant fouls. While reporting the foul,the official assesses a technical foul against the coach of:1. Team A; or2. Team B.
RULING: Charge the fouls to A1 and B1, but no free throws areawarded. In (1) and (2), any player from the offended team shallattempt the two free throws for the technical foul. Play shall beresumed at the point of interruption, with the ball awarded to Team A,the team in control, at a designated spot nearest to where the ball waslocated when the double personal foul was committed. 1: Since the technical foul was assessed to the coach of Team A, theteam in control, the shot clock shall not be reset.2: Since the technical foul was assessed to the coach of Team B, theshot clock shall be reset.(Rule 2-11.7.h, 2-11.6.b.2 and 10-1 Penalty f )
A.R. 27. B1 pushes A1 during an unsuccessful try. A1 is awarded two freethrows. The first free throw by A1 is successful, after which B2 takes the ballout of bounds under Team A’s basket and passes to B3, who passes to B4 foran uncontested field goal in Team B’s basket. The captain of Team A thencalls to the attention of an official that A1 did not receive a second free throw.
RULING: The goal by B4 shall count. A1 shall be permitted to attemptthe second free throw with no players lined up along the free-throwlane. The ball shall then be awarded to Team A out of bounds at theend line nearer Team B’s basket and the thrower-in shall be permittedto run the end line. This was the point where the game was stopped tocorrect the error.(Rule 2-12-1.a and 2-12.2)
A.R. 28. After the bonus is in effect, B1 is penalized for holding A1. A1erroneously is not awarded a free throw. A1 is awarded the ball out of boundsand completes the throw-in to A2. The coach of Team A notifies the officialscorer that the coach wants to meet with the official concerning a correctableerror. When Team A scores a field goal, the official scorer sounds the gameclockhorn and advises the official of the coach’s request for the conference.The official recognizes the correctable error after talking with the coach andofficial scorer.
RULING: The field goal by Team A shall count. This error is correctablebecause it happened within the prescribed time limit of Rule 2-12. A1shall be awarded his merited free throw(s) and play shall be resumedwith a throw-in by Team B, who is entitled to run the end line.(Rule 2-12.1.a, 2-12.5 and 2-12.2)
A.R. 29. Before the bonus rule is in effect, B1 fouls A1. The official errs byawarding A1 a one-and-one attempt.1. A1 makes the first free-throw try, and the error is then discovered; or2. A1 is successful in both free throws and then the official detects theerror; or3. A1 misses the front end of the one-and-one and the game clock starts,at which time the official detects the error; or4. A1 is successful in the first bonus attempt but misses the second freethrow and, as a result, the game clock starts and B1 scores a field goal.In each of the four situations, the error shall be called to the attention ofthe official before or during the first dead ball after the game clock hasbeen properly started.
RULING: Each of the four situations is a correctable error.1, 2 and 3: Team A shall be awarded the ball at a designated spot nearestto where the foul occurred. The free throw(s) and activity during it,other than any technical foul or a flagrant 1 or 2 personal foul, shallbe canceled. Any points scored, time consumed and additional activitythat may occur before the recognition of the error, shall not be nullified.4: Team A shall be awarded the ball out of bounds at Team B’s end line,which was the point of interruption, to correct the error. The freethrow(s) and activity during it, other than any technical foul or aflagrant 1 or 2 personal foul, shall be canceled. Any points scored,time consumed and additional activity that may occur before therecognition of the error, shall not be nullified.(Rule 2-12-1.b, 2-12.5 and 2-12.2)
A.R. 30. B1 fouls A1 and it is Team B’s ninth foul of the second half. Theofficial erroneously awards A1 two free throws instead of a one-and-one. A1:1. Makes two free throws; or2. Misses the first free throw and makes the second free throw; or3. Misses both free throws.Within the correctable-error time limitations, the officials shall be notifiedof their error.
RULING 1: A1 was entitled to the second free throw because thefirst free throw was successful. Both free throws shall count, and playshall be resumed at the point of interruption, which is where play wasstopped to correct the error.2: A1’s first free throw, to which he was entitled as the first part of aone-and-one, was unsuccessful and the player should not have beenawarded a second free throw. The successful second free throw shallbe nullified, and play shall be resumed at the point of interruption,which is where play was stopped to correct the error.3: A1’s unmerited second free throw was unsuccessful, so it shall beignored, and play shall be resumed at the point of interruption,which is where play was stopped to correct the error.(Rule 2-12.1.b, 2-12.5 and 2-12.2)
A.R. 31. A1 is fouled by B1 during a field-goal attempt and the try issuccessful. A2 erroneously is awarded the free throw. While A2’s successfulattempt is in the air:1. B3 fouls A3; or2. B3 commits a flagrant 1 personal foul against A3.After the successful free throw by A2 and before the ball becomes live onthe throw-in, the coach of Team B properly asks the referee to correct theerror of awarding the free throw to the wrong player.
RULING: The free throw by A2 shall be canceled, and A1 shallproperly attempt the free throw. The common foul by B3 in (1) shallbe canceled. The flagrant 1 personal foul in (2) cannot be canceled.The error shall be corrected when A1 is given the free throw to which A1 was entitled as a result of the original foul. In (2), the game shallcontinue with the administration of the two free throws to A3 resultingfrom the flagrant 1 personal foul by B3. Team A shall be awarded theball at the designated spot nearest to where the foul by B3 occurred.(Rule 2-12-1.c and 2-12.5)
A.R. 32. (1) A1 or (2) B1 is called for basket interference at Team A’s basket.In (1), the referee erroneously counts the score or, in (2), erroneously fails tocount the score. In each case, the error is discovered during the first dead ballafter the game clock has started.
RULING: In (1) and (2), the official made a judgment that basketinterference occurred. However, after the judgment was made, theofficial erred, in (1) by erroneously counting the score and in (2)by failing to count the goal. The official’s error in (1) and (2) shallbe correctable because the error was recognized within the propertime limit.(Rule 2-12.1.e and 2-12.3)
A.R. 33. Team A has the ball and is working for a shot. The shot-clock hornsounds and then A1 shoots and scores an apparent field goal. The shot-clockhorn is not heard by the officials on the playing court. Play continues withTeam B inbounding the ball. With 20 seconds remaining on the shot clock,the official calls traveling on B1. At that time, the official timer calls thereferee to the scorers’ table to explain that the shot clock had sounded beforeA1 scored the field goal.
RULING: Officials are permitted to use information from tableofficials to make corrections. Since it is within the correctable-errortime frame, the error can be corrected. When it is determined, in theofficial’s judgment, that the basket was scored after the shot-clock hornsounded, the goal shall be canceled. Since the clock was running in thiscase, the official has until the second live ball after the error to makethe correction. The error shall be correctable until the ball is put in playafter the traveling call.(Rule 2-12.3, 2-12.1.e and 2-7.6)
A.R. 34. B1 fouls A1 after the bonus is in effect. A1 is not awarded thebonus free throws. Team A is awarded the throw-in. Team A controls theball inbounds, and A3 eventually asks for and receives a timeout. Duringthe timeout, an official recognizes the correctable error or it is called to hisattention that A1 should have been awarded a one-and-one free throw.
RULING: A1 shall be awarded the one-and-one and play shall beresumed as after any normal free throw. Points scored, time consumedand additional activity that may occur before the recognition of theerror shall not be nullified.(Rule 2-12.5 and 2.12.1.a)
A.R. 35. Teams A and B each have co-captains. At the pregame conference,one of the co-captains requests permission from the referee to allow bothco-captains to confer with officials on interpretations.
RULING: Co-captains may participate in the pregame conference, butonly one co-captain of each team may confer with the officials duringthe game. During the pregame conference, the referee shall be informedwhich co-captain of each team shall be the speaking co-captain duringthe game.(Rule 3-2.1)
A.R. 36. Nine minutes before the scheduled starting time for the game, TeamA presents its squad roster and its starting lineup to the official scorer andthen, at six minutes before the game’s starting time, Team A presents fouradditional names to the official scorer for the squad list.
RULING: Team A shall be assessed two administrative technical fouls.One administrative technical foul is for failing to supply the scorers withthe names, numbers and designated starters BEFORE the 10-minutemark is reached on the game clock that is counting down the timebefore the start of the game. The second administrative technical foulis for changes made to the scorebook AFTER the 10-minute markis reached on the game clock before the start of the game. Four freethrows shall be awarded to Team B, and the game shall start with ajump ball. These administrative technical fouls do not count towardthe team foul count.(Rule 3-4.1, 3-4.2, and 10-2.2 Penalty)
A.R. 37. Team A properly submits its squad list and designates its fivestarters in compliance with the rule before the 10-minute mark is reachedon the game clock that is counting down the time before the start of thegame. However, the uniform number for each squad member is erroneouslyindicated. The mistake is not detected until approximately 1½ minutes havebeen played.
RULING: An administrative technical foul shall be charged to TeamA. A player shall wear the uniform number indicated in the scorebookor the scorebook number shall be changed to that which he is wearing. When the squad member, before participating, changes the uniformnumber he wears to that indicated in the scorebook, there shall beno penalty. When the number in the scorebook for a player(s) mustbe changed for reasons other than those permitted by rule, oneadministrative technical foul shall be assessed regardless of how manychanges are made. These administrative technical fouls do not counttoward the team foul count.(Rule 3-4.2 and 10-2.2.b Penalty)
A.R. 38. A1, who is designated as a starter 10 minutes before the scheduledstarting time of the game, becomes ill one minute before the game is to start.
RULING: A1 may be replaced without an administrative technical foulbeing assessed. Illness or injury is considered to be an extenuating andunavoidable circumstance that permits a substitution without penalty.A1 shall be permitted to enter the game later if able.(Rule 3-4.2)
A.R. 39. A6 and A7 have reported to the scorers and are waiting to enter thegame. Team A commits a violation, and during the dead-ball period, Team Bcalls a timeout. The coach from Team A changes his mind and wants A8 andA9 to report and enter the game rather than A6 and A7.
RULING: A8’s and A9’s substitutions are legal when they have reportedto the official scorer before the warning signal.(Rule 3-6.1.h)
A.R. 40. After the second signal sounds indicating the expiration of atimeout, A1 goes to the free-throw line to attempt two free throws. Before thefirst free throw, A6 reports to the official scorer and tries to enter the gameas a substitute.
RULING: A6 cannot enter the game because he did not report beforethe warning signal and there has been no live ball.(Rule 3-6.1.h and 3-6.2.b)
A.R. 41. After the second signal sounds indicating the expiration of atimeout, A1 goes to the free-throw line to attempt two free throws. After thefirst free throw is successful and before the ball is at the disposal of A1 for thesecond free throw, A6 reports to the official scorer to become a substitute andthen tries to enter the game as a substitute.
RULING: A6 shall be allowed to enter before the last attempt of themultiple personal foul free throw.(Rule 3-6.2.b)
A.R. 42. In a game involving the electronic-media timeout format, A1 isfouled in the act of shooting, creating the first dead ball after the eightminutemark. A1’s try for goal is unsuccessful. B1 reported to the scorerbefore the foul and was waiting to enter the game. When is B1 permitted toenter the game?
RULING: B1 is permitted to enter the game after the electronic mediatimeout ends and before A1 attempts the first try of the multiple freethrowsequence.(Rule 3-6.2.b.1)
A.R. 43. After a successful free throw, A1 enters the playing court before thethrow-in. A1’s illegal entry is not detected until after the ball becomes live.
RULING: A1 became a legal player when the ball became live. Becausediscovery of the illegal substitution came after the ball became live, theinfraction by A1 shall be ignored.(Rule 3-6.1.d)
A.R. 44. A1 is fouled and his try for goal is unsuccessful. During the try:1. B1 commits his fifth (disqualifying) foul against A1; or2. A4 is wearing illegal apparel.
RULING 1 and 2: The required substitute shall be permitted to enterthe game before the first try of the multiple free throws. In addition,all substitutes who had legally reported to the official scorer before theplayer who had to be replaced, may enter the game.(Rule 3-6.3.c)
A.R. 45. There are no substitutes at the scorer’s table when A1 receives a fifthand disqualifying foul. The official notifies the Team A coach and then A1 ofthe disqualification.1. Before the official instructs the timer to begin the 20-second timeperiod to replace the disqualified player, two Team A players, neither ofwhom are substituting for the disqualified player, report to the scorer.2. During the 20-second time period to replace the disqualified player,two Team A substitutes report to the scorer just before A6 reports asthe substitute to replace A1.3. As soon as the coach is notified that A1 has been disqualified and beforethe 20-second time period to replace the disqualified player has started,the coach substitutes A6 for A1.
RULING: When a player is disqualified for the fifth foul committed,the officials will first get a substitute for the disqualified player, andthen all substitutes who had legally reported before the player whohad to be replaced may enter the game when the substitute for thedisqualified player is beckoned onto the court. In (1) and (2) thesubstitutes who legally reported to the table before A6, the substitutefor the disqualified player, may enter after A6 enters the game. In(3), once A6 is beckoned onto the floor, no other substitutions arepermitted until the next opportunity for substitutions.(Rule 3-6.3.c)
A.R. 46. A technical foul is assessed against Team A. B6 replaces B1 andmakes both free throws. After the final attempt, B1 desires to re-enter.
RULING: Illegal. B1 may not re-enter before the next opportunity tosubstitute after the game clock has properly started after he was replaced.(Rule 3-6.1.j)
A.R. 47. B6 and B7 have legally reported to the official scorer when A1:1. Fouls B1 during a three-point try that was unsuccessful;2. Is assessed a technical foul; or3. Is assessed a technical foul, which is his fifth disqualifying foul.When may B6 and B7 enter the game?
RULING 1: Since multiple free throws shall be awarded, B6 and B7are permitted to enter the game only before the final attempt or afterthe final try is successful.(Rule 3-6.2.b)2: B6 and B7 are permitted to enter the game before the first attemptor after the final attempt for the technical foul and before play isresumed at the point of interruption.(Rule 3-6.2.c)3: Since B6 and B7 had legally reported to the official scorer before A1had to be replaced, they may enter the game after A1’s replacemententers the game.(Rule 4-12.1 and .5, 3-6.2.c and 3-6.3.c)
A.R. 48. While A1 is dribbling, the referee notices blood on A1’s game jersey.The referee blows the whistle to stop play. A1 goes to the bench and medicalpersonnel:1. Determine that the game jersey is not saturated with blood; or2. Determine that the game jersey is saturated with blood.
RULING 1: A1 may remain in the game without penalty.2: A1 shall be given 20 seconds to resolve the situation. When A1has not resolved the situation, A1 shall be replaced or a timeoutmay be called by A1’s team. At the end of the timeout, the affectedplayer must be ready to play when the final horn sounds endingthe timeout. If the player is not ready to play, the coach mustimmediately replace the player with a substitute. In this case, theopposing team is permitted to counter with a substitute. Theaffected player may not re-enter the game until the next legalopportunity to substitute after the clock has started.(Rule 3-6.3.b, 3-6.3.a and 5-11.8)
A.R. 49. During a dead ball, A6 replaces A5. Before the ball is put into play,a technical foul is assessed against Team B. A5 is designated by the coachto enter the game and attempt the free throw(s) resulting from Team B’stechnical foul.
RULING: A5 may not re-enter to attempt the free throw(s) because thegame clock has not been started since A5 left the game.(Rule 3-6.1.j)
A.R. 50. A1 is bleeding from a blow to the head and is unable to attempt hisfree throw(s). Is Rule 3-6.3.f concerning an injured player applicable?
RULING: The intent of Rule 3-6.3.f is to eliminate the situationwhereby a poor free-throw shooter faked an injury so that he could bereplaced by a higher percentage shooter. Obviously, a bleeding player isnot faking an injury. Consequently, Rule 3-6.3.f is not applicable. Thebleeding player shall be instructed by the official to leave the game forattention by medical personnel. His coach may exercise the option ofsubstituting for the bleeding player or calling a timeout.(Rule 3-6.3.f and 8-3.2)
A.R. 51. A1 is fouled and is unable to attempt his free throw(s). Thecoach from Team A requests a timeout. The referee recognizes and grantsthis timeout.
RULING: The referee shall instruct the official scorer to note whichfour players from Team A were on the playing court before the timeoutwas granted. At the end of the timeout when it is determined that A1 isunable to attempt his free throw(s), the coach from Team B shall selectone of the four remaining players to attempt the free throw(s). Thatselection, once made, is final and unalterable.An immediate substitution for the injured player shall be requiredafter the final horn that indicates the expiration of the timeout. Theopponent shall then be permitted to counter with a substitution. Anyother substitution(s) must have reported to, or be in position to reportto, the official scorer before the warning horn. However, his entry ontothe playing court shall not be permitted until the coach from Team Bhas selected who shall attempt the free throw(s) for the injured player.(Rule 8-3.3 and 3-6.1.g)
A.R. 52. B1 commits a flagrant 2 personal foul against A1. After B1’s flagrant2 foul, the coach from Team B is assessed a CLASS A technical foul. A1 wasinjured and was unable to attempt his free throws. The coach from Team Aselects A7 to attempt the two free throws awarded for B1’s flagrant 2 foul andthe two free throws for the CLASS A technical foul. The referee permitted A7to attempt the free throws. Is this correct?
RULING: The referee was correct in allowing A7 to attempt the fourfree throws. When a player is injured as a result of either a flagrant 1or flagrant 2 personal foul and is unable to attempt his free throws, thecoach of the injured player is permitted to select any player or teammember to attempt the free throws. In addition, when a technical foulis assessed, any player or team member is allowed to attempt the twofree throws. After the four free throws are attempted, the ball is awardedto Team A, the offended team, and play shall be resumed at the point ofinterruption, which is the designated spot nearest to where the flagrant2 personal foul was committed. When the coach from Team A selects two different individuals toattempt the free throws, since a false multiple foul has been committed,the penalty for the CLASS A technical foul shall be administered,followed by the penalty for the flagrant 2 personal foul. The ball isawarded to Team A, the offended team, and play shall be resumed atthe point of interruption, which is the designated spot nearest to wherethe flagrant 2 personal foul was committed.(Rule 8-3.3, 8-3.4, 8-6.1, 4-15.6, 4-27.1 and 10-1 Penalty g)
A.R. 53. A1 is fouled during an unsuccessful try for goal and appears to beinjured. A1 is upset with the play and is assessed an unsportsmanlike CLASSA technical foul, which is A1’s fifth and disqualifying foul. The official scorerinforms the official that A1 has been disqualified.
RULING: Any member of Team B may attempt the free throws forthe technical foul assessed to A1. Play shall be resumed at the point ofinterruption. The substitute for disqualified player A1 shall attempt thefree throws awarded when A1 was fouled. A1 was unable to attempt hisfree throws because he was a disqualified player and, by rule, had to bereplaced. A1’s injury should not be considered in adjudicating the play.(Rule 8-3.2.c, 8-3.4, 8-6.1 and 4-27.1)
A.R. 54. A1 and B1 collide and:1. Are injured;2. Are bleeding; and3. Are evaluated and it is determined that their uniforms are saturatedwith blood. The coach from Team A requests and is granted a timeout.
RULING: When a timeout is requested and granted to either team, oneor both players are permitted to remain in the game after the expirationof the timeout. No bleeding can be in evidence. A uniform that issaturated with blood must be replaced. (Rule 3-6.3.b, and .e and 5-11.8)
A.R. 55. A1 is injured and the referee beckons the coach and/or athletictrainer onto the playing court to assist the injured player. After the injuredplayer is replaced, Team B requests and is granted a timeout. Play is about toresume and A1 is back on the playing court.
RULING: A1 shall be prohibited from staying on the playing court.Team B’s timeout does not make A1 eligible to return to play. TeamA must request and be granted a charged timeout in order for A1 toremain in the game.(Rule 3-6.3.d and 5-14.12.a)
A.R. 56. A1 is fouled during an unsuccessful try for goal. During the try, A3is injured or is bleeding, has blood on his or her body, or his or her uniformis saturated with blood and he or she cannot continue to play.
RULING: The required substitute shall be permitted to enter thegame before the first try of the multiple free throws. In addition, allsubstitutes who had legally reported to the official scorer before theplayer who had to be replaced may enter the game. A bleeding player, a player with blood on the body, or a playerwearing a uniform saturated with blood has 20 seconds to resolvethe issue. If the issue cannot be resolved in 20 seconds, that player isrequired to be replaced unless that player’s coach requests and is granteda timeout. When a substitute is required, all substitutes who had legallyreported to the official scorer before the player who had to be replacedmay enter the game.(Rule 3-6.3.a and .c)
A.R. 57. A1 scores a field goal and the clock is stopped with 36.0 secondsremaining in the game.1. Before the throw-in ends and the clock is started, the official noticesblood on A3.2. The throw-in ends and the clock is properly started when the officialnotices blood on A3.
RULING: The officials shall stop play and present the head coachwith the following three options: (a) Keep the player in the gamewhen the issue can be resolved in 20 seconds; (b) Substitute the playerimmediately or substitute when the issue cannot be resolved in 20seconds; (c) Call a timeout immediately or call a timeout when theissue cannot be resolved in 20 seconds so that the bleeding player canremain in the game.1: After any of these options, play shall be resumed with a throw-inby Team B anywhere along the end line. No substitutes shall bepermitted in (a) and (b) since play was stopped after a successfulfield goal and before the clock was properly started. However,when the coach chooses not to take a timeout and instead, replacesthe bleeding player, the opponent is permitted to counter with asubstitution. In this case, the substitute for the bleeding player andthe counter substitute are the only substitutes permitted in thissituation since play was stopped for blood after a successful fieldgoal in the last 59.9 seconds of the game and before the clock wasproperly started. In (c), substitutes are permitted since a timeout wascalled.2: After any of these options, play shall be resumed with a throw-inby Team B at a designated spot nearest to where play was stoppedfor the blood issue and substitutes shall be permitted as they wouldbe in any other dead-ball period since the game clock was properlystarted on the throw-in.(Rule 3-6.1.i.1 and 3-6.3.a)
A.R. 58. After a successful field goal with 48 seconds left on the game clock,the timer sounds the game-clock horn for substitute A6 to enter the game.
RULING: A6 shall not be permitted to enter. While the game clock isstopped after successful field goals in the last 59.9 seconds of play, onlythose substitutions permitted by rule are allowed. A team may requesta timeout and then make substitutions anytime the ball is dead and thegame clock is stopped.(Rule 3-6.1.i)
A.R. 59. Team A scores with 59.9 seconds left to play in the second half.1. The timer fails to stop the game clock. The official blows his whistle tostop the clock and to correct the mistake. During this stoppage, TeamA requests a timeout; or2. The official inadvertently blows his whistle to recognize a timeoutrequest by Team A when the ball is at Team B’s disposal for a throw-in;or3. Team B is having difficulty inbounding the ball because of defensivepressure and requests a timeout.May these timeout requests be granted and when are substitutionspermitted to enter the game?
RULING: In (1), the request by either team for a timeout shall berecognized and granted since the request was made during a dead ball.Substitutions are permitted during this timeout period. However, whena timeout is not requested, there shall be no substitution during thedead ball period created by the timer’s mistake.2: The inadvertent whistle shall be ignored. When Team A requests atimeout during this dead ball, the timeout shall be recognized andgranted since the request occurred during the dead ball created bythe inadvertent whistle. Substitutions are permitted during thistimeout period. However, when a timeout is not requested, thereshall be no substitution during the dead ball period created by theinadvertent whistle.3: Team B’s request for a timeout shall be recognized and grantedbecause a player of that team is in control of the ball. Substitutionsare permitted during this timeout.(Rule 3-6.1.i.1 and .2)
A.R. 60. After A1’s successful try, the game clock is stopped with 56.0seconds remaining in the game:1. B1 completes a throw-in to B2, but the clock was not properly started.The official stops play immediately to correct the timing mistake.Substitutes are available at the table.2. B1 completes a throw-in to B2 and the clock is properly started. Whilethe ball is in B2’s possession, A2 creates a held ball. The alternatingpossession arrow favors Team B. Substitutes are available at the table.
RULING 1: The officials shall correct the timing mistake by placing thecorrect time on the game and shot clocks, and play shall be resumed atthe point of interruption. Substitutes shall not be permitted during thisdead ball period, since the timing mistake occurred with 59.9 secondsor less remaining on the game clock. Since the play was stopped tocorrect a timing mistake that occurred after a made field goal whenthere was less than 59.9 seconds remaining in the game and before thegame clock was properly started, substitutes shall not be permitted. 2: Since play was stopped for the held ball and not to correct a timingmistake or for an inadvertent whistle, all substitution rules apply.Play shall be resumed with an alternating possession throw-in toTeam B at a designated spot nearest to where the held ball occurredwith no reset of the shot clock.(Rule 3-6.1.i.1)
A.R. 61. A technical foul is assessed to Team B before the start of the game.The coach from Team A wants to replace designated starter A5 with A6 so A6can shoot the free throws. Is this permissible?
RULING: Yes. A6 is permitted to replace designated starter A5 to shootthe free throws for the technical foul. When the ball is placed at thedisposal of A6 for the free throw, the game has begun and thereafter,all substitution rules apply. Any team member is eligible to becomea substitute with the exception of A5, who shall not be permittedto re-enter until the game clock has been properly started after hisreplacement.(Rule 3-6.1.j, 3-6.1.k, 5-7.1, 7-4.7 and Rule 10-3 through 4 Penalty)
A.R. 62. A1 is in the air on a jump shot in the lane. A1 releases the ball on atry and is fouled by B1, who has jumped in an unsuccessful attempt to blockthe shot. A1’s try is:1. Successful; or2. Unsuccessful.
RULING: A1 shall be an airborne shooter when the ball is releaseduntil he returns to the floor. An airborne shooter shall be in the act ofshooting. B1 has fouled A1 in the act of shooting. A1 shall be awardedone free throw in (1), and two in (2).(Rule 4-1)
A.R. 63. B1 is standing directly behind the backboard before A1 jumpsfor a layup. The forward momentum of airborne shooter A1 causes A1 todisplace B1.
RULING: This is an offensive foul on A1.(Rule 4-7, 4-15.2.a.1, 4-30)
A.R. 64. Team A is not ready to take the playing court after the second signalsounds indicating the end of the halftime intermission.
RULING: The referee should ask the timer to start the digital deviceused to time timeouts. When Team A is not ready to play at theexpiration of one minute, Team A shall be assessed an administrativetechnical foul for delay of game. Team B shall be awarded two freethrows and play shall be resumed at the point of interruption. WhenTeam A is entitled to the alternating-possession arrow, it shall not losecontrol of the arrow until the throw-in ends.(Rule 4-10.1.b, 6-3.6 and 10-2.5.a)
A.R. 65. A5 is fouled during an unsuccessful try for goal. As A5 goes to thefree-throw line, A5 is assessed an unsportsmanlike technical foul, which isA5’s fifth and disqualifying foul. The scorer:1. Informs the official that A5 has been disqualified; or2. Does not inform the official that A5 has been disqualified until after A5attempts the free throws.
RULING 1: A Team B player or team member shall attempt the freethrows for the technical foul assessed to A5. Play is resumed at the pointof interruption and the substitute for A5 would then attempt the freethrows awarded when A5 was fouled in the act of shooting.2: Since A5 and A5’s coach were not notified of the disqualificationuntil after A5’s free throws, the result of A5’s free throws shall stand.(Rule 4-12.4, 8-3.2, 2-9.4 and 4-27.1.e)
A.R. 66. B1 commits a fifth foul (any combination of personal and CLASSA technical fouls), which results in two free throws for A1. The official scorerand official timer fail to notify any of the game officials that a fifth foulhas been committed. When the scorers realize the mistake, they inform theofficial timer to sound the game-clock horn. The official timer sounds thedevice as the first free throw is made or missed. The referee asks the scorers’table personnel to explain the problem. The referee is advised that B1 hascommitted five fouls, after which the referee advises the coach and player ofTeam B that B1 has five fouls. The coach replaces B1.
RULING: Play shall be resumed with the second free throw by A1.There is no additional penalty assessed for the official scorer’s andtimer’s mistake in failing to notify the officials of B1’s fifth foul.(Rule 4-12.3 and 2-9.4)
A.R. 67. A player who has committed a fifth foul [any combination ofpersonal fouls and CLASS A technical fouls] continues to play because thescorers have failed to notify the officials.
RULING: As soon as the scorers discover the irregularity, they shouldsound the game-clock horn after (or as soon as) the ball is in control ofthe offending team or is dead. The disqualified player shall be removedimmediately. Any points that may have been scored while such a playerwas illegally in the game shall count.(Rule 4-12.1 and 2-9.4 )
A.R. 68. In the front court of Team A (the back court of Team B), A1 passesthe ball to A2. B1, in an attempt to secure the ball, deflects it down theplaying court toward B’s basket. The ball bounces several times before B1 canrecover it in B’s front court. B1 dribbles to B’s basket and scores.
RULING: Legal. The deflection of the ball by B1 shall not beconsidered part of the dribble. B1 does not have control of the ball untilsecuring it after deflecting it.(Rule 4-13.1)
A.R. 69. A1, while advancing the ball by dribbling, manages to keep a handin contact with the ball until it reaches its maximum height. A1 maintainssuch control as the ball descends, pushing it to the playing court at the lastmoment; however, after six or seven bounces, A1’s hands are in contact withthe ball and the palm of the hand on this particular dribble is skyward.
RULING: It is a violation when the ball has come to rest on the handwhile the palm and the fingers are facing upward and a player thencontinues to dribble, because the dribble has ended when the ball cameto rest on the palm when it faced upward.(Rule 4-13.4.a)
A.R. 70. Is a player considered to be dribbling while touching the ballduring a jump, when a pass rebounds from the player’s hand, when the playerfumbles or when the player tips a rebound or pass away from other playerswho are attempting to get it?
RULING: No. The player is not in control under these conditions andtherefore is not dribbling.(Rule 4-13 and 4-9.1)
A.R. 71. A1 dribbles and comes to a stop, after which A1 throws the ball:1. Against the opponent’s backboard and catches the rebound; or2. Against the official, immediately recovering the ball and dribbling again.
RULING: A1 has committed a violation in both (1) and (2). Throwingthe ball against an opponent’s backboard or an official constitutesanother dribble, provided that A1 is first to touch the ball after it strikesthe official or the backboard.(Rule 4-13.4.a and 9-8.1)
A.R. 72. A1 is dribbling the ball when:1. A1 bats the ball over the head of an opponent, runs around theopponent, and before the ball touches the playing court he bats the ballagain and then continues to dribble; or2. A1 fumbles the ball (the ball slips from the player’s grasp) and the ballrolls out of reach so that A1 must run to recover it.
RULING 1: Violation, because the ball is touched twice during adribble, before the ball touches the playing court.2: It is illegal to continue to dribble, but A1 may recover the ball.(Rule 4-13.3, 4-16.2 and 9-8.1.c)
A.R. 73. A1, after:1. Receiving a pass; or2. Ending his dribble, passes the ball to A2. Before receiving the pass, A2leaves the area on a cut to the basket. A1 goes to the area vacated by A2and recovers the ball.
RULING: In order for a pass to occur, the thrown ball must be touchedby another player. This did not occur in (1) or (2).1: A1’s attempted pass was the start of his dribble. When he recoveredthe ball and started another dribble, he would have committed a violation. (Had A1, after releasing the pass, which was the start ofthe dribble, not recovered the ball but rather continued to dribble,it would not have been a violation.)2: A1 had previously ended a dribble before his attempted pass to A2.A1’s release of the ball on his attempted pass to A2 was the start of asecond dribble. A1 committed a violation after he touched the ball.(Rule 4-13.2 and 9-8.1.c)
A.R. 74. After ending a dribble, A1 leaves the playing court to attempt a tryfor goal. While airborne, A1 fumbles the ball and:1. Recovers the fumble while airborne, returns to the floor and dribblesthe ball; or2. Recovers the fumble after returning to the floor and then dribblesthe ball.
RULING: It is a violation in both (1) and (2), A1 is permitted torecover the ball but after recovering the ball is not allowed to startanother dribble. However, if a fumble is touched by another player andthen recovered by A1, while airborne or after a return to the floor, A1 isallowed to start another dribble. If A1 had not previously dribbled theball, and while airborne fumbled and recovered the ball (while airborneor after a return to the floor), he is permitted to start a dribble.(Rule 4-13.4.a, 4-16.2 and 9-8.1.c)
A.R. 75. A1 is dribbling the ball in the front court when the ball momentarilygets away from him. While the dribble is interrupted:1. A1 pushes B2 while trying to retrieve the ball;2. A2 is in the lane for four seconds; or3. A1 calls a timeout.
RULING 1: Team-control foul on A1.2: Three-second violation on A2.3: A timeout shall not be acknowledged during an interrupted dribble.(Rule 4-13.6.b, 9-10.2, 4-13.5 and 4-9.2.d)
A.R. 76. A1 ends the dribble, passes the ball to A2 and then charges into B2:1. While the ball is in the air; or2. After A2 has control.
RULING: The foul on A1 in both (1) and (2) is not a player-controlfoul since A1 was not holding or dribbling the ball and was not anairborne shooter in either situation. However, in both cases, A1 hascommitted a team control foul.When the official is in doubt as to whether the foul occurred beforeor after the ball was released on the pass, the foul should not be ruled aplayer-control foul but shall be ruled a team control foul.(Rule 4-9.2.a, 4-15.2.a.1 and .2)
A.R. 77. Before a free throw by A1 is in flight, A2 pushes B2, then A3 stepsinto the free-throw lane too soon. The bonus is in effect for both teams.
RULING: The foul by A2, which created a false double foul, is ateam-control foul and causes the ball to become dead immediately.Consequently, A3’s violation shall be ignored. A1 shall attempt the freethrow(s) with no players on the lane and when the last try is successful,Team B shall have the privilege to run the endline. When the last tryis unsuccessful, play shall be resumed by awarding Team B the ball fora throw-in at a designated spot closest to where the team-control fouloccurred.(Rule 4-15.4 and 8-8.1)
A.R. 78. After a field goal by B1, Team A leads Team B, 61-60. A1 has theball for a throw-in with four seconds remaining in the game. While A1 isholding the ball, B2 crosses the boundary line and contacts A1.
RULING: A flagrant 1 personal foul shall be charged to B2. The timeremaining to play is not a factor.(Rule 4-15.2.c.5 and 10-1 Penalty d[2])
A.R. 79. B1 commits a common foul against A1 before the bonus is in effectfor either team. The ball is awarded to Team A at a designated spot nearest towhere the foul occurred. During the throw-in but before the clock is started,A2 fouls B2. Team B is in the bonus.
RULING: A2’s foul is a team-control foul since it occurred during thethrow-in. The foul shall be charged to A2 and the ball shall be awardedto Team B at a designated spot nearest to where the foul occurred.(Rule 4-15.2.a.2 and 7-3.1.f )
A.R. 80. B1 deflects the ball away from A1 while:1. A1 is dribbling the ball; or2. A1 is passing the ball to A2.A1, in an attempt to recover the ball, fouls B1.
RULING: In (1) and (2), A1 has committed a team control foul. Thefoul shall be charged to A1, and the ball shall be awarded to Team B ata designated spot nearest to where A1’s foul was committed.(Rule 4-9.2.a and .b, 4-15.2.a.2 and 7-3.1.f )
A.R. 81. A1 is entitled to a one-and-one free throw. Before the ball is handedto A1, Team A’s coach is assessed a CLASS A technical foul.
RULING: The technical foul creates a false double foul. Team B shallbe awarded two free throws because of the technical foul on Coach A.After Team B shoots the free throws for the technical fouls, A1 shallattempt the one-and-one since that was the point of interruption.(Rule 4-15.4 and 8-8.2)
A.R. 82. A3 and B3 commit a double personal foul, neither of which is aflagrant foul, while:1. A1’s pass is in flight; or2. A1’s try is in flight.
RULING: Charge the fouls to A3 and B3.1: The ball shall be awarded to Team A, the team in control, at adesignated spot nearest to where the ball was last in contact with aplayer or the playing court with no reset of the shot clock.2: When the try is successful, Team B, the team not credited with thescore, shall be awarded the ball anywhere along the end line. Whenthe try is unsuccessful and since there is no team control, play shallbe resumed by using the alternating-possession procedure. Thethrow-in shall be awarded at a designated spot nearest to where theball became dead, as a result of the unsuccessful try, with a reset ofthe shot clock.(Rule 4-9.2.b, 4-9.4.c, 4-27.1.d, and 7-4.8 and .9)
A1 from receiving the ball. A pass is made over the head and out of reach ofB1. Post player A1 moves toward the basket to catch the pass and attempt atry for goal. As the pass is made, B2 moves into the path of A1, in a guardingposition.
RULING: B2 has switched to guard a player who does not have theball. Therefore, B2 must give A1 enough time and distance (not morethan two strides) to avoid contact to be in a legal guarding position.When A1 has control of the ball (provided that A1 is not in the air atthe time), time and distance shall be irrelevant.(Rule 4-17.4 and 4-17.5)
A.R. 84. B1 slips to the floor in the free-throw lane. A1 (with his back to B1,who is prone) receives a pass, turns and, in his attempt to drive to the basket,trips and falls over B1.
RULING: Foul on B1, who is not in a legal guarding position.(Rule 4-17.4.a)
A.R. 85. B1 takes a spot on the playing court before A1 jumps to catch a pass.1. A1 returns to the playing court and lands on B1; or2. B1 moves to a new spot while A1 is airborne. A1 comes to the floor onone foot and then charges into B1.
RULING: In both (1) and (2), the foul shall be on A1. In (1), B1is entitled to that spot on the floor provided he gets there legallybefore the offensive player becomes airborne. However, in (2), whenA1 possesses the ball then lands on the floor, no time and distance isrequired.(Rule 4-17.4.c and .d, 4-17.3 and Exception 4-17.7)
A.R. 86. A1 runs toward Team A’s goal and looks back to receive a fast-breakoutlet pass. B1 takes a position in the path of A1 while A1 is 10 feet awayfrom B1.1. A1 runs into B1 before receiving the ball; or2. A1 receives the ball and, before taking a step, contacts B1.
RULING: In both (1) and (2), A1 shall be held responsible forcontact. B1 took a position in the path of A1 that provided A1enough time and distance to avoid contact. While without the ball,A1 was provided the required time and distance to avoid contact withB1. However, when A1 received the ball, no time and distance wererequired by the defender.(Rule 4-17.5.b and 4-17.4.c; Exception 4-17.7)
A.R. 87. A1 is in the act of shooting and B1 attempts to defend the try. Theofficial, in anticipation of a foul that was not committed, inadvertently blowshis whistle:1. Before the release of the ball; or2. After the try for goal was released hit the ring, but was unsuccessful.
RULING 1: Since A1 did not release the ball and was in control of theball when the inadvertent whistle was blown, Team A shall be awardedthe ball at a designated spot nearest to where the dead ball occurredwith no reset of the shot clock.2: The inadvertent whistle occurred when there was no team control.When the try was unsuccessful, the ball is awarded to the teamentitled to the alternating-possession arrow at a spot nearest towhere the try was unsuccessful and the shot clock shall be reset.When the try for goal was successful, the inadvertent whistle shall beignored and the team not credited with the score shall be awarded theball at the end line with that team being entitled to run the end line.(Rule 2-11.6.g, 2-11.7.g, 4-27.1.a and 7-5.1.a and .d)
A.R. 88. After A1’s try is released and is in flight, an official inadvertentlyblows the whistle and then the shot-clock horn sounds. How is play resumedwhen the shot:1. Is successful;2. Does not strike the ring or flange; or3. Strikes the ring or flange but does not enter the basket?
RULING 1: Count the goal. Ignore the inadvertent whistle, which wasblown when there was no team control, and the sounding of the shotclockhorn. The team not credited with the score shall be allowed torun the end line.(Rule 7-4.16 and 7-4.6)2: Violation. Ignore the inadvertent whistle and resume play byawarding the ball to Team B at the spot nearest to where the shotclockviolation occurred. The violation takes precedence over theinadvertent whistle.(Rule 9-12.4 and 7-4.1)3: Play shall be resumed by the alternating-possession procedure andthe shot clock shall be reset.(Rule 7-4.16, 6-4.1.g and 2-11.6.g)
A.R. 89. An official is in the front court when he runs into a pass thrown byA1 from Team A’s back court. After touching the official, the ball:1. Goes out of bounds; or2. Rebounds to the back court, where it is recovered by A3.
RULING: Touching the official shall be the same as touching the floorwhere the official is standing.1: The ball shall be awarded to Team B for a throw-in at a designatedspot nearest to where the out-of-bounds violation occurred.2: Since A1 was the last player to touch the ball before it returnedto the back court, A1 caused it to go there. Back-court violation.Award a throw-in to Team B at a designated spot nearest to wherethe violation occurred.(Rule 4-23.3, 9-3 and 7-3.1.a)
A.R. 90. Team A is entitled to the ball for a throw-in after a timeout and afterhaving previously received a team warning for not being ready to resume playfollowing a timeout. The referee blows the whistle indicating that the timeouthas ended. When Team A is not at the designated spot ready to take the ball,the referee places the ball on the floor out of bounds at the disposal of TeamA. The visible count begins and:1. A1 picks up the ball and releases it for the throw-in within the allottedfive seconds; or2. Team A does not release the ball on the throw-in within five seconds.Consequently, the ball is placed at Team B’s disposal for a throw-in.
RULING 1: Legal play.2: Violation on Team A. The referee shall award Team B the ball fora throw-in and begin a five-second count when the ball is handedto Team B or placed on the floor at Team B’s disposal. When TeamB does not complete the throw-in within five seconds after thereferee placed the ball at Team B’s disposal, Team B has committeda violation.Since both teams delayed the game, the referee shall assess a doubleadministrative technical foul. No free throws shall be attempted byeither team. Play shall be resumed at the point of interruption.(Rule 4-31, 7-6.3 and .6, and 4-27.1.e)
A.R. 91. Team A is entitled to the ball for a throw-in after a timeout and afterhaving previously received a team warning for not being ready to resume playfollowing a timeout. The official timer properly sounds a warning signal 15seconds before the charged timeout expires and then a final signal when thetimeout ends. The official administering the throw-in sounds the whistle toalert the players that the game shall resume. However, neither team has leftits huddle on the sideline.
RULING: The official shall resume play by placing the ball at thedisposal of the player for a throw-in at a designated spot and shall startthe throw-in count. The officials shall not issue a warning for delayingthe throw-in by huddling. The resumption-of-play procedure shall beused after timeouts.(Rule 2-10.10 and 4-31.2)
A.R. 92. As A2 makes a drive to the basket, B1, a secondary defender,establishes initial guarding position within the restricted area. Contact occurs.One official calls a charge while another official calls a block.
RULING: B1 was a secondary defender who illegally establishedinitial guarding position within the restricted area. Consequently, theblocking call against B1 is the correct call.(Rule 4-35 and 10-1.13)
A.R. 93. Low-post player A5 spins and gets by defender B5. B4 comes fromthe weak side and establishes initial guarding position within the restrictedarea. A5 continues to move to the basket and:1. While airborne and shooting the ball, leans into and makes contactwith B4; or2. Stops and, while in control of the ball, leans into and contacts B4.
RULING 1: B4 is a secondary defender and illegally established initialguarding position within the restricted area to stop A5’s try for goal. Ablocking foul shall be assessed to B4.2: When A5 stopped and the try for goal was discontinued, B4 was nolonger a secondary defender. A player control foul shall be assessedto A5.(Rule 4-35 and 10-1.13)
A.R. 94. Team A is on a 3 on 2 or a 2 on 3 fast break, and any player on TeamB takes an initial guarding position (1) within the restricted area with two feeton the floor and facing the opponent, or (2) outside the restricted area withtwo feet on the floor and facing the opponent, in an attempt to draw a playercontrol/charging foul. A2, after receiving a pass, crashes into the torso of theTeam B player, and the official calls a player control/charging foul.
RULING 1: The official is incorrect. In any outnumbering fast breaksituation, all Team B players are initially secondary defenders. TheTeam B player may not establish initial legal guarding position insidethe restricted area, and the illegal contact by B is a blocking foul.2: The official is correct. Even though the Team B player is initiallya secondary defender, he did not establish initial guarding positioninside the restricted area. When illegal contact occurs, it shall be aplayer control/charging foul.(Rule 4-35.4, 4-30 and 10-1.13)
A.R. 95. Player A1 attempts a shot, which bounces off the rim and isrebounded by A2.1. Player A2 who is in the lane area immediately attempts a put back andcrashes into the torso of B2, who is positioned within the restrictedarea; or2. Player A2, who is located on the wing just inside the three point line,gains possession of a long rebound and immediately drives to the basketwith no defender. Player A2 crashes into the torso of B2 who is locatedwithin the restricted area.
RULING: When A2 rebounds the ball and immediately makes amove to the basket, there is no secondary defender and the restrictedarea rule is not in effect. When B2 has established and maintained alegal guarding position and illegal contact occurs it is player control/charging foul on A2.(Rule 4-35.3, 4-30, and 10-1.13)
A.R. 96. Low post player A5 in possession of the ball is defended initially byB5. Player B4 comes from the weak side to double team and establishes initialguarding position (1) inside the restricted area or (2) outside the restrictedarea. A5 makes a move to the basket and contacts stationary B4 in the torso.
RULING: In (1), B4 is a secondary defender and may not establishinitial legal guarding position inside the restricted area. When illegalcontact occurs, a blocking foul should be assessed against B4.In (2), B4 is a secondary defender but established initial legal guardingposition outside the restricted area. When illegal contact occurs, aplayer control foul should be assessed to A5.(Rule 4-35.2, 4-30 and 10-1.13)
A.R. 97. Team B is in a zone defense. A1, who is located on the perimeterof Team B’s zone, passes the ball to A2. A1 then cuts behind B1, who is thedefender at the top of the zone, and receives a pass from A2 while just outsidethe restricted area. After receiving the pass, A1 then crashes into the torso ofdefender B2 who has established initial guarding position inside the restrictedarea. The Lead official calls a blocking foul on B2.
RULING: The official is correct. B2 is a secondary defender because A1is deemed to have beaten B1 when he cut behind B1 on the perimeterof the zone defense. As a secondary defender, B2 may not establish aninitial legal guarding position in the restricted area for the purpose ofdrawing a player control/charging foul when defending a player who isin control of the ball or has released the ball on a pass or try.(Rule 4-30, 4-35 and 10-1.13)
A.R. 98. A1 makes a cut without the ball and beats defender B1. A2 throwsan alley-oop pass to A1. A1 goes airborne to receive the alley-oop pass andcrashes into the torso of B2 who had established initial guarding positioninside the restricted area. The crash occurs:1. Before A1 gains possession of the ball; or2. After A1 gains possession of the ball.
RULING 1: Since A1 did not have control of the ball when the contactwith B2 occurred, the secondary defender/restricted area rules do notapply. It is a charging/team control foul when B2 has given A1 enoughtime and distance for A1 to avoid contact and has established thisposition before A1 went airborne. It is a blocking foul when B2 failsto give sufficient time and distance for A1 to avoid contact or fails toestablish this position before A1 goes airborne.(Rule 4-9.2.b, 4-17.5, 4-35.1 and 10-1.13)2: Since A1 has control when the illegal contact with B2 occurred, thismust be a blocking foul because B2 had established initial guardingposition inside the restricted area.(Rule: 4-17.7, 4-35.1, and 10-1.13)
A.R. 99. A pass or a try for field goal by A1 comes down several feet in frontof the basket. The ball strikes the playing court without touching any playerand bounces into the basket.
RULING: Two points shall be counted for Team A when notcomplicated by the expiration of time in a period or by a foul occurringwhile the ball is in flight. The try for field goal by A1 ends when theball touches the playing court, but it is customary to credit the twopoints to A1. A field goal can sometimes be scored when it is not theresult of a try. When the ball is in flight as a result of contacting theplaying court without touching any player and time expires or a fouloccurs, no points shall be scored. Neither the expiration of time nor afoul shall cause the ball to become dead immediately during a try for afield goal. During a pass, the ball shall become dead as a result of thefoul or expiration of time.(Rule 5-1.2 and 6-6.1)
A.R. 100. A2 receives the tip by A1 on the jump ball to start an extra period.A2 is confused and dribbles toward the basket that Team A had during thefirst half and:1. Dunks into Team B’s basket; or2. Attempts a three-point try, which is successful, at Team B’s basket.
RULING: In both (1) and (2), the goal shall be legal. In both cases, twopoints shall be awarded to Team B. The ball shall be awarded to TeamA out of bounds at the basket of Team B and Team A may put the ballin play from anywhere behind the endline as after any score by TeamB (earned or awarded).(Rule 5-1.4.a and 7-4.6.a)
A.R. 101. With two-tenths of a second (.2) remaining in a period on thegame clock, Team A is awarded a throw-in at the division line. A1 passes theball to A2 who:1. Catches the ball with both hands while in the air and throws the ballinto his basket; or2. Does not catch the ball but taps it into the basket.In both (1) and (2), the ball is in the air on the way to the basket when thegame-ending horn sounds.
RULING 1: Illegal. When the game clock displays three-tenths of asecond (.3) or less and play is to be resumed by a throw-in or a freethrow, a player may not gain possession of the ball and try for goal.When this situation occurs, the official shall blow his whistle and theperiod is over, unless a flagrant 1 or 2 personal foul was committed onthe play. Whether the try for goal was successfully attempted before theexpiration of time is inconsequential.2: Legal. When the player does not possess (catch) the ball but taps itinto the basket before the period-ending horn sounds, the officialshall use replay equipment, videotape or television monitoring,when available and located at courtside, to ascertain whether thetap (try) that will determine the outcome of the game was releasedbefore a reading of zeros on the game clock.(Rule 5-1.18 and 11-3.1)
A.R. 102. Immediately after a successful goal or free throw by Team A, A1inbounds the ball to A2, and A2 subsequently throws the ball through TeamA’s basket. Can this error be corrected?
RULING: The officials have erred in permitting the throw-in by A1after Team A’s successful goal. The subsequent goal by Team A is notconsidered to be erroneously counting a basket since the error wasthe illegal throw-in by Team A. This error may be corrected in thefollowing manner.When the error of permitting Team A to complete a throw-in after itsown successful goal is detected before the second live ball after the error,the officials shall cancel any activity excluding a flagrant 2, flagrant 1personal or any technical foul, put consumed time back on the clock,assess a delay warning for interfering with the ball after a goal, or chargeA1 with a CLASS A technical foul when the act is deemed unsporting.(Rule 4-10.1 and .2, and 10-4.1.m)
A.R. 103. As the hand of A1 contacts the ball to tap it toward the basket, B1fouls A1. The ball is not airborne from the hand of A1.
RULING: The penalty for a foul on a tap is the same as the penalty for afoul on a try. When the tap is successful, one free throw shall be awarded.When the tap is unsuccessful, two free throws shall be awarded.(Rule 5-1.8 and 10-1 Penalty b[1] and d[1])
A.R. 104. A1’s throw (pass) from behind the three-point line is deflectedwhile in flight by:1. B1; or2. A2, both of whom are located inside the three-point line.
RULING 1: When a ball thrown (passed) in the direction of the basketfrom behind the three-point line with the possibility of entering thebasket from above is deflected by a defender, a three-point goal shallbe counted. However, if there is no possibility of the ball entering the basket from above and the deflection caused the goal to be successful,a two-point goal shall be counted.2: When a thrown (passed) ball is deflected by a teammate and the goalis successful, two points shall be awarded.When a passed ball hits the ring and does not enter the basket,there is no reset of the shot clock.(Rule 5-1.1, 5-1.2.a and 5-1.3 and .4)
A.R. 105. A1 becomes confused and shoots the ball at the wrong basket. A1is fouled while trying to shoot and the ball goes in the basket. Is this a goal?If A1 misses, should A1 be granted two free throws for the foul by the TeamB player?
RULING: No goal. The ball became dead when the foul occurred.When a player shoots at the opponent’s basket, it is not a try. WhenTeam A is in the bonus when the Team B player fouls A1, A1 shall beawarded a one-and-one. When Team A is not in the bonus, the ballshall be awarded to Team A at a designated spot.(Rule 5-1.1, 6-5.1.f, 10-1 Penalty c and a[1])
A.R. 106. A ball passed from behind the three-point line:1. Enters the basket from above and passes through;2. Is deflected and enters the basket from above and passes through; or3. Strikes the side of the ring or the flange.
RULING 1: A three-point goal shall be counted.2: When there is no possibility of the ball entering the basket fromabove and the deflection causes the goal to be successful, it shall bea two-point goal. However, when a ball is passed in the direction ofthe basket with the possibility of entering the basket from above andthe deflection does not influence its success, a three-point goal shallbe counted.3: The ball shall remain live. In each case, when a passed ball hits thering and does not enter the basket, there is no reset of the shot clock.(Rule 5-1.1, 5-1.2.a, 5-1.3 and .4, 4-24 and 2-11.6.d)
A.R. 107. During a try for goal but after A1 returns to the floor, B1 commitsa holding foul. The foul occurs before the bonus. The attempt is:1. Successful; or2. Unsuccessful.
RULING: A personal foul shall be charged to B1 in both (1) and (2)but no free throw shall be awarded to A1 in either case since A1 is notan airborne shooter and Team A is not in the bonus. In both (1) and(2), the ball shall be awarded to Team A at a designated spot nearest towhere the foul occurred.(Rule 10-1 Penalty a[1] and 7-4.4)
A.R. 108. A1 intercepts a pass and dribbles toward A’s basket for a breakawaylayup. Near A’s free-throw line, A1 legally stops and ends his dribble. A1throws the ball against A’s backboard and follows the throw. While airborne,A1 rebounds the ball off the backboard and dunks.
RULING: The play shall be legal since the backboard is located in A1’sfront court, which A1 is entitled to use.(Rule 9-13.1 and 5-1.1 and .6)
A.R. 109. A1 is in possession of the ball and in the act of shooting when:1. B2 fouls A2 before the release of the ball; or2. A2 fouls B2 before the release of the ball.
RULING 1: Assess B2 with the foul committed against A2. A1’s tryfor goal shall count when successful. Administer the bonus free throwor award the ball to Team A at a designated spot nearest to where thefoul occurred.2: Assess A2 with the foul committed against B2. A1’s try for field goalshall not count when successful, since the ball became dead beforeA1’s release. Award the ball to Team B at a designated spot nearestto where the foul occurred.(Rule 5-1.10, 10-1 Penalty a[1] and c, and 6-5.1.f )
A.R. 110. In a game without a courtside monitor available, and with thescore tied near the expiration of time in the second half, and:1. Shooter A1 is fouled in the act of shooting but time expires before therelease of the ball;2. Shooter A1 releases the ball, time expires, A1 is fouled while the ball isin flight and the try is unsuccessful; or3. Shooter A1 is fouled after time has expired and before the ball wasin flight.
RULING 1: When the official determines that the foul occurred beforethe sounding of the game-clock horn, and signals for the clock to stopand the timer fails to stop the clock, a timing mistake occurred and theofficial shall put time back on the clock to when the foul was called.The goal shall count. In this case, A1 is awarded one free throw. WhenA1 makes the first shot, the game is over. However, when the officialsignals for the clock to stop and it is so near the expiration of time thatthe timer is unable to stop the clock, this is not a timer’s mistake andtime should not be placed back on the game clock. When the officialdetermines that the foul occurred before the sounding of the game-clockhorn, the basket shall not count and A1 is awarded two free throws.When A1 makes the first shot, the game is over. When both free throwsare unsuccessful, the game continues with an extra period(s).On a foul that occurs near the expiration of time, officials mustdetermine that the clock did not stop when the whistle soundedeither because a timing mistake occurred or because it was so near theexpiration of time that the timer is unable to stop the clock. In the first case, time is put back on the game clock and the game has not endedand in the second case, time is not placed back on the clock and thegame has ended. When both free throws are unsuccessful, the gamecontinues with an extra period(s).2: Since the try was released before the expiration of time and since thefoul occurred after time expired but while the ball was in flight, A1shall attempt two free throws. When one free throw is successful,the game is over. When both free throws are unsuccessful, the gamecontinues with an extra period(s).3: When the foul occurs after the second half (or any period) hasclearly ended, the foul shall be ignored unless the foul was a flagrant2 or technical. When the foul was a flagrant 2 or technical, theoffended team shall be awarded two free throws to begin the extraperiod and play shall be resumed at the point of interruption, whichwould be the jump ball to start the extra period, unless the foul wasa flagrant 2 or contact dead ball technical foul. In such cases, theextra period shall begin with the ball awarded to the offended teamat the division line on either side of the playing court.For games with a courtside monitor available, see A.R. 34.(Rule 5-7.3.c.1, 5-7.6 and 6-6.2)
A.R. 111. As time for the first period expires and while the ball is in flightduring a field-goal try by A1, B2 commits a flagrant 1 personal foul againstA2. A2 is awarded two free throws with no time on the game clock and noplayers occupying the marked lane spaces. After the ball has become deadand after the last free throw by A2, A3 commits a flagrant 2 technical foulagainst B3.
RULING: A3 shall be ejected. The foul by A3 was committed after thefirst period has ended so the second period shall begin with the freethrows for this foul followed by a throw-in by Team B at the divisionline. This foul shall count toward the team foul count for the secondperiod. The possession arrow is not reversed.(Rule 5-7.6)
A.R. 112. Playing time has expired with the score tied, and:1. A1 is assessed with a CLASS A technical foul;2. A1 is assessed with a flagrant 2 technical foul; or3. A1 is assessed with a contact dead ball technical foul.
RULING 1: The extra period shall start by awarding a player fromTeam B two free throws for the CLASS A technical foul that wasassessed to A1. Play shall resume at the point of interruption, whichwould be a jump ball.2: A1 shall be ejected and the extra period shall start by awarding aplayer from Team B two free throws for the flagrant 2 technical foulthat was assessed to A1. Play shall resume with a throw-in for TeamB at the division line on either side of the court and the arrow shallnot be reversed. 3: The extra period shall start by awarding a player from Team B twofree throws for the contact dead ball technical foul that was assessedto A1. Play shall resume with a throw-in for Team B at the divisionline on either side of the court and the arrow shall not be reversed.These fouls shall count toward the team foul count, disqualificationand ejection.(Rule 5-7.6)
A.R. 113. After the first half has clearly ended, A1 is assessed a CLASS Atechnical foul. Later, B1 taunts A1 and is assessed a CLASS A technical foul.
RULING: When the technical fouls assessed against A1 and B1 occurat approximately the same time, they are offsetting and no free throwsare awarded. When the technical fouls assessed against A1 and B1occurred as two separate acts (not approximately at the same time), thesecond half shall begin by awarding two free throws for A1’s technicalfoul followed by awarding two free throws for B1’s technical foul (orderof occurrence). Play shall resume at the point of interruption which,in this case, is the awarding of the ball to the team favored by thealternating-possession arrow to start the second period.These fouls shall count toward the team foul count and toward anindividual’s disqualification and ejection.(Rule 5-7.6, and 10-3 Penalty)