2014 0722 單字 Flashcards
(旅行中)中途停留 i my passport lost in Rome, and got a stopover for a few days.
flight attendant
空服員 the customer ranked the quality of the airline by the service of the flight attendant.
時差 the jetlag is usually a hardtime to overcome when arrived at a country
行禮轉盤 he is waiting for his luggage at the carousel, wondering whether if his luggage get stolen.
connecting flight
接駁班機 there is a trouble in arrangement of the flight time table, we have to wait for our connecting flight until 10:00 am.
domestic flight
國內班機 the passenger are asked to make registration 1 hour earlier to take the domestic flight.
estimated time of arrival
預計抵達時間 the flight is about 30 min late, according to the estimated time of arrival.
裝飾品 the ornament is time specific for the festival.
本土的 the indigenous culture and history of the nation is quite essential to citizen, for them to understand where they were from and where they are headed for.
祖傳的 many secrets in the commercial activity are regarded as ancestral know-how.
英雄的 the heroic achievement of him is widespread around the country.
書報攤 in western countries, the kiosk sells various tickets and booklets that beyond your conception.
拍賣 the auction today is planned to auctioned off all the objects in this gallery.
集合地點 會場 do you think of a suitable venue for holding the concert.
逆境 get sucked in the adversity, there must be a way out of it.
原住民 the aboriginal is expert in the tracking, their skill is improved again and again through hunting.
公平的 不偏不倚 the journalist runs the blood relation story will influence their ability to be impartial.
fair trial
公平的審判 the suspects asked for the fair trial.
tragedy of grief
悲慟 the relatives of the victims suffered from the tragedy of grief in the disaster.
腐蝕 the trust of the politician was eroded by the evidence of corruption.