2013 Flashcards
rotations/second range
checklist for handpiece safety
sterile and fit for use
- Backcap secure
- ensure cap does not rotate, never finger tighten
- insert bur
- try pull it out, make sure bur locates in chuck
- bur spins freely
- spin it on finger and see if it spins on own axis
- bur doesn’t wobble
- on finger and when switched on
- sounds OK
viewing intra orally, soft tissue retraction and protection
No6 is straight
caries detection, point focus, surface testing, retraction
CPITN probe
black bands 3.5-5.5mm
ball ended 0.5mm
PCP-12 Prpbe
periodontal pocket chart
black bands 3-6mm and 9-12mm
for handling small objects
either sugrical locking tweezers or college tweezers
excavators (spoon or round)
caries excavation, material removal and manipulation, shaping and contouring of restorations
3 sizes
plastics and flat plastics
manipulation of shapeable filling material (composite, GI)
condensing amalgam, manipulate composite
standard plugger and lustra amalgam
carving amalgam, shaping composite
finishing cavo-surface margin angles, removal of unsupported enamel prisms
Gingival Margin Trimmers
Blacks 84 (straight)
finishing amalgam restorations/manipulating composite
placement of lining material - thymozin instruments
spheno-occipital synchondrosis
open or closed?
closes by 16-25 years
occipital bone - centres of ossification fused or separate?
fused by school children
anterior fontanelle - fused or closed?
soft bit on babys head
98% closed by 2
metopic suture present or absent?
usually disappears by 6
mastoid process
disinct or indisinct?
distinct at about 2 years old
tympanic ring or plate?
starts as tympanic ring but lengthens to plate
external auditius meatus
mandible - mental symphsis fibrous or ossified?
unfused centre of mandible
mandible angle between body and ramus - obtuse or markedly obtuse?
starts of markedly and gets less so
until teeth lost
cavo-surface margins approx
line angles
2 points
point angles
3 points
principles for using Gracet currette
- Determine LARGER, OUTER cutting edge before beginning
- After visual inspection, confirm the correct cutting edge by adapting it to the tooth with the TERMINAL SHANK PARALLEL to the surface to be scaled.
- Only the back (flat, shiny face) of the instrument can be seen from above if the correct edge has been selected
- Lower shank is parallel to tooth
- Use fulcrum & finger rest
- Vertical & diagonal cutting strokes may be made
Before beginning, check patients medical history & check injection site
- Tear back sterile seal of cartridge, check sell by date & insert gold end into syringe
- Grip & retract plunger handle to cover silicone washer. Roll plunger onto cartridge
- Slide protective sheath back towards handle until it CLICKS. Make sure there is no gap and plunger is locked to syringe handle
- Remove needle cap & discard it. Needle is ready for use
- Passive aspiration & Active aspiration
- To change cartridge, slide sheath up to 1st holding position, remove & change
- When used lock needle in 2nd holding position of-Do not try unlock when like this
- Fully retract & peel plunger - autoclave. Needle in sharps box & cartridge in glass box
all deciduous teeth by
2 and half years
all permanent teeth by
12 years
bar 8s
rough rate of tooth eruption
every 6 months of life roughly 4 teeth will erupt
sequence of deciduous eruption
(first molars before canine)
permanent teeth eruption
All lowers develop before uppers except 5s
- 1st molar then front to back EXCEPT 3s:
- 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 7, 8
- 1st molar then front to back:
- 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
root completion
3 years from eruption date to get complete apexogenesis
upper right 1st primary molar morphology
2 buccal roots;1 lingual.
- Mesio-buccal root is wider cervically than disto-buccal root is
Tubercle of Zuckerkandl on mesio-buccal cusp
4 cusps.
- Large mesio-buccal & diminutive disto-buccal.
- Mirrored lingually
lower right first primary molar morphology
- Prominent tubercle (Tubercle of Zuckerkandl on mesio buccal cusp)
- 4 cusps.
- Mesio cusps larger than distal.
- Buccal cusps are seen to lean lingually
upper right second primary molar morphology
Replica of permanent first maxillary
2 buccal roots;1 lingual.
Transverse ridge
Cusp of Carabelli often seen on lingual surface of mesio-lingual cusp
lower right 2nd primary molar morphology
3 cusps like permanent first
Similar to mandibular permanent first molar
5 cusps: Three buccal & two lingual
- Buccal cusps have a lingual lean
maxillary tuberosity
Bulge behind maxillary 2nd molars

hamular notch
notch behind tuberosity at junction of maxillar and hamular process of sphenoid

vibrating line
where hard and soft palate meet

palatine fovea
sit just behind vibrating line - plays role in gag reflex

palatine raphe
line runs down centre of hard palate

palatine rugae
wrinkles at the side of the hard palate

incisive papilla
elevation of tissue just behind two front teeth

maxilla anatomical points
- maxillary tuberoisty
- hamular notch
- vibrating line
- palatine fovea
- palatine raphe
- palatine rugae
- incisive papilla

mandibular anatomical points
- pear shaped pads
- retromolar pads
- buccal shelf
- labial frenum and sulcus
- buccal frenum and sulcus
- lingual frenum and sulcus
- mandibular tori
- mylohyoid ridge
- pterygomandibular raphe
- dorsal surface of tongue
- ventral surface of tongue

pear shaped pads
scarring after removal of the most distal molar
keratinised tissue

retromolar pads
elevation distal to mandibular 2nd molar
non-keratinised extension of pear shaped

buccal shelf
area between buccal frenum and anteiror border of masseter

mandibular tori
abnormal bony prominence

mylohyoid ridge
lingual surface of mandible

ptyergomandibular raphe
stretches from back of upper last molar to botton of lower molar
site of LA injection

dorsal surface of tongue
top of tongue
ventral surface of tongue
bottom of tongue
what to do in primary avulsion
Wash under water 10s by holding crown & reimplant or store in a cup if patients saliva/saline
Flexible splint for 2 weeks for avulsion.
- One abutment tooth either side.
- Must be passive.
flexible splint for avulsion
- cut & bend 0.6mm stainless steel wire. Measure length using a piece of floss, and bend using Adams pliers
- Acid etch 10s on middle of tooth, apply prime & bond
- Apply composite to traumatised tooth and those adjacent, avoiding contact areas
- Sink the contoured, passive wire into the composite
- Shape & cure composite. Add thin covering to top of wire
- Smooth rough composite and wire ends
determines guide planes and undercuts and marks survey lines for fabrication of RPD
survey lines represent
largest concavity of tooth in relation to planned path of insertion
Guide planes
2 or more parallel tooth surfaces which determine path of insertion adn withrawal of RPD
path of insertion
path followed by denture from first contact with teeth/tissue until it fully seats
path of displacement
any path by which the denture can be displaced
common path of displacement
taken at 90o to the occlusal plane (horizontal)
role of surverying
carried out to eliminate undercut areas that would prevent the denture from being inserted/removed
or for the undercuts that can be utilised by clasps
tools for surverying
chuck holds it
analysing rod, graphite markers, 3 undercut gauges, wax knife
how to survey
- Position cast onto surveyor table & orientate to common path of displacement
- Tripod cast as common path of displacement
- ‘Eyeball’ abutment teeth & associated soft tissue with analysing rod
- Mark upper & lower survey lines on abutment teeth & associated soft tissue with graphite marker
- Select undercut gauge and clearly identify undercuts which cannot be seen for mechanical retention
tripoding in surveying
records the common path of displacement and insertion and withdrawal
surveying table can be tilted to
- Provide retention (using guide surfaces of teeth)
- Improve appearance (close unsightly gaps)
- Eliminate interference (undercuts present satisfactory path of insertion)
survey line indicates extent of undercut
below line must be used or blocked out
tilting table of surveyor affects
path of insertion
why change path of insertion
(make it different from common path of displacement)
RPD design components
connector and minor connector
acrylic retention
support in RPD
rests - occlusal, cingulum, incisal, ledge
retention in RPD
occlusally or gingivally approaching (ring)
reciprocation or bracing (arm or plate)
major connector in RPD
open or closed design
- anterior, mid palatal, posterior or ring
- lingual bar (needs 8mm), lingual plate, Kennedy bar, sub-lingual plate
minor connector in RPD
joins components to major connetor
acrylic retention in RPD
finsihing lines in RPD
bounded or free end saddle
instruction for lab presscriptions needs
What does the dental technician need to know?
What do you want the technician to do?
1st visit RPD
Selection of stock trays & alginate primary impressions taken
Disinfect & sealed clear bag with gauze
Instructions 1st clinical
- Please pour up primary impressions in dental stone
- Please make special trays (1-2mm spacer) with working handle.
Do we need articulated study casts? (free end saddle? if yes - record blocks needed)
before 2nd visit for RPD
what do you need to do
Survey to path of insertion to decide undercuts.
RPD Design
2nd RPD visit
Secondary impressions with special trays
- after any tooth prep needed for design
Send design - get signed off by clincian
Instructions 2nd clinical
- Please pour up working impression (Master) and construct working duplicate
- Construct wax occlusal rims.
- Indicate whether these need to be wax or resin
3rd RPD visit
Patients without occlusal contacts and stops to indicate correct ICP
Patients with occlusal contacts in the ICP
Instructions 3rd clinical
- Please articulate casts to registration provided
- Please set up teeth for wax trial or construct metal framework for metal wax trial
- Tooth selection: Material, Mould, Shade
instructions for final RPD visit after successful wax trial
Please flask pack and finish (CoCr) or please process in acrylic resin
5 moments of social handwashing
- Before touching a patient
- Before a clean/aseptic procedure
- After bodily fluid exposure risk
- After touching the patient
- After touching patient surroundings
stages in complete dentures
Stage 1-primary impressions in alginate or impression compound.
- Ask for: pour in 50:50plaster/stone, construct upper and lower custom trays in light cured PMMA, non-perforated, withupper 2mm spacing and lower 1mm spacing(close fitting), intra oral handles and finger stops
Stage 2-master impressions in silicone or polyether.
- Ask for: please pour in 100% dental stone andconstruct wax rims for jaw registration. Return rims on casts.
Stage 3-jaw registration.
- Ask for–please mount casts in registration and set teeth for wax trial.Return wax trial dentures on mounted casts.
Stage 4–trial.
- Ask for retrial if required, or please finish in heat cured PMMA and return on casts.
Stage 5–Delivery
stage 1 to 2 complete dentures
primary imps to master imps
pour in 50:50plaster/stone, construct upper and lower custom trays in light cured PMMA, non-perforated, withupper 2mm spacing and lower 1mm spacing(close fitting), intra oral handles and finger stops
stage 2 to 3 complete dentures
master imps to jaw reg
please pour in 100% dental stone andconstruct wax rims for jaw registration. Return rims on casts.
stage 3 to 4 complete dentures
jaw reg to trial
please mount casts in registration and set teeth for wax trial.Return wax trial dentures on mounted casts
after stage 4 complete dentures
Ask for retrial if required,
or please finish in heat cured PMMA and return on cast