2012 Flashcards
Transcatheter arterial embolization is an acceptable alternative to pretransplant native nephrectomy for patients with:
- Goodpasture syndrome
- severe proteinuria
- symptomatic polycystic kidneys
- a history of pyelonephritis.
Current indications for pretransplant nephrectomy may include HTN not controlled by dialysis and medication, persistent renal infection, renal calculi, or renal obstruction. Additional indications include severe proteinuria or polycystic kidneys symptomatic from infection, severe bleeding, or massive enlargement. Of these indications for pretransplant nephrectomy, only severe proteinuria can safely and reliably be managed by pretransplant transcatheter embolization and infarction.
A 45-year-old hypertensive man with a family history of renal failure is noted to have bilaterally enlarged cystic kidneys, and hepatic and pancreatic cysts during an abdominal ultrasonographic examination for abdominal/flank pain and fever. He also complains of marked dysuria. He is admitted with a presumptive diagnosis of pyelonephritis. Urine culture has been sent. Initial antibiotic should be:
- gentamicin
- ampicillin
- cephalexin
- ciprofloxacin
- nitrofurantoin.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is a systemic disease with varied renal pathology including renal cysts, calculi, infection, hemorrhage, and eventual renal insufficiency. Associated gastrointestinal pathology includes hepatic and pancreatic cysts. These patients also have an increased incidence of cerebral artery aneurysms. The cysts eventually become isolated structures and standard empiric antibiotics for pyelonephritis penetrate cysts poorly. Lipid soluble antibiotics are required and include trimethoprim, tetracycline, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and chloramphenicol. Ampicillin, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, and nitrofurantoin are not lipid soluble and thus are poor choices.
A 48-year-old man undergoes radical cystectomy with a Studer-type orthotopic urinary diversion. Three months postoperatively, he complains of frequency and day and nighttime incontinence. Videourodynamics reveal capacity of 300 ml, detrusor pressure at capacity is 10 cm H2O, Valsalva LPP is 130 cm H2O, and PVR is 75 ml. The next step is:
- observation
- alpha-blocker therapy
- CIC every two to three hours
- placement of an artificial urinary sphincter
- augmentation of his orthotopic diversion.
The length of time postoperatively after orthotopic diversion influences continence results. The reservoir capacity can and does increase over the first six to twelve months and even longer in patients with anti-refluxing afferent limbs (e.g. Studer type). CIC will decrease incontinence but frequent CIC will prevent the reservoir from increasing its capacity over time. Alpha-blocker therapy may relax the proximal urethra and exacerbate incontinence.
In central (pituitary) diabetes insipidus, the nephron segment that contains the most dilute fluid is the:
- proximal convoluted tubule
- descending limb of Henle’s loop
- ascending limb of Henle’s loop
- distal convoluted tubule
- collecting duct.
Central diabetes insipidus involves a defect in the production or release of ADH from the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system. ADH affects the permeability of the distal tubule and collecting duct to water from the filtrate. With diminished ADH production, the distal tubule and collecting duct reabsorb less water from the filtrate yielding concentrated blood and dilute urine. The most dilute urine will be in the collecting duct.
During PCNL, a collecting system perforation is noted. The first sign of significant extravasation of irrigant into the peritoneal cavity is:
- hypercarbia
- abdominal distension
- narrowed pulse pressures
- increasing ventilatory pressures.
Narrowed pulse pressures (rise in diastolic pressure) precede difficulty with ventilation, hypercarbia and a rise in central venous pressure. Extravasated irrigant increases abdominal pressure leading to decreased venous return and thus narrowing the pulse pressure. Distension is not appreciated in the prone position until later in the course. Hypotension would signal the possibility of significant hemorrhage. Increasing ventilatory pressures is a later sign when there is significant fluid in the peritoneal cavity and when the patient is returned to the supine position.
A 77-year-old man has a retracted stoma and clear fluid leaking from his midline incision three weeks after radical cystectomy and ileal conduit diversion. Three images from a CT loopogram are shown. The next step is percutaneous pelvic drainage and:
- stomal catheter
- loop endoscopy, fulguration
- fascial repair
- stomal revision
- exploration, repair of leak.
A delayed urinary leak following urinary reconstruction should lead the clinician to suspect tissue ischemia/necrosis. In these cases, the leak is unlikely to resolve with observation alone. Fascial repair is unnecessary unless signs of dehiscence are present. Maximal drainage of the reconstructed segment is essential in order to minimize the output of the leak. In this case, the CT image demonstrates leakage from the proximal end of the conduit. Given the presence of stomal retraction, catheter drainage of the conduit may decompress the leak. Given the pooling of contrast in the pelvis, a percutaneous drain is also advisable in order to control the fistula, minimize the risk of local abscess, and to protect the fascia from further dehiscence. While this patient may ultimately require stomal revision, it would not be advisable until determining if the leak will heal with conservative therapy. Early exploration and repair is difficult given the intense local inflammatory reaction, and it is likely to result in a high risk of treatment failure given the condition of the local tissues.
A 27-year-old man states that since a radical orchiectomy for stage A seminoma six months previously, the frequency and quality of his erections have been poor. He received XRT to periaortic nodes. The last treatment was two months after the orchiectomy. His chest x-ray, serum markers, glucose, and testosterone are normal. The next step is:
- intracavernosal injection therapy
- sexual dysfunction counseling
- intraurethral alprostadil
- nocturnal penile tumescence studies
- testosterone patch.
The patient should be told that during the early months after surgery, depression and loss of vigor are common along with an impaired sense of body image and mood disturbances. Patients cured of testis cancer rarely have persistent emotional disturbances. Sexual drive does not appear to be permanently disrupted by curative therapy. Treatments such as testosterone should be avoided. With time and reassurance, he should recover his normal libido and potency. Concomitant use of PDE5 inhibitors may also be helpful to reestablish confidence. Reassessment of such patients one year after treatment has shown that depression and mood disturbances have usually cleared.
Sepsis after PCNL best correlates with:
- preoperative urine culture
- stone culture
- length of procedure
- blood loss
- collecting system violation.
Two recent studies showed that the results of pre-operative voided urine cultures failed to correlate with either stone cultures or renal pelvic urine cultures obtained at the time of ureteroscopy or PCNL. Furthermore, the occurrence of SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) correlated with positive stone or renal pelvic urine cultures, but not with voided urine cultures. Another recent prospective study found that the occurrence of post-operative SIRS was predicted by stone culture, but failed to correlate with pre-operative urine culture, length of procedure, stone free rate or the use of supra- versus sub-costal access. Although typically the results of a stone culture are not available until at least 48 hours post-operatively, these findings can prompt a change in the choice of antimicrobial coverage in the septic post-PCNL patient.
A 56-year-old man undergoes partial penectomy for pT2 squamous cell carcinoma. Examination reveals no inguinal adenopathy. The primary tumor characteristic most predictive of pathologic lymph node involvement is:
- HPV status
- tumor thickness > 5 mm
- lymphovascular invasion
- corpora spongiosum involvement
- corpora cavernosal involvement.
In a multi-institutional review, eight different factors including superficial growth pattern, grade, tumor thickness, involvement of corporal tissue and the urethra increased the likelihood of pathologic lymph node involvement. However, the factor most predictive of lymph node involvement was the presence of lymphatic and/or vascular invasion seen in the primary tumor. Although the presence of human papilloma virus infection in patients with penile cancer is common, there is no correlation to lymph node metastases risk.
Impaired ammonia production by the kidney will most likely result in:
- calcium oxalate renal lithiasis
- decreased urine titratable acidity
- impaired urea excretion
- systemic alkalosis
- metastatic calcification.
Ammonia production allows the kidney to rid itself of acid without lowering the pH (titratable acidity). The term titratable acidity refers to the quantity of sodium bicarbonate required to titrate urine back to a pH of 7.40, which is similar to that of blood. Other buffers, such as uric acid and creatinine, contribute to the titratable acidity but only to a minor extent. Hydrogen ion (H) is also secreted through the production of ammonium ion. Ammonia (NH4) is produced from glutamine, primarily by proximal tubular cells. Ammonium excretion can increase significantly during systemic acidosis, which is the key mechanism for secreting excess H because at very low urinary pH, titratable acid cannot increase much unless other ions such as ketoanions are being produced. Lack of ammonia production can result in a systemic acidosis which may be followed by demineralization of bones and uric acid lithiasis.
The condition associated with uric acid stone formation is:
- insulin resistance
- thiazide therapy
- hyperthyroidism
- immobilization
- proximal RTA.
Low urine pH is the most important pathogenetic factor in uric acid stone formation. The mechanism responsible for low urine pH in idiopathic uric acid stone formers is thought to be insulin resistance. Evidence in support of this link includes the findings that over 50% of uric acid stone formers are glucose intolerant, a disproportionate number of diabetics have uric acid stones, and there is a strong inverse correlation between urine pH and insulin resistance. In the kidney, insulin stimulates ammonia genesis in proximal renal tubule cells; in insulin resistant states, defective ammonia production and/or excretion results in unbuffered hydrogen ions in the urine and an acid urine. Hyperthyroidism is associated with hypercalciuria and calcium stones. Likewise, Dent’s disease, also known as X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis, is a hereditary condition characterized by hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, kidney stones, proteinuria, progressive renal failure, and in some cases, rickets. Crohn’s disease is associated with calcium oxalate stones as a result of low urine volume due to dehydration, low urine pH, and hypocitraturia due to metabolic acidosis and hyperoxaluria due to overabsorption of intestinal oxalate. Proximal RTA is not associated with kidney stones. Though thiazide diuretics may increase serum uric acid levels slightly, this does not pose a clinical risk to the patient and is not associated with increased urinary uric acid levels.
During radical cystectomy, the cephalad (proximal) limit of an extended pelvic lymph node dissection is the:
- aortic bifurcation
- inferior mesenteric artery
- bifurcation of the common iliac artery
- the genitofemoral nerve
- the circumflex iliac vein.
Extended pelvic lymph node dissection has been associated with an improved disease specific survival in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer. Increasing the number of lymph nodes removed at lymph node dissection is associated with improved survival in the setting of both lymph node negative and positive disease. The cephalad limit of the extended pelvic lymph node dissection for bladder cancer is the inferior mesenteric artery. The bifurcation of the common iliac artery is the cephalad limit of dissection of the standard pelvic lymphadenectomy. The circumflex iliac vein and genitofemoral nerve are the caudal and lateral limits of dissection.
A 38-year-old woman develops incontinence ten days after an abdominal hysterectomy and anterior colporrhaphy for a large cystocele. She complains of leakage that is constant, but increases with an increase in abdominal pressure. The most likely diagnosis is:
- overflow incontinence
- transient detrusor overactivity
- stress incontinence
- ureterovaginal fistula
- vesicovaginal fistula.
All of these causes are possible. A vesicovaginal fistula is the most likely diagnosis of her incontinence in the setting of recent hysterectomy, and should be investigated even if stress incontinence is present. Both the timing and the nature of her leakage suggest vesicovaginal fistula is responsible. Ureterovaginal fistula may have a similar presentation, but is much less common and should be ruled out prior to repair of a vesicovaginal fistula. Patients with overflow incontinence rarely leak constantly and would be likely to complain of voiding difficulties.
A 55-year-old diabetic woman has new onset pneumaturia. The next step is:
- urinalysis and culture
- abdominal and pelvic CT scan
- cystogram
- barium enema
- cystoscopy.
Pneumaturia, the passage of gas in the urine, may be due to a fistula between the intestine and bladder or due to gas-forming UTI. In the latter situation, the microorganism most commonly responsible for cystitis is E. coli. Approximately 60% of cases of emphysematous cystitis occur in diabetics. In the current case, a UA and urine culture should be performed first. Additional tests can be performed selectively based on the results of UA and urine culture. Common causes of fistula formation include diverticulitis, regional enteritis and sigmoid cancer.
A 65-year-old man develops lung and liver metastases four months after undergoing a left radical nephrectomy for clear cell carcinoma. Hemoglobin is 8.1 g/dl, Creatinine is 1.3 mg/dl, and his calcium is 13 mg/dl. The therapy most likely to improve survival is:
- interferon-alpha
- interleukin 2
- temsirolimus
- sunitinib
- bevacizumab.
Temsirolimus is an inhibitor of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase – this is a component of intracellular signaling pathways involved in growth/proliferation of cells. This medication suppresses angiogenesis and is given as a weekly IV infusion. Patients, such as this patient with three or more of the following poor risk features (serum LDH > 1.5 times upper limit of normal, Hgb below lower limit of normal, serum calcium level of more than 10 mg/dl, time from initial diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma to randomization of less than one year, Karnofsky performance of 60 or 70, or metastases in multiple organs), were found to benefit from temsirolimus. Patients who received temsirolimus were 27% more likely to survive than those who received interferon-alpha. The other listed agents have not demonstrated a survival advantage in this group of higher risk patients.
The most important factor for successful vesicovaginal fistula repair using an omental interposition graft is:
- the length of the omentum
- adequate mobilization of the gastroepiploic vascular pedicle
- adequate mobilization of the omentum by splenectomy
- ligation of the short gastric vessels
- vaginal closure using non-absorbable suture material.
In complicated vesicovaginal fistulae, a supravesical approach is appropriate. Since the surrounding areas may be poorly vascularized and fibrotic, omentum will supply good tissue into the area of the fistula. Even if the omentum is short, it can be mobilized to reach the pelvis if the full length of the gastroepiploic arch is mobilized. Turner-Warwick has stated …even the shortest omental apron will reach the pelvis… The spleen should not need to be mobilized for this. Nonabsorbable sutures should not be used because they may become exposed to the fistulous area of either the bladder or vagina and cause calculi or persistent fistulae. If the omentum overlaps the area of the fistulae, the fistulae will usually close even if the suture lines in bladder or vagina are tenuous, break down, or cannot be closed adequately.
A 52-year-old man with erectile dysfunction undergoes videourodynamics for voiding dysfunction. A videourodynamic image, taken early in filling (at the point indicated by dotted line in the urodynamic tracing), is shown. The videourodynamics suggests a diagnosis of:
- bladder neck dyssynergia
- cervical spinal stenosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple System Atrophy (Shy-Drager)
- multiple sclerosis.
The cystogram demonstrates an open bladder neck at rest. The urodynamics tracing shows that there was no detrusor activity at the instant the image was obtained. An open bladder neck at rest in a male is highly suggestive of multiple system atrophy (MSA) in the absence of prior prostate surgery. Although other neurological diseases may result in an open bladder neck at rest, none of these are listed except MSA. Erectile dysfunction is often found in MSA, and this finding in concert with the open bladder neck at rest distinguishes this condition from Parkinson’s disease which is often clinically similar in many other respects. Other symptoms of MSA may include other autonomic dysfunctions. Bladder neck dyssynergy would have a closed bladder neck with filling. Cervical spinal stenosis and MS would not typically have an open bladder neck at rest.
When compared to age-matched controls, men treated with etoposide and platinum-based chemotherapy for NSGCT are at increased long term risk of:
- systemic infection
- pulmonary fibrosis
- cardiovascular disease
- ototoxicity
- autoimmune disease.
The long term toxicity of bleomycin containing chemotherapy regimens includes pulmonary fibrosis however etoposide and platinum does not appear to be associated with this toxicity. There is no chronic increase in risk of systemic infection despite a short term risk of neutropenic sepsis during therapy. Several large scale epidemiologic studies have recently concluded that men treated with either radiation therapy or systemic platinum containing chemotherapy are at significantly increased risk of developing both fatal cardiovascular events as well as secondary malignancy after extended follow-up.
Renal blood flow is autoregulated by:
- sympathetic nerves
- cardiac output
- parasympathetic nerves
- afferent glomerular arteriolar resistance.
Autoregulation of GFR and renal blood flow occurs primarily through variations in afferent arteriolar resistance. Micropuncture studies support the hypothesis that changes in rate of fluid flow in the distal tubule elicit these changes in glomerular arteriolar resistance, a phenomenon known as distal tubuloglomerular feedback. Renal autoregulation is responsible for the relatively small changes in renal blood flow and GFRs over wide ranges of perfusion pressures. This autoregulation is present in both innervated and denervated kidneys.
In idiopathic calcium oxalate stone formers, Randall’s plaques originate:
- in the basement membranes of the thin loops of Henle
- within the renal collecting ducts
- in the renal interstitium
- on the urothelial surface of the papilla
- in the vasa recta.
In idiopathic calcium oxalate stone formers, crystal deposits composed of calcium phosphate originate within the basement membrane of the thin loops of Henle and enlarge into the surrounding interstitium and vasa recta. The plaques then progress to a subepithelial location where they ultimately erode through the papillary surface and form an anchored site for calcium oxalate stone formation. In patients with calcium oxalate stones of a different etiology, the site of initial crystal formation differs.
A 55-year-old man had a negative TRUS guided 10-core prostate biopsy two years ago for a PSA of 5 ng/ml. Now his PSA is 7 ng/ml. The next step is:
- endorectal MRI scan prior to biopsy
- 12-core biopsies
- 12-core biopsies including anterior apical horn biopsies
- 12-core biopsies including transition zone biopsies
- saturation biopsies with patient under anesthesia.
Repeat TRUS directed biopsies for a man with a prior negative biopsy should be at least 12 cores and should include anterior apical horn biopsies. The likelihood of a positive biopsy using this technique is between 35-50% and is similar to the yield of saturation biopsy techniques. Transition zone biopsies are also helpful but less critical than anterior apical biopsies. MRI scan can be helpful to direct repeat prostate biopsies but is expensive and is usually not the next step. Anterior apical biopsies can be obtained by transrectal or perineal approach.
An asymptomatic, 65 kg man with a serum creatinine of 2.0 mg/dl is evaluated for recurrent renal calculi. A 24-hour urinary creatinine measurement is 0.5 gm. This finding is most consistent with:
- an incomplete collection
- low protein diet
- hydrochlorothiazide therapy
- resolving renal insufficiency
- unilateral obstruction.
As long as renal function is at a steady state, 24-hour excretion of creatinine should be approximately 1 gm per day in a patient of this size. This test is most utilized because it is readily obtainable and has good validity and reproducibility. The daily variability is only about 10% and thus a specimen with only 0.5 gm of creatinine in a patient with chronic but stable renal insufficiency suggests an incomplete timed collection.
A pregnant woman has a ureteral calculus causing pain. She has failed observation and cannot tolerate a ureteral stent. The best definitive management is:
- ureteroscopy with EHL
- ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy
- ureteroscopy with ultrasonic lithotripsy
- laparoscopic ureterolithotomy.
Most calculi in pregnant women should be initially managed by observation with stenting reserved for persistent symptoms or infection. When intervention is indicated ureteroscopy using the holmium:YAG laser may be safely performed during pregnancy. SWL is never indicated in pregnancy due to concerns about fetal damage. The peak pressures from EHL are transmitted beyond the probe leading to similar concerns about damage to the fetus. Ultrasonic lithotripsy has the theoretical concern of damage to fetal hearing. Laparoscopic management, while possible is much more invasive than ureteroscopic approaches and may be difficult with a gravid uterus.
A 68-year-old man with advanced prostate cancer is to receive sipuleucel-T (PROVENGE). Premedication should include acetaminophen and a(n):
- antihistamine
- mineralocorticoid
- glucocorticoid
- benzodiazepine
- opioid.
Sipuleucel-T is an active cellular immunotherapy that is a type of therapeutic cancer vaccine. It consists of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells with antigen presenting cells that have been activated ex-vivo with a recombinant fusion protein that consists of prostatic acid phosphatase that is fused to granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (an immune-cell activator). In men with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer, a 4.1 month median overall survival was demonstrated compared to placebo. The most common side effects included chills, fatigue, and pyrexia which are common with release of cytokines. The recommended premedications are acetaminophen and an antihistamine. Glucocorticoids and opioids are sometimes given at the time of I.V. chemotherapy but are not indicated at the time of immune therapy. Mineralocorticoids and anxiolytics are not indicated for this immunotherapy.
Calcium reabsorption induced by parathyroid hormone and Vitamin D occurs primarily in the:
- proximal convoluted tubule
- collecting duct
- thick ascending loop of Henle
- distal tubule
- proximal straight tubule.
The site of action of both parathyroid hormone (PTH) and Vitamin D is on the distal tubule. Calcium resorption occurs in this region of the kidney architecture under hormonal influence. Calcium is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule as well, but the difference is that it is not under the influence of PTH. The collecting ducts and tubules as well as the loop of Henle are not responsible for calcium resorption and homeostasis.
A 48-year-old woman has abnormal retention of isotope in the left renal collecting system on a bone scan that was performed during staging for breast cancer. The next step to evaluate the left kidney is:
- serial creatinine measurements
- diuretic renogram
- cystoscopy and retrograde pyelogram
- antegrade pyelogram
- renal ultrasound.
Radionuclide bone scans may reveal delayed concentration of tracer in the kidney due to a generous collecting system or due to true obstruction. This finding should be confirmed by a functional study such as an contrast CT scan or nuclear renogram, which should help determine whether or not this represents a functionally significant obstruction. More invasive procedures such as cystoscopy and retrograde pyelogram, or an antegrade pyelogram are not indicated at this point. Serial creatinine measurements will help follow overall renal function but will not determine functional obstruction. Renal ultrasound is an anatomic study and may show hydronephrosis but will not determine if it is functional.
A 68-year-old man undergoes a partial penectomy for a 4 cm squamous cell carcinoma with lymphovascular invasion and involvement of the subepithelial connective tissue. Physical exam reveals a 1.5 cm fixed, right inguinal mass. CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis are normal. His pathologic tumor stage (p) and clinical lymph node stage (c) are:
- pTa cN1
- pT1a cN1
- pT1b cN2
- pT1b cN3
- pT2 cN3.
The 2010 AJCC staging for penile cancer made several significant changes. This patient has a pT1 tumor because of his subepithelial connective tissue involvement. Those patients with low grade tumors and without lymphovascular invasion are pT1a. This patient, however, has lymphovascular invasion and as a result is a pT1b. Patients with lymphovascular invasion are in fact at higher risk for metastatic disease. For the first time, nodal staging is divided into both clinical and pathologic staging schemes. With a palpable, fixed nodal mass, regardless of the size or unilateral/bilateral involvement, the clinical lymph node status is cN3.
A 70-year-old neurologically normal woman has random, large volume urinary incontinence. Medical history is significant for a hysterectomy 20 years ago. Urinalysis is normal and PVR is 40 ml. The urodynamic study shown does not reveal incontinence or definable abnormality. The most likely cause of her incontinence is:
- overflow
- idiopathic detrusor overactivity
- detrusor overactivity with impaired contractility
- intrinsic sphincter deficiency
- vesicovaginal fistula.
This patient has urgency incontinence secondary to detrusor overactivity, as indicated by the random nature of the incontinence. Even though idiopathic detrusor overactivity implies the presence of involuntary bladder contractions in the absence of neurologic disease, a CMG will fail to demonstrate involuntary bladder contractions in approximately 50% of patients with clinical urge incontinence. Detrusor overactivity with impaired contractility and overflow incontinence is not the cause in this case since the PVR is low. The primary cause of the incontinence is not stress (increase in abdominal pressure) related, particularly not intrinsic sphincter deficiency, since urinary leakage did not occur during Valsalva maneuvers. The characteristics of the incontinence are not consistent with a vesicovaginal fistula since the urinary leakage is not continuous.
The factor that promotes stone formation during pregnancy is:
- increased parathyroid hormone levels
- absorptive hypercalciuria
- placental suppression of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
- decreased urinary glycosaminoglycans
- decreased urinary citrate levels.
During normal pregnancy there is a physiological state of absorptive hypercalciuria. Placental production of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol increases intestinal calcium absorption and secondarily suppresses parathyroid hormone. Urinary citrate and glycosaminoglycan excretion (inhibitors of stone formation) are increased. Therefore, overall stone rate during pregnancy is unchanged.
A 75-year-old man underwent nephroureterectomy for pT3N0Mx ureteral cancer six weeks ago. He is now considered for adjuvant chemotherapy. He lives independently and maintains his own home; however, he cannot perform strenuous activity. He is out of bed most of the day. His ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) Performance Status is:
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
The ECOG Performance Status, also called the WHO or Zubrod score runs from 0 to 5, with 0 denoting perfect health and 5 death. 0 - Fully active, without restriction. 1 - Completely ambulatory, but restricted in physically strenuous activity. Able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature such as light housework or office work. 2 - Ambulatory and capable of all self care but unable to carry out any work activities. Out of bed > 50% of waking hours. 3 - Capable of only limited self-care and confined to a bed or chair > 50% of waking hours. 4 - Completely disabled. Cannot carry on any self-care. Totally confined to bed or chair. 5 - Death
A 65-year-old man undergoes radical cystectomy and orthotopic neobladder urinary diversion for pT2b urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. A key maneuver for maintaining continence is:
- maximizing the length of the neobladder
- minimizing the length of the urethra to prevent kinking
- placing an intraoperative urethral sling
- forming a funnel-shaped reservoir
- performing bilateral nerve-sparing surgery.
Factors that may increase leakage in patients with an orthotopic neobladder include: shortened functional urethral length, non-nerve sparing, decreased membranous urethral sensation, and increased time after diversion (as patients age.) Formulation of a funnel-shaped reservoir in fact increases kinking and increases the likelihood of failure of spontaneous voiding. Nerve-sparing may in fact aid in the functionality of the neobladder although exact mechanism is unknown. No data exists for a placement of urethral sling being helpful in maintaining continence and may promote hypercontinence.
A 32-year-old man has recurrent calcium oxalate stone formation. Despite an oxalate restricted diet, his urinary oxalate is high. The next step is:
- pyridoxine
- hydrochlorothiazide
- allopurinol
- alpha-mercaptoproprionyl glycine
- Vitamin B12.
Pyridoxine reduces oxalate production in up to 50% of patients with mild hyperoxaluria. Pyridoxine, a component of Vitamin B6, is a co-factor for alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT), which converts glyoxylate to glycine. In doing so, less glyoxylate is available as a substrate for LDH which leads to a decrease in endogenous oxalate production. The other agents will have no impact on urinary oxalate.
A 68-year-old woman on recommended daily allowance (RDA) vitamins develops CIS of the bladder and is starting intravesical immunotherapy. In an effort to maximize tumor response rates and minimize side effects she should receive induction and subsequent maintenance therapy with BCG and:
- discontinue vitamins
- continue RDA vitamins
- initiate mega dose vitamin supplements
- interferon, and RDA vitamins
- interferon, and mega dose vitamin supplements.
The use of both vitamin supplements and alpha interferon has become common in conjunction with BCG therapy. Recently a randomized prospective trial of 670 patients was completed to address these issues. BCG alone with RDA vitamins was associated with an equal disease free outcome when compared to combinations of interferon or mega dose vitamin supplements. Megadose vitamins showed no increased benefits when compared with RDA vitamins. All patients were treated with induction and maintenance BCG. Patients receiving interferon experienced greater side effects, particularly fever and constitutional symptoms. There is no compelling evidence to suggest that patient should discontinue RDA vitamins/
A 55-year-old multiparous woman has urge incontinence. Urinalysis is normal and physical examination demonstrates a Grade 3 cystocele. Urodynamics reveal a PVR of 100 ml, detrusor overactivity resulting in incontinence, and a detrusor pressure at maximum flow (8 ml/sec) of 50 cm H2O. When the cystocele is reduced, no stress urinary incontinence can be elicited. The next step is:
- antimuscarinic medication
- alpha-blocker therapy
- midurethral sling
- anterior colporrhaphy
- midurethral sling and anterior colporrhaphy.
This patient suffers from bladder outlet obstruction secondary to a large cystocele as indicated by a high voiding pressure and low flow rate. The obstruction secondarily causes detrusor instability and subsequent urgency incontinence. Despite reducing the cystocele, no stress incontinence can be elicited indicating good support of the urethrovesical junction. The best treatment is to repair the cystocele with a technique such as anterior colporrhaphy. The absence of stress urinary incontinence precludes the need for a sling and if performed alone is likely to exacerbate the obstruction. Treatment with antimuscarinic medication in a patient with obstruction is likely to increase the PVR. Although alpha-blockers may be used off-label for primary bladder neck obstruction in women, the best treatment in this patient with a large cystocele is to correct the underlying abnormality.
A 72-year-old woman has had six symptomatic UTIs over the past year. These infections return shortly after antibiotic courses are concluded, and cultures have demonstrated significant colony counts of E. coli. Renal ultrasound is normal. The next step is: ciprofloxacin prophylaxis
- nitrofurantoin prophylaxis
- oral low dose estrogen
- intravaginal estrogen
- lactobacillus.
The efficacy of estrogen for the prevention of UTI in post-menopausal women has been demonstrated in several studies. There appears to be a higher effectiveness rate in topically applied estrogen in the vagina with an improvement in lactobacillus concentrations, decreased vaginal pH and a decrease in UTI episodes from 5.9 to 0.5 episodes per year. Antimicrobial prophylaxis may be used at low dose if topical estrogen fails. Lactobacillus probiotics, while effective in an investigational setting, have not been subject to the scrutiny of controlled trials.
A 69-year-old man with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer experiences symptomatic clinical progression following I.V. docetaxel and oral prednisone given every three weeks. In order to improve survival, the most appropriate next step is:
- mitoxantrone
- sipuleucel-T
- docetaxel weekly
- cabazitaxel
- ketoconazole.
A chemotherapeutic intervention proven to prolong survival in the setting of metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer resistant to docetaxel is cabazitaxel. This regimen was FDA approved for this indication in 2010 and demonstrated a 30% reduction in the chance of dying of prostate cancer in a prospective phase III randomized trial. Mitoxantrone served as the control arm of the trial and has not been associated with a survival advantage in prostate cancer. Sipuleucel-T has been proven to extend survival in asymptomatic metastatic castrate resistant patients. Ketoconazole has not been proven to demonstrate a survival advantage in this setting and switching to weekly docetaxel has also not been associated with a survival advantage. Abiraterone, an androgen biosynthesis inhibitor has reported a survival difference as well in a phase III trial compared against placebo.
A 60-year-old man has renal insufficiency due to atherosclerotic renal artery disease. The most important prognostic factor for successful renal revascularization to preserve renal function is:
- duration of hypertension
- proportion of sclerotic glomeruli on renal biopsy
- serum creatinine
- presence of collateral blood supply on angiography
- presence of renal artery occlusion.
Revascularization to preserve renal function in patients with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis will most likely benefit those who have not yet sustained permanent global impairment of renal function. Complete occlusion of the renal artery does not necessarily preclude intervention, since renal viability may be maintained through the presence of collateral arterial supply. The Cleveland Clinic group has found that 89% of such patients with initial serum creatinine < 3.0 mg/dl could be expected to have stable or improved renal function after revascularization. However, renal biopsy to evaluate the severity of renal parenchymal involvement as a guide to revascularization was found to be helpful only if the initial serum creatinine exceeded 4.0 mg/dl. In addition to the absolute level of renal function, the rate of decline of renal function is an important determinant of outcome after intervention. Duration of HTN does not predict recoverability in this setting.
The most accurate method to determine the length of a graft needed for repair of an anterior urethral stricture is:
- urethroscopy
- ultrasound
- retrograde urethrogram
- CT imaging.
Prior to harvesting a Buccal graft or other graft for repair of an anterior urethral stricture, ultrasound can easily identify the area of stricture as well as the area of scarred urethra which must be resected to adequately restore urethral continuity using an onlay graft. Sonourethrography has been shown to be a useful adjunct to standard radiographic imaging of bulbar urethral strictures. Although it can aid in the visualization of the corpus spongiosum including vascular structures, calcifications, and periurethral fibrosis, incorporation of this information into surgical decision making algorithms has not followed. The primary benefit of ultrasound imaging is the lack of distortion created by the oblique position during retrograde urethrogram (RUG). Thus the sonogram will more accurately measure the length of the stricture. In bulbar urethral strictures of intermediate length, RUG will underestimate the true length of the stricture by up to 13 mm. VCUG can delineate the urethra proximal to the stricture unless the patient is unable to void, in which case sonography may allow visualization of the posterior urethra by vigorous suprapubic pressure under anesthesia. Urethroscopy will not demonstrate underlying spongiofibrosis, while VCUG and retrograde urethrography are subject to distortion and measurement error. CT urethrograms have only been used to identify acute injuries of the urethra.
A 21-year-old woman develops hematuria and a mass in the allograft 18 months after renal transplant. Needle biopsy of the mass reveals an Epstein-Barr virus positive lymphoproliferative tumor. MRI scan is shown. The next step is:
- reduce immunosuppression
- ganciclovir
- rituximab
- chemotherapy
- allograft nephrectomy.
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders are most commonly non-Hodgkin lymphomas and are often associated with Epstein-Barr virus infection. The reported incidence ranges from 0.8% to 15%, and varies with the type of immunosuppression utilized. These tumors may respond to drastic reduction or withdrawal of immunosuppression. Irradiation is not generally effective and may exaggerate the degree of immune compromise. Treatment with anti-viral medications such as ganciclovir may be beneficial following reduction in immunosuppression. Rituximab (anti CD-20) and chemotherapy are second line therapies for this type of tumor. Nephrectomy may be necessary, but is not the initial treatment.
A 35-year-old man with C5 quadriplegia has urinary incontinence managed by condom catheter drainage. Urodynamics reveal a detrusor LPP of 60 cm H2O at 150 ml. The next step is:
- observation
- antimuscarinic medication
- external sphincterotomy
- male sling.
This patient has a high detrusor LPP that puts his upper urinary tract at risk. Since he is a quadriplegic and is managed with a condom catheter, the next best step is an external sphincterotomy that can be done surgically or pharmacologically with injection of botulinum. Observation and a male sling do nothing to reduce the effects of his bladder on the upper urinary tract. CIC is usually not feasible for quadriplegics and would not be helpful in this situation since the functional bladder capacity is only 150 ml. Antimuscarinic medication alone would also not be helpful since it would not decrease the detrusor leak point pressure.
A 52-year-old woman has acute onset of right flank pain. She has a long-standing history of diarrhea secondary to laxative abuse. Urinalysis shows numerous RBCs and a pH 6.5. While in the emergency room she passes a small stone. The most likely stone composition is:
- xanthine
- uric acid
- struvite
- ammonium acid urate
- calcium phosphate.
Ammonium acid urate stones are rare. They are found in patients with chronic diarrhea and a history of laxative abuse. These patients have low urinary sodium excretion. Their urinary citrate levels are usually low secondary to bicarbonate loss from the gastrointestinal tract. Urine pH is usually above 6.3; when urine pH is below 5.5 uric acid will likely precipitate. Ammonium acid urate stones are also found in patients with ileal resection or with large portions of their colon removed. Chronic diarrhea and UTIs are additional risk factors. Ammonium acid urate stones are relatively radiolucent and may be mistaken for uric acid stones. Ammonium acid urate stones do not dissolve with alkalinization. Calcium phosphate stones typically form in the setting of hypercalciuria and/or hypocitraturia and are not associated with laxative abuse.
A 12-year-old boy undergoes a dismembered pyeloplasty with nephrostomy drainage for symptomatic UPJ obstruction. A nephrostogram performed two weeks later shows no drainage across the UPJ. The next step is:
- repeat nephrostogram in two weeks
- MR urography
- antegrade renal perfusion study (Whitaker test)
- convert the nephrostomy to a nephroureteral stent
- retrograde pyelography and ureteral stent placement.
After a successful dismembered pyeloplasty, it is not uncommon for a delayed opening of the anastomosis when using nephrostomy drainage. As long as the patient is doing well clinically, the best management during the early post-operative period is patience and repeat assessment to allow the anastomotic edema to subside further. Repeat nephrostogram in two weeks is the appropriate next step. Some have advocated a simple clamping trial of the nephrostomy tube and check the residual amount afterward. MR urography and a Whitaker study are unwarranted during the early post-operative period, as are the retrograde pyelography/stent placement and conversion of the nephrostomy tube to a nephroureteral stent. Stent placement could also damage the anastomosis.
A 62-year-old man with a serum creatinine of 4.7 mg/dl has persistent bleeding after TURP. The bleeding time is prolonged, but the PT, PTT, fibrinogen and platelet count are normal. The best treatment is:
- aminocaproic acid
- Vitamin K
- fresh frozen plasma
- desmopressin
- platelet transfusion.
Abnormal bleeding times in patients with renal failure are due to poor platelet aggregation. The coagulopathy may be reversed transiently by desmopressin, cryoprecipitate, conjugated estrogens, blood transfusions, erythropoietin, or dialysis. However, Vitamin K has no activity in the setting of reversing platelet dysfunction in ESRD. Similarly, fresh frozen plasma will affect the coagulation cascade but that shouldn’t be abnormal in ESRD patients. Platelet transfusion is not helpful in the setting of normal platelet count as aggregation is not improved with more platelets.
The most common cause of catheter-associated UTI is:
- improper catheterization technique
- urethral meatal bacteria
- break in the drainage system
- urinary drainage bag bacteria
- bacterial antimicrobial resistance.
Urethral meatal bacteria are the most frequent source of catheter-associated urinary tract infection. Unfortunately, topical urethral meatal antimicrobial agents do not prevent urinary tract infections and frequently cause overgrowth of resistant bacteria. Improper catheterization techniques, breaks in the system, and contamination of the drainage bag are less frequent but preventable causes of catheter-associated infection. Antimicrobials allow growth of resistant bacteria that are more difficult to treat but not more likely to cause infection.
A one-year-old hypertensive boy has a large, fixed abdominal mass. The most likely diagnosis is:
- congenital mesoblastic nephroma
- Wilms’ tumor
- neuroblastoma
- pheochromocytoma
- autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.
This boy likely has a neuroblastoma. 50% of these tumors present in children under the age of two. These tumors are usually large, hard, and fixed. Children will often have numerous other paraneoplastic syndromes. Catecholamine release from the neuroblastoma can result in symptoms that can mimic pheochromocytoma including paroxysmal HTN, palpitations, sweating, and headaches. However, pheochromocytomas tend not to be large masses like this and present in older children. Wilms’ tumor usually presents in children a few years older and the masses are more likely to be smooth and less fixed. HTN can also be seen but is less common. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma is possible but is usually seen in infants a few months of age and is the most common renal tumor in children less than six months of age. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease can present at any age with a wide spectrum of symptoms. It involves both kidneys and you should be able to palpate bilateral masses. When it presents early in life, it is usually severe and associated with significant renal insufficiency.
A 25-year-old woman has headaches and shortness of breath. Her blood pressure is 160/110 mmHg and serum creatinine is 1.0 mg/dl. She has an abdominal bruit and microscopic hematuria. Renal angiography demonstrates a 6 cm cirsoid arteriovenous fistula and a normal contralateral kidney. The best management is:
- angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
- beta-blocker
- fistula ligation
- angio-embolization
- nephrectomy.
Cirsoid arteriovenous fistulae are generally congenital in nature. This must not be confused with the much more common arteriovenous fistulae that results from iatrogenic kidney needle biopsies. Treatment for the congenital cirsoid lesion is indicated in patients with HTN, cardiomegaly, heart failure, severe hematuria, or angiographic evidence of expansion of the lesion. ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers are not effective in the treatment of this anatomical defect. Cirsoid fistulas are not like a simple arteriovenous connection where one can just ligate a vessel and the lesion is resolved. Due to the complexity of the lesion, angio-embolization is generally considered difficult if not impossible and the patient is at risk for complications, particularly coil migration. Nephrectomy is the treatment of choice. The importance of this concept is to recognize that cirsoid arteriovenous fistula is a different entity than an iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula from biopsies and thus, the treatment is different.
A 75-year-old man with a history of peptic ulcer disease and gout has a newly-formed 2 cm radiopaque renal calculus, hypercalcemia, and an E. coli UTI. Chest x-ray reveals a 3 cm primary lung tumor. The most likely cause of his urolithiasis is:
- absorptive hypercalciuria
- primary hyperparathyroidism
- ectopic hyperparathyroidism
- secondary hyperparathyroidism
- E. coli UTI.
Among the conditions this man has, only the ectopic production of parathyroid hormone related peptide would explain his stone formation. E. coli is not a urease producing organism and thus should not cause a stone. Given a history of peptic ulcer disease, a stone can form due to the development of milk-alkali syndrome, however, this is not one of the listed choices. The presence of hypercalcemia rules out secondary hyperparathyroidism. While absorptive hypercalciuria likely is playing a role in this patient, it is more likely due to the effect of ectopic production of parathyroid hormone related peptide due to the hypercalcemia present (homology to PTH in the first 13 amino acids). This ectopic production is most commonly seen with squamous cell carcinoma of the head, neck or lung (as in this case).
Recurrent UTIs in school-age girls is most often influenced by:
- race
- constipation
- nocturnal enuresis
- fever with initial infection
- VUR.
Recurrent UTI in school age girls are significantly related to the following factors; a family history of recurrent UTI, a history of infrequent voiding, diurnal incontinence, poor fluid intake, and constipation. Recurrent UTI rates have not been found to be significantly associated with isolated nocturnal enuresis, race, the presence of VUR, or whether or not the initial infection was febrile in nature.
A 58-year-old man has incontinence and prolonged urination six months following radical retropubic prostatectomy. Urodynamic evaluation with a 10 Fr catheter demonstrates normal bladder capacity and no detrusor overactivity. At 250 ml, Valsalva maneuver increases bladder pressure to 150 cm H2O without evidence of urinary leakage. The etiology of the incontinence is best determined by:
- remove catheter and repeat Valsalva maneuver
- repeat urodynamic study with suprapubic catheter
- uroflowmetry
- retrograde urethrogram
- cystoscopy.
The patient most likely has an anastomotic stricture and stress incontinence. The 10 Fr catheter is occluding the bladder neck, preventing demonstration of stress incontinence. A repeat urodynamic study with a suprapubic catheter is not necessary since the bladder capacity is known to be normal and there is no evidence of overactivity, and may be overly aggressive. Cystoscopy and retrograde urethrogram would demonstrate the stricture, however these studies would not demonstrate stress incontinence. The simplest study to determine the etiology of the incontinence is removing the urodynamic catheter with the bladder full and asking the patient to Valsalva in order to evaluate sphincteric function.
A seven-year-old boy has had multiple repairs for penoscrotal hypospadias. He has recurrent lower UTIs and postvoid dribbling. Renal ultrasound is normal and a pelvic ultrasound is shown. The most likely diagnosis is:
- mesonephric duct cyst
- ectopic ureter
- Cowper’s duct cyst
- prostatic utricle
- bladder diverticulum.
In boys with proximal hypospadias, the prostatic utricle is often enlarged due to a lack of androgen action. In the female, this would represent the distal 1/3 of the vagina. The ultrasound demonstrates a midline cystic structure behind the bladder which is consistent with a prostatic utricle. While an ectopic ureter, bladder diverticulum, or mesonephric duct cyst could have a similar appearance, they are usually lateral in location. In addition, the history of proximal hypospadias would make a utricle most likely. A Cowper’s duct cyst should be confined to the bulbous and prostatic urethra.
The blood supply to the left adrenal gland is derived from branches from the following arteries:
- aorta and renal
- renal and splenic
- renal, splenic, and inferior phrenic
- aorta, renal, and inferior phrenic
- aorta, renal, and splenic.
The blood supply for both the right and left adrenal glands is the same. The three sources for each adrenal gland are derived superiorly from branches of the inferior phrenic artery, in the middle directly from the aorta, and inferiorly from the ipsilateral renal artery.
A 72-year-old man develops dyspnea and hypertension following nephrectomy for RCC with adrenal sparing. The preoperative CT scan shows aortic calcification and a ventilation perfusion scan shows a low probability of pulmonary emboli. The best agent to treat the hypertension is a:
- diuretic
- calcium channel blocker
- alpha-blocker
- ACE inhibitor
- angiotensin receptor blocker.
This patient has a high probability of having renal artery stenosis. By removing one kidney the situation becomes analogous to the one-kidney, one clip model. In this situation, HTN is largely maintained by volume and sodium excess. In the face of normal circulating angiotensin II (AII) levels, ACE inhibitors or AII antagonists do not result in marked decrease of blood pressure. Calcium channel and alpha-blockers also are not very effective until the volume overload has been treated. Since the etiology of HTN is intravascular volume expansion, the best choice is a diuretic.
A 45-year-old man has left flank pain four hours after a MVC. Physical examination is normal. His blood pressure is 110/60 mmHg, pulse is 80 bpm, and urinalysis demonstrates 5 RBC/hpf. The next step is:
- cystogram
- CT scan
- renal ultrasound
- isotope renography
- observation.
Most patients with blunt trauma and microscopic hematuria do not need imaging. The SIU Consensus Statement on Renal Injuries recommends imaging to detect blunt trauma only in selected patients. Adults with gross hematuria or microhematuria and hypotension have a major (e.g. Grades 3,4,5) injury rate of approximately 12.5% and thus warrant further imaging. These recommendations were derived from a number of studies including the seminal article by McAninch and associates in 1989. A review of 2,254 patients with suspected renal trauma seen from 1977 to 1992 was performed by McAninch and colleagues. Of the 1,588 blunt trauma patients with microscopic hematuria and no shock, three had significant injury but these cases were discovered during imaging or exploratory laparotomy for associated injury. Follow-up of 515 of 1,004 patients (51%) who did not undergo initial imaging revealed no significant complications. Adults with blunt renal trauma, microscopic hematuria and no shock (systolic pressure < 90 mm/Hg) or major associated intra-abdominal injuries can safely be spared radiographic imaging.
Using a monopolar loop, two > 3 cm bladder tumors are endoscopically resected from the bladder dome and left trigone. At the end of the procedure, suprapubic distension is noted. Blood drawn at this point is most likely to reveal:
- anemia
- high glycine level
- hyperammonemia
- hyponatremia
- elevated BUN.
This patient most likely has bladder perforation related to resection at the base of one of these superficial tumors. The bladder dome is often quite thin and is at high risk for perforation during resection. Also, obturator nerve stimulation can cause muscular spasm during resection of a laterally located tumor and this sudden motion may lead to perforation with the resecting loop. The monopolar current requires glycine or another non-electrolyte containing solution to be used in order to avoid dispersion of the current. Extravasation of the irrigation solution is the likely cause of the suprapubic distension. Glycine is quickly metabolized in the liver after absorption and is unlikely to be detected in the serum. However, the remaining extravesical fluid is free water and will cause acute dilutional hyponatremia as it is absorbed. Ammonia should not be elevated in this circumstance and serum BUN only goes up over a longer period of time if there is extravasation of urine with secondary resorption from exposed tissues. It is unlikely that there has been vessel injury from these superficial resections that is severe enough to cause anemia and suprapubic distension acutely.
A 62-year-old man has a right adrenalectomy for an 8 cm pheochromocytoma and 1 of 4 paracaval lymph nodes reveals involvement with tumor. Serum metanephrines, MIBG scan, and blood pressure are normal postoperatively. The next step is:
- observation
- somatostatin
- mitotane
- metyrapone
- aminoglutethimide.
Approximately 10% to 20% of pheochromocytomas are malignant and malignancy is more common in tumors larger than 5 cm and in extra-adrenal tumors. Observation is the most appropriate therapy in a fully resected asymptomatic patient. Mitotane has proven palliative benefit in cases of metastatic adrenal cortical carcinoma. Metyrapone and aminogluthamide can be use to ameliorate hormonal production in metastatic adrenal cortical carcinoma. Somatostatin or octreotide has limited use in the palliative treatment of secreting metastatic pheomochromocytoma causing HTN. Radiolabeled MIBG therapy can be useful in symptomatic patients with a positive MIBG scan for metastases. Combination chemotherapy has been used in the treatment of metastatic pheochromocytoma with some limited success. The most commonly used regimen is cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and dacarbazine.
An 82-year-old woman has asymptomatic E. coli bacteriuria. The next step is:
- ciprofloxacin
- trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
- nitrofurantoin
- re-culture urine
- observation.
Asymptomatic bacteriuria is particularly common in elderly women. There is evidence in adults that while 80% of patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria can be cured with a seven day course of oral antimicrobial therapy, long term cure rates are no better than placebo therapy because of reinfections in treated patients and spontaneous cures in untreated subjects. Moreover, treatment of asymptomatic infections, which are often associated with self agglutinating E. coli that have lost their O polysaccharide surface antigens, is frequently followed by a new E. coli infection with intact O surface antigens that are apparently responsible for acute symptoms. For this reason a sound argument can be made against treating an asymptomatic infection just to achieve low growth in the urine for a short period of time.
A 12-year-old girl with spina bifida and sigmoid cystoplasty has had multiple recurrent bladder stones. To reduce the risk of further bladder stones, the next step is:
- potassium citrate
- antibiotic prophylaxis
- increase CIC frequency
- irrigate bladder daily
- conversion to a ileocystoplasty.
Bladder stone formation is a frequently encountered complication after enterocystoplasty. The most effective preventive measure appears to be regular bladder irrigation. There is no definitive data to support other measures such as frequent CIC, potassium citrate, or antibiotic suppression to decrease the incidence of bladder calculi. Conversion to ileocystoplasty will not significantly reduce the risk of bladder calculi.
A 22-year-old man sustains a complete T8 spinal cord injury. Four weeks after the injury, the urodynamic profile is best characterized by:
- detrusor overactivity, functional smooth sphincter, guarding reflex present
- detrusor overactivity, functional smooth sphincter, guarding reflex absent
- detrusor areflexia, functional smooth sphincter, guarding reflex absent
- detrusor areflexia, smooth sphincter dyssynergy, guarding reflex absent
- detrusor areflexia, functional smooth sphincter, guarding reflex present.
Spinal shock after spinal cord injury is the result of absent somatic reflex activity and suppression of somatic and autonomic activity below the level of the injury. It typically lasts six to twelve weeks but can last up to two years. At four weeks after injury, spinal shock continues and is manifested by bladder areflexia, a functional smooth sphincter and an absent guarding reflex (the ability of the striated sphincter to contract during bladder filling). After spinal shock, a T8 SCI patient is likely to have detrusor overactivity, smooth sphincter synergia (because T8 is below sympathetic outflow) and absent guarding reflex.
A 20-year-old man with cystinuria has recurrent calculi despite dietary therapy and hydration. The next step is:
- acetohydroxamic acid
- Tham-E
- N-acetylcysteine
- D-penicillamine
- alpha-mercaptopropionylglycine.
Cystinuria should be managed initially with hydration and, perhaps, alkali therapy. The solubility of cystine does not significantly increase until the urinary pH reaches 7.5. At this pH, calcium phosphate precipitation may occur. Specific therapy would include use of either D-penicillamine or alpha-mercaptopropionylglycine (Thiola). D-penicillamine is less well-tolerated and approximately 50% of patients stop this therapy due to side effects. Tham-E is an alkalinizing agent used for irrigation. Acetohydroxamic acid is a urease inhibitor used for the management of infection stones. Captopril may be effective in reducing urinary cystine excretion in patients who have not responded to therapy with alpha-mercaptopropionylglycine and D-penicillamine or who are intolerant of these agents.
A ten-year-old boy has a three-day history of painless, gross hematuria with a tea color appearance. He was diagnosed with streptococcal pharyngitis two weeks ago. Urinalysis shows > 100 RBC/hpf and trace proteinuria. The next step is:
- repeat urinalysis in two weeks
- non-contrast CT scan
- cystoscopy
- renal biopsy.
This is a typical scenario of a pediatric postinfectious glomerulonephritis. It is often preceded by either pharyngeal or skin streptococcal infection between 7 to 21 days. The most common presentation is painless gross hematuria, with accompanying mild proteinuria, edema and HTN. The C3 is low in 85-95%, and the streptozyme test is positive when preceding infection was a streptococcal infection. The prognosis is excellent, and the treatment is supportive. Gross hematuria resolves in several days, and proteinuria decreases during the first several weeks. In this clinical scenario where the etiology of the gross hematuria is evident, further diagnostic tests are not indicated. Renal biopsy should be considered in the presence of persistent hematuria and proteinuria.
A 32-year-old man has left flank pain. Scout film and retrograde pyelogram are shown. The next step is:
- CT scan without contrast
- CT scan with IV contrast
- laparoscopic calyceal diverticulectomy.
The image demonstrates an upper calyceal diverticulum. SWL is not recommended for the management of calyceal diverticulum with a narrow diverticular neck, as shown here, as fragments are unlikely to clear. PCNL and laparoscopy are appropriate alternatives for management of a calyceal diverticulum. However, before the choice of procedure can be made, it is important to determine whether the diverticulum is in an anterior vs. posterior location, as well as the relationship of the pleura and adjacent organs. PCNL would be utilized for a posterior diverticulum, while laparoscopy would be utilized for an anterior diverticulum. A CT scan without contrast will provide information for each of these variables. The CT scan will also determine the amount of parenchyma overlying the diverticulum. I.V. contrast would not be necessary as the retrograde pyelogram delineates the calculi within the diverticulum.
Homologous natural cycle artificial insemination for couples with male factor infertility due to oligoasthenospermia is:
- only effective if placed intracervically
- only effective if placed intrauterine
- no more effective than timed vaginal intercourse
- most effective in women with tubal disorders
- most useful with counts of < 10 million per ejaculate.
Natural cycle refers to allowing the woman to ovulate on her own without pharmaceutical induced stimulation of the development of multiple follicles through ovulation induction. In men with male factor infertility due to abnormal semen parameters, natural cycle intracervical or intrauterine insemination (IUI) is no better than timed vaginal intercourse. Those techniques are only useful in infertility caused by mechanical problems such as hypospadias, retrograde ejaculation, or impotence. Natural cycle IUI is useful in pure cervical factor infertility. Pregnancy rates with IUI are increased in couples with abnormal semen parameters if the woman undergoes ovulation induction. Clomiphene citrate and gonadotropins are commonly used medications for ovulation induction. Women with tubal abnormalities are best treated with in vitro fertilization since inseminated sperm still need to ascend through the fallopian tubes. The higher the total motile sperm count the better the pregnancy rate, therefore those with a sperm count > 10 million will fare better than those with < 10 million.
A five-year-old boy with a history of PUV ablation is incontinent day and night. Renal ultrasound shows normal kidneys bilaterally. VCUG shows a mildly trabeculated bladder without VUR and a patent urethra. PVR is 10 ml. He has normal daily bowel movements. The urinalysis is normal, and he has not had any UTIs. The next step is:
- timed voiding
- nocturnal bladder drainage
- urodynamic study
- oxybutynin
- desmopressin.
Voiding dysfunction and incontinence are common in boys with history of PUV. Over 80% will struggle with incontinence at age five. Nocturnal bladder drainage is usually indicated in the presence of high urinary output which can occur in boys with a history of PUV secondary to a concentrating defect. In such patients, significant hydroureteronephrosis is expected, which this patient does not have. Since he is not retaining urine after voiding, urodynamic test will likely demonstrate a pattern of bladder overactivity. However, it is appropriate to try conservative measures such as timed voiding prior to proceeding with more invasive testing such as urodynamics. Oxybutynin must be used with caution since a possible underlying myogenic dysfunction could lead to outright urinary retention. Desmopressin will not affect bladder dysfunction, which is the primary etiology of incontinence in boys with PUV.
An 85-year-old woman in an assisted living facility with a history of asymptomatic bacteriuria has two days of urinary frequency, urgency, and incontinence. A urine culture reveals 10 5 CFU/ml pan sensitive E. coli. The next step is:
- observation
- PVR, cystoscopy, and upper tract imaging
- single dose antibiotic therapy
- antibiotic therapy for seven days
- topical vaginal estrogen.
New onset symptoms in a geriatric patient with previously diagnosed asymptomatic bacteruria warrant therapy. Generally, seven days of therapy is suggested. Single dose therapy is inadequate in this setting. There is no indication for catheterization as the patient is symptomatic and has a positive urine culture. Although this patient may need an evaluation for recurrent UTI’s at some point, this evaluation can be delayed until she is adequately treated for her current symptomatic infection. Treating with estrogen alone in a settting of a symptomatic infection is insufficient. Initiating estrogen therapy in patients with recurrent symptomatic UTIs and atrophic vaginitis would be appropriate.
A 35-year-old man with a history of left renal colic has a 5 mm calculus in the left renal pelvis. Two months later, he complains of a burning sensation in the distal urethra. He has a normal urinary stream, and there are no associated bladder symptoms. Based upon this clinical history, the calculus is most likely located in the:
- upper ureter
- mid-ureter
- intramural ureter
- bladder
- urethra.
The location and nature of pain and/or colic can often times determine the location of ureteral calculi. Classically, patients who report flank discomfort with radiation anteriorly most often have stones located in the proximal or mid-ureter. More commonly, patients with stones in the distal ureter will report irritative voiding symptoms or pain radiating to the penis, scrotum, or labia. With a normal urinary stream and no associated bladder symptoms, it is unlikely that this patient has a stone either in the urethra or bladder, respectively.
A five-year-old girl is evaluated for a febrile UTI. She has daytime urgency and rare wetting. She is dry at night. Physical examination is normal. A renal US is normal and a VCUG shows bilateral grade 2 VUR. Spina bifida occulta at L5 is noted on the scout film. The next steps are prophylactic antibiotics and:
- spinal MRI scan
- urodynamics
- timed voiding
- oxybutynin
- endoscopic correction of reflux.
Spina bifida occulta is often identified on spine films. In a child with a normal physical examination the chance of a spinal cord abnormality is very small. These children should be treated the same as other children with urgency and daytime wetting. The initial management is timed voiding and maintenance of a voiding diary. Since it is very likely that this VUR will resolve with behavioral modification surgical management including endoscopic treatment is not indicated. Urodynamics would be reserved for those children that are refractory to medical management. MRI scan of the spine is not indicated.
A 48-year-old man has an AUA Symptom Score of 26 and a bother score of 4, recurrent UTIs, and significant bladder outlet obstruction documented on urodynamics. He wants to maintain fertility. He has failed medical therapy. The next step is:
- unilateral TUIP
- bilateral TUIP
- laser vaporization of the prostate
A frequent complication of bladder outlet surgery for the treatment of obstruction is retrograde ejaculation. While this can be overcome with bladder harvested sperm most men who desire to maintain their fertility want normal antegrade ejaculation. The incidence of retrograde ejaculation is very high after TURP (up to 95%). TUIP has a much lower incidence of retrograde ejaculation (0% to 37%) and in many series is as effective as TURP. With a unilateral incision the incidence of retrograde ejaculation is less than 5%, and with two incisions, it is 15%. Laser vaporization has an associated risk of retrograde ejaculation that may be as high as TURP. While CIC would likely preserve antegrade ejaculation it is less desirable in a healthy young man.
The principal source of operator radiation exposure during endourologic procedures is:
- the primary radiation beam
- radiation leakage from the x-ray tube
- radiation scatter from the patient
- radiation scatter from endoscopic instruments
- radiation scatter from the operating room walls and floor.
Scattering of the primary beam from the patient is the primary source of radiation exposure to the operator during endourologic procedures. For this reason, maximizing the distance between the operator and the patient during fluoroscopy is a very effective method of reducing exposure. This explains why the fluoroscopy source is best placed under the patient to minimize radiation scatter to the operator.
The therapy with the highest success and lowest relapse rate for uncomplicated primary nocturnal enuresis is:
- behavioral modification
- oxybutynin
- imipramine
- nocturnal enuretic alarm.
To date, the etiology of primary nocturnal enuresis is poorly understood. Research has shown that many children will have a reduced functional bladder capacity and an element of overactive bladder contractions while sleeping. Most children will also have an element of elevated arousal threshold while sleeping. Many single and combination treatment modalities have been used including the urinary alarm, anticholinergics, DDAVP, and imipramine. However, the modality that has the highest success and the lowest relapse rate is the nocturnal enuretic alarm. The correct use of the alarm is commonly misunderstood. It is best used in conjunction with the parents’ involvement in which they confirm that the child awakens when the alarm goes off since the child will often sleep through the alarm. The child then gets up and voids to completion. The alarm therapy may take up to three to four months to be successful. Parents and children need to be educated on its correct use and the labor intensive nature of this therapy. When used correctly, success rates have been reported to be 70-80% with low rates of relapse. All forms of pharmacotherapy have lower rates of success and much higher rates or relapse. Behavior modification using techniques such as timed voiding or retention training are not effective tools to address nocturnal enuresis.
A 45-year-old woman has new onset frequency, urgency, and urge incontinence. Urinalysis is negative. Residual urine is 90 ml. CMG reveals phasic detrusor overactivity throughout filling. During volitional voiding, there is simultaneous contraction of the external sphincter. The next step is:
- referral for neurological evaluation
- cystoscopy and cytology
- antimuscarinic therapy
- intradetrusor onabotulinum toxin injections
- intradetrusor and intrasphincteric onabotulinum toxin injections.
This patient has detrusor external sphincter dyssynergia (DESD)based on the urodynamic evaluation. By definition, this implies the presence of a lesion between the pons and the lower spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis needs to be strongly considered given this patient’s demographic information and urodynamic findings. Approximately 5-10% of patients with MS present initially with urologic complaints. Cystoscopy is not indicated, and bladder cancer is not likely in the age demographic and with a negative UA. Antimuscarinic therapy may ultimately be helpful, though the residual would need to be monitored closely in the presence of DESD. Patients should be evaluated for possible neurological process due specifically to the finding of DESD. Onabotulinum toxin injections should not be utilized until a definitive diagnosis has been made.
A 60-year-old man sustains an avulsion injury of the scrotum. Ninety percent of the scrotal skin is lost. The next step after one week of debridement and local wound care is:
- rotational thigh skin flap
- full thickness skin graft
- placement of testicles in thigh pouches
- split thickness skin graft
- scrotal skin mobilization and direct closure.
Scrotal reconstruction can be performed in many ways depending on the characteristics of the patient, mechanism of injury, and degree of skin loss. Limited skin loss can be managed with mobilization of remaining scrotal skin and direct closure as the scrotal skin is very pliable and will expand to cover relatively large defects. In this case a 90% loss makes this option impossible. More extensive skin loss can be managed with skin grafts, local flaps or tissue expanders. Rotational flaps provide a sensate and hair bearing scrotum but require more extensive dissection and have been generally supplanted by skin grafting. Full thickness skin grafts are reserved for selected cases where small surface areas are required and contraction is especially problematic, but not useful in this case due to 90% scrotal loss. Thigh pouches are acceptable but generally temporizing measures except in the most debilitated patients. Reconstruction is most easily accomplished with the use of split-thickness skin grafts which can cover large areas of skin loss and provide for complete scrotal reconstruction. Advantages of split thickness skin grafts include their high success rate and the fact that, when healed, they mimic the rugate appearance of the normal scrotal skin. Disadvantages include lack of hair and the fact that they may retract. Retraction can be minimized by avoiding expansion of the graft (i.e. 2:1 or 3:1 meshing). Skin grafts should never be placed on an acute injury due to bacterial contamination that will usually result in graft loss. Delayed grafting five to seven days post-injury in the presence of a clean graft bed will result in increased graft take.
A seven-year-old boy is a restrained front seat passenger in an MVC in which air bag deployment is noted. In the ER, he has right flank pain. Physical exam reveals mild right sided abdominal and CVA tenderness. No hypotension was noted in the field or in the ER. Hgb is 12.5 and urinalysis shows 25 RBC/hpf. The next step is:
- observation
- serial CBC and urinalysis
- abdominal ultrasound
- abdominal CT scan with contrast
- cystogram.
The kidneys in children, as compared to those in adults are believed to be more susceptible to trauma for numerous reasons including a more pliable thoracic cage, weaker abdominal musculature, less perirenal fat, and lower position in the abdomen. Although there has been past controversy regarding the indications for imaging in children with blunt renal trauma, most studies now suggest that children should be radiographically evaluated in a similar fashion to adults. Thus, they should be imaged when one of the following four criteria are present: 1. A significant deceleration or high-velocity injury such as a high speed MVC, or fall from more than 15 feet, or significant blow to the abdomen, 2. Significant trauma that has resulted in fractures of the surrounding rib cage or spine, 3. Gross hematuria, or 4. Microscopic hematuria (< 50 RBC/hpf) associated with shock (systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg). CT scans are the best form of imaging. In this child, the degree of microscopic hematuria and the absence of shock does not fulfill the criteria for imaging. However, the mechanism of injury where airbag deployment was noted suggests a significant deceleration injury which mandates the need for imaging; thus a CT scan should be performed. The mechanism of injury is probably the most important factor in helping to determine whether imaging is necessary in borderline cases.
A 47-year-old woman is undergoing percutaneous test stimulation of a lead for sacral neuromodulation. Plantar flexion and rotation of the foot is noted along with sensation in the buttock. The next step is to:
- maintain lead and discharge home
- place the lead one foramen higher and re-test
- place the lead one foramen lower and re-test
- advance the lead deeper into the foramen and re-test
- withdraw the lead to a more superficial location in the foramen and re-test.
The motor and sensory responses noted are consistent with incorrect placement of the lead into the S2 foramen. The lead should be removed, replaced one foramen lower (S3), and re-tested. Placing more deep or shallow will not result in appropriate stimulation. Correct placement of the lead into the S3 foramen will result in a Bellows reflex, a contraction of the perineal area, and plantar flexion of the ipsilateral great toe.
A 65-year-old man has lethargy, malaise, and a markedly diminished urinary stream. After urethral catheterization, he experiences a postobstructive diuresis that is managed by appropriate fluid replacement. Urine output is 1,500 ml daily. Serum creatinine and BUN are 6.8 mg/dl and 95 mg/dl respectively, and unchanged three days later. The next step is:
- continued observation
- retrograde pyelography
- dialysis
- renal ultrasound
- increased fluid replacement.
In patients with urinary obstruction and impaired renal function, postobstructive diuresis is not unusual. Typically, urinary catheter drainage produces improvement in the blood levels of creatinine, BUN, and electrolytes to normal levels. If significant improvement does not occur, consideration must be given to inadequate drainage of the upper urinary tract because the bladder is poorly drained (poorly functioning catheter) or because of supravesical obstruction. The latter should be evaluated using renal ultrasound which is less invasive than retrograde pyelography. Since creatinine and BUN have not improved, continued observation is inappropriate until upper tract obstruction is ruled out. No data to suggest the need for immediate dialysis in this patient is provided. There is no evidence the patient is dehydrated, therefore increased fluid replacement is not indicated.
A two-year-old boy with hemihypertrophy should undergo:
- twice yearly physical exam of abdomen
- renal ultrasound every three months
- twice yearly urinalysis and urinary metanephrine level
- annual abdominal CT scan
- abdominal MRI scan every six months.
Children with hemihypertrophy are at risk for the development of Wilms’ tumor due to alterations in the WTR1 and WTR2 genes. The best screening method to allow early detection of a renal mass, without untoward exposure to radiation or excessive cost, is ultrasound every three months through early childhood. Twice-yearly UA and urinary metanephrine are not indicated in this patient, because they are not predisposed to pheochromocytomas.
Autoinflation of an inflatable penile prosthesis is best prevented by:
- use of a smaller reservoir
- postoperative partial cylinder inflation
- intraperitoneal reservoir placement
- reservoir placement in subinguinal canal
- use of a reservoir with a lockout valve.
Autoinflation occurs when the inflatable penile prosthesis partially inflates with physical activity. It can be minimized by placing the reservoir in the prevesical (retropubic) space performing the back pressure test with reservoirs that do not have a lockout valve or by using a reservoir with a lock-out valve, is now available as an option. The cylinders should also be kept deflated during healing after surgery and when the prosthesis is not being used. Initial experience with this device suggests that it reduces the incidence of this complication.
A 45-year-old man undergoes bilateral end to side vasoepididymostomy. Semen analysis six months later demonstrates azoospermia. The next step is:
- observation
- measurement of FSH
- clomiphene citrate therapy
- testicular sperm retrieval.
The delayed appearance of sperm in the ejaculate of men undergoing vasoepididymostomy (VE) is common. The mean delay in one reported series was six months (range, 3 to 15 months). The ultimate mean sperm count and motility were found to be similar to subjects with sperm present in the initial semen analysis in this study. Therefore, observation would be the best approach in this situation. The epididymal fluid would have been examined for sperm at the time of VE and the procedure only performed if sperm were identified. Determination of the FSH would not be useful since FSH should be normal in patients with obstructive azoospermia. Clomiphene citrate will raise FSH, LH, and testosterone but not correct the obstruction. TRUS is indicated for ejaculatory duct, not epididymal obstruction. Testicular sperm retrieval is not indicated this early after surgery.
A four-year-old girl voids normally but is continuously wet. A renal ultrasound shows normal appearing kidneys bilaterally. The next step is:
- MAG-3 renal scan
- MRI scan cystoscopy and vaginoscopy
- retrograde pyelogram.
The clinical scenario of dribbling despite normal voiding creates suspicion of an ectopic ureter. Often the ectopic upper pole moiety of the duplex kidney is very small and not easily identified on ultrasound. In these cases an MRI scan or MR urogram are the best imaging tests to localize the difficult to identify small, dysplastic upper poles and their ureters. MR urogram is not always required since the T2-weighted images of a standard MRI are particularly suited for finding and defining fluid-filled structures like an ectopic ureter. Sagittal imaging may demonstrate the exact termination of the ectopic ureter. DMSA scan is most useful in the identification of small ectopic kidneys but is unlikely to be useful when the renal US is normal. If the moiety is small, a MAG-3 renal scan and IVP will appear normal because the upper pole has no function and the lower pole will not be deviated. VCUG will sometimes show VUR into an ectopic ureter depending on the location of the orifice. A retrograde pyelogram can identify the ectopic orifice but the orifice is often difficult to identify cystoscopically and is not as sensitive as an MRI scan.
Urodynamic stress urinary incontinence is defined as urinary leakage that occurs:
- with a cough-induced detrusor contraction
- during a rise in intraabdominal pressure in the absence of a detrusor contraction
- with a rise in detrusor pressure
- involuntarily per urethra during urodynamic testing
- in the absence of increased in intraabdominal pressure and a voluntary detrusor contraction.
Urodynamic stress urinary incontinence is defined as the presence of urinary leakage during a rise in intraabdominal pressure in the absence of a detrusor contraction. The presence of leakage with cough and or sneeze, defines the symptom of SUI. Leakage in the absence of a rise in intraabdominal pressure with a rise in detrusor pressure is the detrusor leak point pressure, most commonly encountered in neurogenic patients. This represents the relationship between bladder storage and outlet resistance.
A 64-year-old man has painless right testicular swelling of three months duration. Urinalysis is normal, and testicular ultrasound reveals an enlarged right testis with multiple hypoechoic lesions. The most likely diagnosis is:
- lymphoma
- chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- spermatocytic seminoma
- teratocarcinoma
- embryonal cell carcinoma.
Lymphoma accounts for about 5% of all testicular tumors. It is the most common of all testis tumors over the age of 50. The median age of occurrence is approximately 60 years. Lymphoma is the most common secondary neoplasm of the testis. Microscopically, all varieties of reticuloendothelial neoplasms, including Hodgkin’s disease, have been described in the testis. The vast majority, however, are diffuse; of these, most are histiocytic. Of germ cell tumors in men over 50, seminoma is most common. However, in the presence of multiple testicular lesions in a 64-year-old man, lymphoma is the most likely diagnosis.
In a newborn with penoscrotal hypospadias and nonpalpable testes, the most important test is:
- serum for 17-hydroxyprogesterone
- determination of testosterone:dihydrotestosterone ratio
- hCG stimulation test
- pelvic ultrasound
- genitogram.
While this child may be male, consideration of the 46XX disorder of sex development secondary to CAH must be entertained. Laboratory evaluations to assess enzymatic adrenal function is the primary concern. FISH evaluation for the presence of a Y chromosome and chromosome analysis should be done as soon as possible. Many of the patients with CAH will be deficient in mineralocorticoids in addition to corticosteroids. Without prompt diagnosis and treatment life-threatening shock may develop due to dehydration and salt loss. All of the other listed options are reasonable tests for the evaluation of disorders of sex development, but will only be performed after CAH is ruled out.
A 28-year-old woman has significantly decreased libido six months after starting oral contraceptive pills. The most likely cause of her decreased sexual desire is:
- reduced serum estradiol
- reduced serum progesterone
- reduced serum testosterone
- decreased sex hormone binding globulin
- increased serum prolactin.
Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) significantly increase the production and release of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) by the liver. The increased SHBG subsequently lowers serum free testosterone by irreversible binding. Low levels of circulating free testosterone can cause a significant decrease in sexual desire/libido. While estradiol may decrease with OCPs, the effect is less striking on libido than the effect of a lower serum testosterone. Progesterone levels may actually increase with some OCPs.
The best predictor of long-term recurrence-free status in a patient with non-invasive bladder cancer is:
- tumor size
- Rb mutation
- tetraploid flow cytometry
- negative random biopsies
- negative cystoscopy three months after a TURBT.
Rb mutations (Retinoblastoma Protein) are found in approximately 30% of bladder tumors and are correlated with a higher stage disease at time of diagnosis and decreased patient survival. Flow cytometry has not been found to be of more clinical value than conventional cytology in determining tumor recurrence. Low grade tumors are usually diploid, bladder tumors with triploid to tetraploid will be found to have unfavorable pathologic characteristics and a poorer prognosis. Interesting patients with pure tetraploid expression have a more favorable prognosis than those of patients with triploid to tetraploid tumors but worse than diploid tumors. Both tumor size and negative random biopsies have a dramatic impact on progression rate but less on recurrence rate. In patients with a well or moderated differentiated non-invasive bladder cancer, the factor which best predicts the absence of tumor recurrence is a post TURBT negative cystoscopy at three months. If no tumor is present at three months, there is an 80% chance of no further tumor recurrence.
Urinary concentration is primarily the result of which characteristic of the kidney:
- hypertonic medullary interstitial fluid
- absence of ADH
- hypotonic medullary interstitial fluid
- high levels of ADH
- hypertonic proximal tubular fluid.
Although 65% of sodium chloride and water are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, the intraluminal fluid remains iso-osmotic. Urinary concentration takes place as the tubular fluid flows through the medullary collecting ducts. The medullary interstitial hyperosmolarity in the presence of normal plasma concentrations of ADH causes water to diffuse out of medullary collecting ducts into the interstitial fluid and then into the medullary blood vessels. High ADH levels produce a more concentrated urine and low levels produce a more dilute urine.
A 60-year-old healthy woman with recurrent UTIs has free air in the bladder and a thickened bladder wall adjacent to a loop of thickened colon see on CT scan. Cystoscopy demonstrates erythema in the bladder wall with no clear fistula. The next step is:
- antibiotic prophylaxis
- high pressure cystogram
- CT scan with small bowel follow through
- MRI scan
- general surgery consult/exploratory laparotomy.
Cross-sectional imaging, especially CT scan, has become the imaging modality of choice to demonstrate a vesicoenteric fistula. CT or MRI scans may localize the fistula track as well as the involved segment of bowel. The triad of findings on CT that are suggestive of colovesical fistula consists of (1) bladder wall thickening adjacent to a loop of thickened colon, (2) air in the bladder (in the absence of previous lower urinary tract manipulation), and (3) presence of colonic diverticula. Cystoscopy has the highest yield in identifying a potential lesion, with some type of abnormality noted on endoscopic examination in more than 90% of cases. However, the findings on cystoscopy are often nonspecific and include localized erythema and papillary or bullous change; a definitive diagnosis by cystoscopy can be made in only 35% to 46% of cases. This patient has clear evidence of a vesicoenteric fistula and further diagnostic studies are not indicated. Should she be a poor surgical risk, long-term antibiotics could be used. Definitive colonic resection of presumed diverticulosis and repair of fistula should occur with exploratory laparotomy. General surgery may wish to proceed with colonoscopy/barium enema to evaluate the extent of the affected segment or rule-out malignancy.
A 26-year-old man undergoes a left radical orchiectomy for seminoma. CT scan reveals two 3 cm interaortocaval nodes. Two weeks after orchiectomy, the AFP is unchanged at 25 IU/ml and beta-hCG is 8 mIU/ml. The next step is:
- infradiaphragmatic XRT
- cisplatin-based chemotherapy
- infradiaphragmatic plus supradiaphragmatic XRT
- RPLND plus cisplatin-based chemotherapy.
Although the histological diagnosis is seminoma, the elevated alpha-fetoprotein is indicative of a non-seminomatous testis tumor, and the patient should be managed as such. The orchiectomy specimen should be re-evaluated in detail to look for an additional germ cell elements. Given the findings on the CT scan, this patient has a clinical Stage IIB tumor. Based on the data available in the literature, it appears these patients are best served with initial chemotherapy rather than RPLND following the inguinal orchiectomy. The most widely utilized regimen today is three cycles of bleomycin, etoposide (VP-16), and cisplatin. If residual nodal tissue is evident after the multidrug chemotherapy, surgical excision is recommended. With the evolution of effective multi-drug regimens, radiation therapy is no longer utilized in the management of Stage IIB non-seminomatous testis tumors.
A four-year-old uncircumcised boy has a two-week history of foreskin swelling with urination. The retained urine under the foreskin drains slowly following completion of voiding. There is no dysuria or hematuria. Physical exam reveals mild erythema of the distal foreskin and a phimotic ring. The meatus cannot be visualized. The next step is:
- observation
- sitz baths
- topical steroid ointment
- dorsal slit
- circumcision.
The patient has pathologic phimosis that does not allow adequate urinary drainage. Observation is only appropriate in the setting of physiologic phimosis in which the foreskin is not retractable due to normal physiologic adhesions, as opposed to pathologic phimosis, which is development of a dense fibrotic ring from chronic inflammation. Treatment of pathologic phimosis with a topical steroid ointment (0.05% betamethasone) is effective in up to 90% of cases in relieving the phimosis and allowing adequate retraction of the foreskin. If the patient had more acute problems such as severe balanitis or more obstructive voiding symptoms then surgical intervention with a dorsal slit or circumcision may be appropriate. Sitz baths alone are unlikely to rectify the problem.
A 65-year-old man has been using 20 mg of tadalafil (CialisTM) as needed for treatment of erectile dysfunction. His primary care provider starts him on doxazosin for hypertension. His treatment of erectile dysfunction should include:
- continue tadalafil 20 mg as needed
- decrease tadalafil to 10 mg as needed
- start tadalafil for once daily use at 5 mg/day
- stop tadalafil
- switch to intracorporal alprostadil.
Concomitant use of alpha-blockers and PDE-5 inhibitors can cause hypotension. When tadalafil is coadministered with an alpha-blocker, patients should be stable on alpha-blocker therapy prior to initiating treatment with tadalafil, and tadalafil should be initiated at the lowest recommended dose. Conversely, when starting an alpha-blocker the lowest dose of either agent should be used and they should not be taken at the same time. There is no need to stop tadalafil in this patient or switch to intracorporal injections if he has been successful on oral therapy. Of all the choices, decreasing to the lowest effective dose of tadalafil (10 mg for use as needed, or 2.5 mg/day for once daily use) would be recommended for this man.
A 40-year-old woman undergoes bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing’s disease with complete resolution of her symptoms. Her replacement therapy consists of cortisone and fluorocortisone. Three years later, she complains of visual disturbances and has skin hyperpigmentation. The most likely explanation is:
- Addison’s disease
- pituitary adenoma
- excessive cortisone replacement
- excessive ACTH production
- ectopic melanocyte-stimulating hormone secretion.
Approximately 10-20% of patients who have had a bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing’s Syndrome later develop pituitary tumors that are almost always chromophobe adenomas (Nelson’s syndrome). Progressive hyperpigmentation (due to melanocyte stimulating hormone release by corticotropic releasing hormone), headaches, and visual disturbances are due to the expanding adenoma that is diagnosed by MRI or CT scans of the sella turcica. Pituitary basophilic adenoma that was initially postulated by Cushing as causing the syndrome named for him has, in fact, rarely been a factor. Addison’s disease describes primary adrenal insufficiency not as a result of bilateral adrenalectomy. Excessive cortisone replacement would result in a Cushingoid appearance (purple striae, buffalo hump, central obesity). Excessive ACTH production is not the end result of bilateral adrenalectomy. Although, increased skin pigmentation could be a result of ectopic melanocyte stimulating hormone secretion the other symptoms would not.