2012-11-27 3&4: Gluconeogenesis; Pentose Pi Pathway Flashcards
Quantitatively, what is the most important gluconeogenesis precursor?
Where does gluconeogenesis occur?
most: liver
some: kidney
Gluconeogenesis is in many ways just the reverse of glycolysis, but it bypasses some of the enzymes. Which are those?
The non-reversible steps
- pyruvate kinase
- hexokinase
Which takes the place of pyruvate kinase in gluconeo?
Where does this occur?
What else (beside enzyme(s)) is required?
What regulates it?
Two steps actually req’d:
- pyruvate—pyruvate carboxylase—>oxaloacetate [mitochondria]
- oxaloacetate—PEP carboxykinase—>PEP [cytosoll]
requires 1 ATP and 1 GTP (respectively); pyruvate carboxylase also requires biotin (B7)
regulated by Acetyl-CoA which signals low glucose
How do you get oxaloacetate across the mito membrane?
in mito: oxaloacetate—malate DH—>malate
in cyto: malate—MDH—>oxaloacetate(—>etc.—>glucose)
What bypasses the PFK-1 rxn in gluconeo?
What regulates F-1,6-BPase?
Activate: citrate and ATP
Inhibit: F-2,6-P and ADP (coordinate reg so you don’t do both gluconeo and glycolysis at same time)
When would you do both gluconeo and glycolysis at same time?
to generate heat
What conditions would you expect would favor gluconeogenesis and slow down glycolysis?
Lactate levels: low in a.m.; really high s/p exercise
What conditions would favor gluconeogenesis and slow down glycolysis?
High ATP would do both
high lactate and high mito [NADH,H+] favor gluconeogenesis
What enzyme is used to bypass hexokinase?
What is the Cori Cycle?
Muscle: Glucose—>Lactate
——lactate to liver via blood——
Liver: Lactate—>glucose
——glucose to muscle via blood—
How much ATP does Cori cycle require?
Does gluconeogenesis from glycerol require more or less ATP than using lactate or a.a.?
Less b/c glycerol jumps right into G3P with one ATP.
Skips the two other ATP-requiring steps
What steps in gluconeo require ATP?
- pyruvate—pyruvate carboxylase—>oxaloacetate
- oxaloacetate—PEP carboxykinase—>PEP
- 3-PGA—>1,3-BPG