2010 Jun Unit 4 Flashcards
Nitrogen is reduced
NH4+, NH3
What does the Hardy–Weinberg principle predict?
The frequency/proportion of alleles (of a particular gene)
No genetic change over time
Providing no mutation
What is the evidence from the table that non-agouti and blotched are alleles of different genes?
Frequencies (of these alleles) add up to more
than 1;
Describe and explain how intensive rearing of domestic livestock would affect, The absorbed from the gut
Increase because fed concentrates
Describe and explain how intensive rearing of domestic livestock would affect. Respiration
Decrease because movement restricted
The pioneer plants had seeds that germinate better when the temperature fluctuates.
Explain the advantage of this to these pioneer plants.
Bare soil temperatures fluctuate;
More bare soil, early/at start of succession/when few plants
Describe the part played by the inner membrane of a mitochondrion in producing ATP.
Electrons transferred down electron transport chain
Provide energy to take H+ into space between membranes
Protons/H+ pass back, through membrane/into matrix/through ATPase;
Energy to produce ATP
Explain why the scientist did not use glucose as the respiratory substrate
Glucose is used/broken down during glycolysis
Breakdown of glucose/glycolysis in the cytoplasm/not in
Glucose cannot cross mitochondrial membrane/does not enter mitochondria
Use the words probability and chance to explain the meaning of differed significantly
(p < 0.05)
There was a probability of less than 0.05
That the difference was due to chance
The ratio of the dry biomass of animals to the dry biomass of seaweeds is always a lot
less than one. Explain why.
Plants are producers
Loss of energy between trophic levels
As a result of respiration
The concentrations of carbon dioxide in the air at different heights above the ground in forest changes over a period of 24 hours. Use your knowledge of photosynthesis to
describe these changes and explain why they occur.
High concentration of carbon dioxide linked with
No photosynthesis in dark
(In dark) plants (and other organisms) respire
rate of
photosynthesis greater than rate of respiration
Decrease in carbon dioxide concentration with height
At ground level fewer leaves/less photosynthesising
n the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis, the carbon in carbon dioxide
becomes carbon in triose phosphate. Describe how
Carbon dioxide combines with ribulose bisphosphate
To produce two molecules of glycerate 3-phosphate
Reduced to triose phosphate
Requires reduced NADP
Energy from ATP