201-230 Flashcards
201- Amiable
202- Lethargy
laziness; sluggishness, indifference
203- Trepidation
fear, apprehension
204- Desecrate
to pollute a holy place
205- Sycophant
one who sucks up to others
206- Tenet
a principle held as true
207- Tenacious
persistent holding to a belief
208- Furtive
209- Supercilious
haughty; patronizing
210- Verbose
wordy; overly talkative
211- Hackneyed
banal; overused; trite (a cliche is a hackneyed expression)
212- Amass
to accumulate
213- Vehement
urgent; passionate
214- Assuage
to soothe; to pacify; to ease the pain of; to relieve
215- Prodigious
extraordinary; enormous
216- Torpor
sluggishness; inactivity; apathy
217- Innocuous
harmless; banal
218- Pedestrian
common; ordinary; banal (secondary meaning)
219- Subtle
not obvious; able to make fine distinctions; ingenious; crafty
220- Prudent
careful; having foresight
221- Retract
to take back; withdraw; pull back
222- Facilitate
to make easier
223- Diffident
timid; lacking in self-confidence
224- Nullify
to make unimportant, cancel out
225- Impetuous
characterized by sudden energy or emotion
226- Mercurial
quick and changeable in mood
227- Prerogative
an exclusive right, advantage
228- Salubrious
promoting health or welfare
229- Arbiter
one who decides a disputed matter
230- Anomaly
a deviation from a rule or from expectation, an incongruity