201番道路 Flashcards
to appear, to emerge
現れる (あらわれる)
anger; fury
怒り (おこり)
mystery, puzzle
謎 (なぞ)
adds emphasis
さ ()
such a
あんな ()
strong expectation or belief
that thing; that one (informal)
そいつ ()
beyond here; up ahead
この先 (この先)
one’s emotions; one’s feelings
心情 (しんじょう)
Lake ~
~湖 (~こ)
to express; to represent
表す (あらわす)
adds emphasis, determination (men’s speech)
ぜ ()
alright; okay; let’s do this; good; satisfactory
よし ()
over there; the other side
向こう (むこう)
to change; to be out of the usual
変わる (かわる)
なにも ()
ウムウ ()
Just my imagination
気のせい ()
どうも ()
Well; I guess; At least
まあ ()
More importantly; putting that aside
それよりも ()
地方 (ちほう)
worth doing; rewarding
しがい ()
研究 (けんきゅう)
to pass through/by
通る (とおる)
あれ ()
prohibitive particle (casual)
な ()
calm; it’s ok; no problem
へいき ()
to appear; to come out
出てくる (でてくる)
what should (we) do
どうすれば ()
what should (we) do (casual)
どうすりゃ ()
to deliver; to return
届ける (とどける)
whoa!; oh no!
わわッ ()
level of experience; amount of experience
経験値 (けいけんち)
Could it be that…?; Wait, don’t tell me…
もしかして ()
説明 (せつめい)
that guy; that person (casual, rude)
あいつ ()
For now; For the time being
とりあえず ()
to glare
にらむ ()
research institute
研究所 (けんきゅうじょ)
safety; security; without incident
無事 (ぶじ)
surely, most likely
きっと ()
rumor; gossip
ウワサ ()
also; in addition
あと ()
有名 (ゆうめい)
properly, neatly, accurately
きちんと ()
indicates obligation or advisability
べき ()
to wear (something on the lower body)
履く (はく)
冒険 (ぼうけん)
in no time
という間 (というま)
distant; far away
遠く (とおく)
handling, operation, usage
取り扱い (とりあつかい)
manual, guidebook
説明書 (せつめいしょ)
深く (ふかく)
quickly; swiftly; rapidly; fast
速く (はやく)
to tilt; to push down; to knock over
倒す (たおす)
with all your strength; as much as you can; to your heart’s content
思いっきり (おもいっきり)
suffix for repeatedly or intensely doing something
~まくる ()
in other words; that is to say; basically
つまり ()
to avoid
避ける (さける)
gray starling
ムクドリ ()
whirling around; coiling around; working tirelessly; constantly changing
クルクル ()
傷 (きず)
くすり ()
restoration; recovery
回復 (かいふく)
seedling; young plant
苗 (なえ)
bargain; good-value; economical
お得 (おとく)
bulletin board
掲示板 (けいじばん)
anyway; in any case; at any rate
とにかく ()
to speak to; to approach in conversation
話しかける (はなしかける)
to be useful; to be helpful; to serve the purpose
役立つ (やくだつ)
various; different kinds
いろんな ()
stamina; endurance; physical strength
体力 (体力)
ビーバー ()
出っ歯 (でっぱ)
攻撃 (こうげき)
防御 (ぼうぎょ)
tree leaf; foliage
木の葉 (このは)
That being said; So
ということで ()
freebie; free gift
サービス ()
to do something in preparation for something
おく ()
to obtain; to get (something in one’s possession)
手に入れる (てにいれる)
ledge; step
段差 (だんさ)
一方通行 (いっぽつうこう)
to jump down
飛び降りる (とびおりる)
近道 (ちかみち)