20 Questions.1 Flashcards
Define the CNS.
Define the PNS.
Differentiate between white and grey matter. Generate a list of significant white and
grey matter structures at the level of the spinal cord, brainstem, and brain.
Identify the general location and functional roles of the following: frontal lobe, parietal
lobe, temporal lobe, occiput lobe, limbic system, cerebellum.
Compare and contrast the role of muscle spindles and GTO’s.
What is the reticular formation? Discuss its structure and function.
Observe the brainstem from both posterior and anterior views. Identify significant
Explain how neurons communicate. Differentiate between spatial and temporal
summation; between graded potentials and action potentials.
Relate disorders of the nervous system to specific neuroglia.
Identify the functional roles of the lobes of the brain. Hypothesize how a lesion to each
lobe may present. Include a description of positive and negative signs.
Describe the connective tissues of the nervous system.
How and when is the human nervous system formed? Relate developmental conditions
to specific structures.
Name the 6 components of somatosensory systems.
Express an understanding of the long ascending somatosensory tracts. Identify the
receptors, modality carried, three order neuron pathway, point of decussation and
termination point for the DCML and STT. Challenge yourself to be as specific as
Describe Brown –Sequard and anterior cord syndromes.
Describe the pyramidal tract and identify consequences of damage to the tract at
various locations.
Compare and contrast UMN and LMN signs. Identify sources of UMN and LMN damage.
Identify the nuclei of the cerebellum and basal ganglia. Describe and differentiate
various movement disorders that occur with damage to these nuclei.
Discuss the blood supply of the CNS. Identify major vessels, and their respective
territories. Hypothesize the consequences of damage to these major vessels.
Differentiate the nuclei of the diencephalon. Discuss the functional and structural roles
and connections of these nuclei.
Generate a list of the various pathologies encountered so far in neuroscience. Link each
pathology to the neuroanatomical structures involved.