20. Penal Code Test (100Q) Flashcards
State Jail Felony if committed at night
Class B Misdemeanor
Class A Misdemeanor
3rd Degree Felony
Class A Misdemeanor
A “Machine gun” means any firearm that is capable of shooting more than _______shot(s) automatically, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.
Review: TPC (46.01)(9) DEFINITIONS. “Machine gun” means any firearm that is capable of shooting more than two shots automatically, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger
The monetary penalty for this crime is a fine not to exceed $4,000 and or confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year.
Felony of the first degree.
Felony of the second degree.
State jail felony.
Class “A” misdemeanor.
Class “A” misdemeanor.
Farmer Jones intentionally carries his shotgun into the local polling place on the day of the presidential elections. He has committed the offense of __________________.
Unlawful Carrying Weapons
Places Weapons Prohibited
Prohibited Weapons
Unlawful Possession of Firearm
Places Weapons Prohibited
Review: TPC (46.03) PLACES WEAPONS PROHIBITED. (a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly possesses or goes with a firearm, location-restricted knife, club, or prohibited weapon listed in Section 46.05(a): (1) on the physical premises of a school or educational institution, any grounds or building on which an activity sponsored by a school or educational institution is being conducted, or a passenger transportation vehicle of a school or educational institution, whether the school or educational institution is public or private, unless:
A person commits “__________________” if the person with criminal negligence interrupts, disrupts, impedes or otherwise interferes with a peace officer while the peace officer is performing a duty or exercising authority imposed or granted by law.
Unlawful Conduct
Official Misconduct
Interfering with a Peace Officer
Interference with Public Duties
Interference with Public Duties
A person commits an offense of ___________________ if he knowingly engages in any of the following acts in a public place or, if not in a public place, he is reckless about whether another is present who will be offended or alarmed by his: (1) act of sexual intercourse; (2) act of deviate sexual intercourse; (3) act of sexual contact; or (4) act involving contact between the person’s mouth or genitals and the anus or genitals of an animal or fowl.
Sexual misconduct
Public Lewdness
Deviant Sexual Conduct
Indecent Exposure
Public Lewdness
A person rents a lawn mower from a rental agency for a period of 30 days. Forty-five days later the subject has still not returned the lawn mower as agreed in the contract. What offense, if any, did the subject commit?
No offense has occurred
Theft of Service
Theft of Service
Review: TPC (31.04)(a)(3) THEFT OF SERVICE. A person commits theft of service if, with intent to avoid payment for service that the actor knows is provided only for compensation: (3) having control of personal property under a written rental agreement, the actor holds the property beyond the expiration of the rental period without the effective consent of the owner of the property, thereby depriving the owner of the property of its use in further rentals;
When a person knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use the hoax bomb and make another believe that the hoax bomb is a explosive or incendiary device is a:
3rd Degree Felony if committed within city limits of 100,00 or more.
Class B Misdemeanor
State Jail Felony if committed within city limits of 100,00 or more
Class A Misdemeanor
Class A Misdemeanor
A seventeen- year-old boy engages in consensual sexual intercourse with his thirteen-year-old girlfriend. What crime, if any, has occurred?
no charges, because it was with the girl’s consent
Aggravated Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault
Criminal Mischief
Aggravated Sexual Assault
Review: TPC (22.021)(b)(i) AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT Regardless of whether the person knows the age of the child at the time of the offense, intentionally or knowingly: (i) causes the penetration of the anus or sexual organ of a child by any means;
The most serious crime that a person commits is “Capital Murder” if they murder a person under the age of _____ years of age.
CLASS B MISDEMEANOR. An individual adjudged guilty of a Class B misdemeanor shall be punished by:
a fine not to exceed $2,000
confinement in jail for a term
$2000. fine and / or confinement not to exceed 180 days
None listed
$2000. fine and / or confinement not to exceed 180 days
A person commits the offense of “________________” if while committing or attempting to commit a felony, and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.
Capital Manslaughter
Capital Murder
Criminally Negligent Homicide
Review: TPC (19.02)(b)(3) A person commits an offense if he: (3) commits or attempts to commit a felony, other than manslaughter, and in the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.
A pickup is parked in front of a residence. A person steals property that is worth $50 that is lying in the pickup-bed. What is the most serious crime that has occurred?
Burglary of Pickup
Theft from a Vehicle
Burglary of a Vehicle
Burglary of a Vehicle
The most serious crime that a person commits is “______________” if they murder more than one person A) during the same criminal transaction; or (B) during different criminal transactions but the murders are committed pursuant to the same scheme or course of conduct
Criminally Negligent Homicide
Capital Murder
Capital Murder
Criminal street gang” means _______ or more persons having a common identifying sign or symbol or an identifiable leadership who continuously or regularly associate in the commission of criminal activities.
FIRST DEGREE FELONY PUNISHMENT - In addition to imprisonment, an individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the first degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed
No fine
’ Sexual intercourse’ is defined as:
touching of the female sex organ by the male sex organ.
any penetration of the female sex organ or mouth by the male sex organ.
any touching of the anus, breast, or any part of the genitals of another person with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.
any penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ.
any penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ.
According to the Texas Penal Code the term “Child” means a person _________ years of age or younger.
CLASS A MISDEMEANOR. An individual adjudged guilty of a Class A misdemeanor shall be punished by:
confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year
a fine not to exceed $4,000
All are correct
fine and / or confinement
All are correct