20 Mind-Lines Flashcards
To get into the formula, ask:
• how’s this a problem for you?
• So, or what does that mean to you?
- ) Too much complexity = I can’t learn
- ) Whenever I don’t succeed I feel like a failure
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Inside - Content Reframing (1-4)
Outside - Context Reframing (5-20)
Reframe Content Counter Pre/Post Framing Outframing : 13-19 Analogous
Chunking Down
What component pieces of VAK comprise this?
How do you know when to judge something as too complex?
Reality Strategy Chunk Down
In what order or sequence do these parts occur?
How specifically do you know that “failing” at one thing on a particular day makes you “a failure?” What do you see or say to yourself or so on as you think about this?
Reframe the EB
What really is EB is …
What else would qualify as the EB?
Reframe the IS
This isn’t IS, it is IS
What other IS could we just as well attribute to this EB?
Reflexively Apply EB to Self
What an “x” statement..
So you’re doing x to me?
Reflexively Apply IS to Listener
IS: What an x statement
Counter Example Framing
Do you remember a time when a opposite occurred?
Positive Prior Intentional Framing
You did that because of…
positive intention
Positive Prior Causational Framing
You did that to accomplish…positive consequence
First Outcome
If you follow this belief it will lead to…
Outcome of Outcome
If you experience that outcome…it will lead to.
Eternity Framing
Ultimately this belief will rad to…how do you like that?
Model of the World Framing
Who taught you to feel this way?
Criteria/Value Framing
What do you find more important than this?
How does “X” (other value) affect this?
Allness Framing
Always? To everyone?
Have-to Framing
What forces you to think this way? Do you have to?
What would it be like if you couldn’t?
Identity Framing
What does this say about you as a person?
Ecology Framing
👽Does this serve you well? Does this enhance your life?
Other Abstractions
👽Create an abstraction or concept about the belief formula. Abstracting the EB or IS.
Metaphoring/Storying and Restorying Framing
Carry over and apply to this idea some other referent so we can understand it in terms of something else.
“I had a friend who just last month was telling me about…”
Additional Information to Catch, Extract and Analyze Mind-Lines