2.0 Flashcards
Output gap
Output gap is to do when we are not at long run economic equilibrium
What happens if real GDP is above full employment level
We say there is a inflationary gap or a positive output gap
What happens if real gdp is below full employment level
We say there is a deflationary gap or a negative output gap
What is a business cycle
An economic cycle or business cycle is the natural variation in economic activity (real GDP) over time
What is a full business cycle composed of ?
Recession,recovery, boom and slowdown phase
What is a recession ?
It is a fall of real GDP accompanied by unemployment. A recession is defined in the UK as two quarters of falling real GDP. A deep recession would be a situation where actual output remains below potential output for servers quarters.
What is the recovery phase
The economy is still in a negative output gap but real GDP is steadily rising and unemployment may start to go down
What is a “boom”?
Actual output is above potential output. Real GDP is increasing at a faster rate than the trend rate of growth. The price level tends to rise rapidly (inflation)
What is the “slowdown phase”
There is still a positive output gap but it is shrinking as the growth rate of real GDP starts to fall
What is short run economic growth ?
Short run economic growth is an increase in real GDP of an economy at a given period of time, using current resources and technology.
Short run economic growth is actual economic growth.
Short run equilibrium real GDP can increase due to an increase in either aggregate demand or short run aggregate supply.
What is long run economic growth
Increase in an economy’s potential level of real output over time (an increase in the productive capacity of an economy)
Causes of long run economic growth
Anything which increase the quantity or quality of factors of production will increase long run aggregate supply
Meaning of productivity
Output per unit of factor input in a given period of time.
What is infrastructure
This is the large scale capital that is necessary for economic activity to take place
The majority of large scale capital is funded/provided by the government
Meaning of institutions
This refers to the established system of rules which facilitate socio-economic interactions
Characteristics of a highly efficient institution
-a stable and democratic political system
-a well functioning legal system
-free press
-developed welfare systems
- effective institution means that firms are more likely to undertake investment and entrepreneurs are more likely to take a risk to make a profit. This leads to an increase in the productive capacity over time
Benefits of economic growth
higher employment
Higher living standards
Increased tax revenue
Multiplier and accelerator effect
Increased business confidence
Greater opportunity for the government to redistribute income
Costs of economic growth
Growth might become unsustainable
Rising income and wealth inequality
Growth and happiness
Higher employment - economic growth
Economic growth will lead to an increase in employment as firms demand more labour to produce goods and services
However, may not be true because growth might come from increased capital, higher productivity, increased mobility of labour
Higher living standards - economic growth
Economic growth leads to higher employment which leads to higher income for households, which leads to a higher consumption of goods and services. If there is an increase in real gdp we can say there is a higher standard of living.
Increased tax revenue
Economic growth has a positive effect on government finances, there will be higher tax revenue generated and less money spent on benefit payments. If this extra revenue is spent on education, health or infrastructure then this can also increase output
Multiplier and accelerator effects - economic growth
Economic growth encourages investment in capital by firms (accelerator) and the increased investment can lead to further multiplier effects on national income. If increased investment increase the quantity and/or quality of capital then this will increase LRAS and further enhance growth
Increased business confidence - economic growth
Economic growth has a positive effect on profits and business confidence. Positive impact on stock market and could encourage entrepreneurship and growth of business
Redistribution of income - economic growth
Government finances are likely to improve with economic growth, the government can introduce policies to reduce inequality and poverty
Unsustainable growth - cost of economic growth
Meaning that Current growth in the productive capacity of the economy leads to a fall in the potential output for future generations
For example, exhaustion of non renewable resources
Rising income and wealth inequality Growth- cost of economic growth
The benefits of economic growth tend to benefit the upper echelon of society and this may carry on to future generations
Growth and happiness - cost of economic growth
Research shows that happiness and income are positively related, at low levels of income. Beyond a certain point, further consumption of good and services does not make any different to happiness.
What is the basic ides of Harrod domer model
Increase in investment -> higher capital stock -> rise in real GDP -> higher factor incomes -> increasing in national savings -> increase in investment (repeat)
The importance of savings
LR economic growth occurs through an increase in the capital stock market
Investment is the purchase of new capital
Investment in an economy is finance through saving
(People save money in banks, firms come to banks and banks lend this money to firms)